I've seen some great posts here, so I'm hoping I'll get a response. Sorry that this is so long.
I was sleeved end of April. My starting weight was 200lbs. I am 5'5, and 55 years old. I was sleeved in Thailand, because this is where I live now. I wasn't given a liquid diet recommendation, just no alcohol, and watch fat and carb intake. I ate normally the night before surgery. I had broth for 2 days, then they had me on scrambled eggs for two days. After that I ate chicken, regular chicken that I needed to chew a lot. Here I am about 5 months out with a weight loss of 30 pounds. I don't do much cardio, because of a bad knee (the reason for my sleeve was to lose weight for a major joint replacement in October). I lift every other day for 1.5 hours and I use 10 to 20 pound weights for arms and shoulders. I've noticed inches lost, but not nearly as much weight lost as I expected. The only advice the doctor gave me is to cut out all grains, rice, potatoes, dairy, sugar and fruit. In other words, just eat protein and veg. I was told to take a multi-vitamin, iron, and calcium with a D supplement. And drink lots of water. I was very strict the 1st two months (and still no major weight loss), started "slipping" at the beginning of July with oatmeal or whole grain bread once a day. Went a little nuts toward the end of the month with the occasional chocolate and chips, and in August really refocused myself. Still nothing. My average calorie intake is between 850 and 950 right now. I woke up today with sore joints (not sore muscles). Please, I know you aren't doctors (mine is inaccessible, due to location), but I'd appreciate your suggestions. Thank you so much!
Also, at times of the day I seriously feel ravenous...not just hungry, but I could seriously eat anything. I'm a lot hungrier during the day than I expected to be.