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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to Boldilocks in Surgery   
    If your own surgeon has said that the surgery date will not be a problem, then go with that obviously.

    But if there is any question on it, then you could request the medical abortion rather than the d&c perhaps? It involves taking two pills and cramping and discharge like a heavy period. You're so very early, and so many women have losses at this stage that they just assume are periods because they didn't even know they were pregnant. I don't see how that could impact your surgery date?

    No judgement here - it's your body and your choice. I used to work at planned parenthood, and the highest demographic of women coming for terminations (and 93% of the work done there is contraception, health screening, pap smears, std testing - not terminations) were in their 30s, married, with 2 or more kids. They just knew that they weren't up to having any more for whatever reason - health, finance, domestic violence, etc.

    Sent from my LG-H830 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to Dixie Jo in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    I’m supposed to have my surgery this summer but don’t have a date as yet! I have 3 more appointments left, one is today with the psychologist. This is a follow up!
    Hopefully, this will go forward to the last 2 appointments and then my surgery date!😊
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    Pearldrop reacted to sdcheesehead in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    I was actually planning on going to Red Lobster myself, but the closest one is 2 hours away, so we're going to go to a really nice local restaurant, and this time I'm not going overboard. Learned my lessons the past weekend. Moderation is the key. Sorry about the strep throat you got. Hope it was good Soup
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    Pearldrop reacted to Ylime in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    So you know how many people have a one last meal event before surgery? I was thinking that instead of doing that, I am going to create a list of all the foods I love now but want/should give up and no longer eat after surgery. I'm envisioning this as a to do list in a sense that I check off the foods as I eat them. That check mark will signify the last time I have that food and that I can move on to the next food. I have two full months to work on this activity before I have to start my pre-op liquid diet. So I'll be thinking about all the foods I want to add to the list and since it's summer, Lemonade is first on that list. I love it so much, but really, really need to give it up.
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    Pearldrop reacted to MichaelG1969 in Total Loss Of Sexual Desire   
    Not really question me just more concerned that it is all her and a lack of interest in her which can’t be farther from the truth. We have been married 23 years and I love her more everyday. I try to tell her that it has nothing to do with her but she still feels it does.
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    Pearldrop reacted to MichaelG1969 in Total Loss Of Sexual Desire   
    I am a little over 4 years post-op Had the RNY. Was 600 pounds now about 205. Surgery was great and everything has been a lot better since except my sex drive. I have been married for 22 years and our sex life has always been great. But ever since surgery I have had a total lack of interest in sex. It concerns both my wife and I. We went from 4-5 times a week before surgery (yes even when I weighed that much) to now maybe 1-2 times a month. Wife is a willing partner anytime but I am NEVER in the mood anymore. Anyone else experienced this? I know it will decrease with age but I am 48 and she is 43 so it shouldn’t be gone in me just yet.
    PS Just has testosterone tested and it was in normal range...
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    Pearldrop reacted to BajanSleeve in The photo that was the catalyst to my WLS decision   
    Thanks for the encouragement. It really is a small world isn't it? Sadly over the years and with construction the beach at Mullins is almost non existent Its such a pity as I remember it being one of the best beaches on the Island in my 20's. If you come here again, give me a shout
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    Pearldrop reacted to BajanSleeve in The photo that was the catalyst to my WLS decision   
    I am 48 years old. I have been morbidly obese for about 7 years and obese for 20 years. My mother died in 2015 of diabetes and obesity related illnesses which culminated in her dying while I prayed for her in the ER at only 65 years old. My grandmother died in the same hospital of diabetic complications and an amputated foot at only 53 years old. I am a type II diabetic and was in total denial. Was not controlling my glucose levels, was not eating right, not exercising and was developing the SAME issues that my mother experienced. Both of my feet were swollen, discoloured, pressure blisters and red dots all over them from poor circulation and diabetic neuropathy. I had constant pain in my body from sore joints and uncontrolled sugar levels. High blood pressure. No energy and could not stand up more than 5 to 10 minutes max without needing to sit. I was going on job interview after job interview for the last 2 years, qualified and experienced in the positions I was applying for, but not getting the jobs. I started to sense it was my weight - employers whether they will say it or not are concerned that your weight will impede your ability to do work efficiently and if your weight will be a health concern that will result in numerous sick days.
    I did not want to end up like my mother and grandmother but I was heading there FAST. I am at the age where my weight was so high, and my hormones so whacky in pre-menopause, that the idea of being able to loose 100 lbs on my own was completely overwhelming to me. I live in a small Caribbean Island and our dollar is lesser than other countries and really did not know how I could afford help. I have not been insured in 12 years because of the diabetes.
    I foster dogs for a local animal shelter and I also have 7 recuse dogs. One day the shelter represented came to visit a couple puppies that I had adopted and she took a few photos of me and the dogs. When she sent me the attached photo I cried and cried and cried that night. I always knew I was big but it was like I lived in a strange kind of denial of HOW big I really was. Seeing that photo opened my eyes and I had an 'ah ha' moment and knew that I HAD to do something to change the trajectory of my life, otherwise I would end up in an early death just like the women in my family.
    So from the next day I started to change my diet drastically. I began to cut out useless carbs, stop buying my Snacks, cutting down my portion sizes, stop allowing myself to eat the sugar treats whenever I wanted them. I started to see a change in my glucose levels from the next week and until the end of March I was more in control of my sugar levels but weight was not really coming off. In April I started to FEEL better because I had changed my eating habits but knew I needed an intervention to help me get off the kind of lbs I need to loose. So I found great reviews for a bariatric hospital in Mexicali and the cost was SO CHEAP compared to other countries. I started researching and corresponding and booked gastric sleeve surgery the end of May 2018. It was a long journey to get to Mexico from Barbados but I never looked back. I would not recommend the kind of flying I had to do after surgery because its hard on your system (and blood pressure) but I did what I had to do.
    I think everyone comes to that 'ah ha' moment when you honestly are just sick and tired of being sick and tired and fed up of not being able to live a full life and being bound to medication. I view the VSG as an intervention and an opportunity to 'reset'. The year or so it will take to loose over 100 lbs will give me the time to learn new habits, get off of insulin, be mobile again to do exercise and LIVE LIFE again. The time for my body to heal from the inflammation, get my heart healthy again and to learn to eat to fuel living and not eat for the sake of comfort.
    We have the choice to take control of our future with the KNOWN obstacles that morbid obesity brings. Sure a car could crash into me but that is a different thing to dying from diabetic complications, heart attack and amputations because of weight!
    I was in a RUT!!! How my rut looks may be different to yours but the point is that WLS helps with the leverage you need to begin getting out of the rut.
    I'm looking forward to my healthier future

  9. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to Kate48 in Any June 2018 Sleevers in Here?!   
    Surgery was Thursday June 7th and I am feeling really well. After my episode of severe nausea I have not had anymore. I am drinking at least 35oz of liquid and have eaten cream of wheat. I am feeling very positive about this journey and am so glad I did it. Good luck to everyone having surgery this week.
  10. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to Melloyellow in Am I drinking too much?   
    Thank you
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    Pearldrop reacted to Adenosine in Just wanted to share a progress pic   
    I'm feeling really proud tonight. The first picture was taken a few days before my surgery on 7/7/17. The pic in the black dress is from today. This was an old dress I'd given up hope on ever wearing again. I'm not quite where I want to be in it yet (or maybe it just feels weird being so 'exposed' in a dress), but I felt really proud of this NSV and wanted to share it gets easier, with each passing day. Hang in there everyone!
    Sleeved 7/7/17
    5'5 female, 28 years old
    HW: 230
    SW: 223
    CW: 185
    GW: 135
  12. Haha
    Pearldrop reacted to Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in Scars   
    I used bio-oil on randomly-chosen half my hysterectomy scar as a single-subject trial. Independent assessment (my partner) says the bio-oil half is perhaps 30% as visible as the non-bio-oil half - a difference was clear after about 2 months.
    One subject only, so not good science, but I am now putting it on all of my RNY scar.
    I had an open bypass - navel to breastbone scar. Hysterectomy is navel to pubic bone scar. My backup plan is a tattoo of a zip and small words alongside saying “Store pyjamas here” 🤣
  13. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to jenkim1019 in June RNY buddies?   
    I had mine on the 5th. I did a revision from lap band. I feel HORRIBLE!!! But it should be worth it later.
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    Pearldrop reacted to ALFxRNY in June RNY buddies?   
    I hate Jello but can stomach the koolaid brand sugar free jello. I didn’t buy any though, just popsicles, broth, Protein Powder and milk. Best wishes to both of you! We’ve got this!
  15. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to Oceanlove in June RNY buddies?   
    I have one of the crazy stricter surgeon who does all liquid diet and I cheated and did the stupidest things and called to let his office know and they now have me going to another dietician appointment and pushing it out till next week. Even though I lost 24 lbs since I started it.
  16. Like
    Pearldrop got a reaction from Hop_Scotch in Australia   
    Hi, I’m an Aussie too and had a sleeve done on the 4 June.
    Im on liquids til the 17th, then on to soft/mushy food for 4 weeks.
    I haven’t been given any goals yet, just to drink plenty of Water and lots of Protein. I see my nutritionist next week so assume I’ll be given nutritional and calorie goals then.
    I think the team wait to see how you go before they give you goals. So far I’ve been really lucky.
  17. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to courtb86 in Pregnancy - 8 months post op   
    Thank you. I miscarried in 2006 so I’m really nervous 😟 I’m calling my obgyn tomorrow!
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    Pearldrop reacted to courtb86 in Pregnancy - 8 months post op   
    So totally not intentional (I have PCOS and literally never get a period) but I am 98% sure I may be pregnant. We do want kids and the main reason for me doing this surgery was to hopefully get rid of PCOS AND have a child. I have only bled twice since surgery, once with medication just to shed the lining which was about 2 months ago. Well I’ve been feeling crampy but no period so I decided to take a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I’m nervous because I did not intend or honestly think this would ever happen, let alone before the 12-18 month mark. My weight is still going down but at a low pace. I’m so scared that I’ll lose the child and also scared I’ll gain all my weight back. Has anyone else gotten pregnant with PCOS or before the 12-18 month mark? Also, I don’t need the lecture of getting pregnant. Unless you have PCOS and never get a period, you don’t know what it’s like in my shoes. I’m already super scared 😳😞
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    Pearldrop reacted to lex2287 in Relationships and WLS   
    FOR all of you following this thread.. I am the OP. I had a hearing today about this abusive ex boyfriend today and he had to be present telephonically because he is currently in jail for his actions. The judge recommended him 1+ year of protection (no contact with me, etc.) and he admitted to all the charges, however, when asked if he had firearms he asked for an attorney and now our hearing will be continued on July 2. I have the order in effect right now and he’s currently in jail pending 4 felony charges (not related to our incident) but he went on an alcohol bender after he hit me and got himself in some serious trouble with law enforcement. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I have met with a counselor and things are starting to work out.
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    Pearldrop reacted to lex2287 in Relationships and WLS   
    Thank you all for your kind words.. makes waking up to start my day after a sleepless night seem a little better. I need to work on myself and not let people try to bring me down. I have waited so long for this day to be here and I don’t want anyone to take this time in my life away from me.
  21. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to Born in Missouri in Anxious - Lonely - No Friends to Support My Journey   
    I've had 100+ hours of therapy at http://mocsa.org a few years ago. I was of "normal" weight then. My weight gain took off after I fell down some steps and mangled my right ankle. I had one unsuccessful surgery on it. Later, two ankle reconstruction surgeons told me there was nothing more they could do. I was sedentary and very depressed after that. It doesn't help that I have an autoimmune thyroid condition.
    I'm not suggesting that more therapy might not help me but a sedentary lifestyle really derailed my ability to walk or do much in the way of weight-bearing exercise. It's been 10 years since I injured my ankle. Morphine is the only thing that even gets close to taking the edge off the pain. (And I tried many other non-narcotic meds first, plus holistic treatments. My PharmD daughter finally explained to me that being dependent on a narcotic for actual pain relief is different from being addicted to a drug when no physical malady is present.) Taking 300mg of morphine per day doesn't give me a "high"; it just helps me move around without writhing in pain. I also take oxycodone for breakthrough pain. Believe me, nobody WANTS to rely on powerful meds like these. It's weird to say, but I often welcome competing sources of pain (gallbladder surgery; lipoma removal, or even my knee replacements) to help keep my brain confused about where the pain is. I expect my bariatric surgery to be no different. There's nothing that my surgeon can do to my body that can overtake the pain I live with everyday. Boo-hoo me.
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    Pearldrop reacted to BajanSleeve in Anxious - Lonely - No Friends to Support My Journey   
    I'm new here but wanted to welcome you to this forum where from what I can see you will be encouraged. Good for you for making the bold step to get surgery! You and I started around a similar weight. I was a few lbs more. I understand what you said so well - just wearing the same thing - feeling so frustrated that is difficult to make the effort. But you know what? You did make the effort and you have begun the steps to a new life! All of us here 'get it', we understand the obesity struggle
    I hope that you are able to get some therapy and counselling assistance. Sounds like you have some things you have been through that surely you have looked to food to comfort you through it. I have not had such terrible experiences as you, but I have had trauma. Those things are root reasons to why we use food as a crutch. Working through the emotional issues is equally important as WLS so that we do not return to old habits rooted in our emotions. Are you able to access therapy?
    Praying a safe surgery and looking forward to celebrating your progress with you. Hugs.
  23. Like
    Pearldrop reacted to jrsone in Feeling depressed and unable to drink.   
    She actually started hot tea yesterday and she's doing pretty well so I'm happy about that.
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    Pearldrop reacted to niaaBoogie in June sleevers   
    Hello guys ! So today 6/12 @ 8 am I am scheduled to have gastric bypass surgery . While I am extremely excited and blessed to have this opportunity. I am kind of stuck .. i have done everything as directed for the 2 week liquid pre op diet including the day before “all clear liquids” diet and all of a sudden i have REALLY BAD acid reflux . Like honestly this appeared out of no where and I haven’t eaten/drank anything that should’ve caused this to happen . I’m honestly scared right now because I’m not sure what to do ... or how to go about it. Maybe that’s a silly thing to say or question . I don’t know . If any of you have any advice i would greatly appreciate it
  25. Like
    Pearldrop got a reaction from Melloyellow in Am I drinking too much?   
    I’m one week post and am having no issues with any of my fluids. I’m drinking as much Water now as I was preop, about 2 litres a day on top of my smoothie, Soups and Jello.
    Liquids aren’t overly filling, I’m adding Protein Powder to all my fluids. I feel satisfied after my meals, not necessarily full though.
    Stick to your plan, and all should be ok.
    I’d be very careful adding ‘solids’ at this stage, it’s better to go without for a few days and add foods/textures as per your plan. It’s not just about the body healing, it’s retraining how we see food and modifying our behaviours.

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