Hi there.
I had my surgery on the 11th April this year and I've only lost a little weight. Actually not sure on how much I 'should' have lost by now, I've lost 12 kilos. I'm on soft foods at the moment and am so confused as to actually how much (1/4 cup or 1/2 cup etc) I should be eating. I find it difficult to even drink 800ml of water let alone 2 litres. Should I be doing exercise? Some people say gentle walking and some say I shouldn't be doing any for a while. I'm having plenty of days with the WTF have I done moments and breaking down into tears. I have a nutritionist who doesn't get back to me so I feel really lost. A lot of what she has sent me through is full of carbs and I'm not sure I should be eating them. I haven't had the protein drinks and multi vitamins as they taste awful. I tried putting on my big girl pants and sucking it up but I end up vomiting afterwards. No idea what to do, where to start.