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About teresa-ark-grannie

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  1. teresa-ark-grannie

    Pulmonary Clearance?

    yes I had to have pulmnary clearance I think because I was a smoker for 38 years 2 packs a day and lost many family members to heart attactks .....so ekg...nuclear stress test...then heart cath....thank God everything came back good...also had colonacopy,,,,,and sleep study which I did find out I do have sleep apena and now using cpac machine...tons of blood work lol .......have seen nutritionist .......last thing to do I think is psyh eval on 10 of july last weigh in for 3 months required by insurance attempt to lose weight. Hopefully on the 10th i will be getting my date for bypass.
  2. teresa-ark-grannie

    Smoking/Weight Gain

    Hello, fellow stop smoking friends, I hardly post because i have been feeling like a failure...yep the stop smoking has been an issue for me also. I can say this where I have been a 2 pack a day smoker for 38 years I have managed to be able to go 2 weeks without one then I will buy a pack that pack will last 7-9 days and I will not buy another for 2 weeks ... yes I know this sounds crazy but its like if I don't a pack nearby I begin to panic and go crazy............I have just finished my last pack and have vowed not to buy another one...... I have my last pre-opt appointment with surgeon and psych eval on July 10th. the doc says we will be setting the date for bypass on that date. this whole thing has been a process sleep study, colonoscopy, stress test, heart cath to be told nothing was wrong with my heart very scary and traumatising. trying to lose weight and trying to quit smoking. taking that 2-hour drive to little rock for these appointments. plus appointments with my doc here and I haven't even had the surgery yet. I am a little high strung anyway so this proccess has been very overwhelming to say the least. but thank God i think we have finally reach the finsh line where this thing will be on a popping. It really helped my to read thes post and find out that i was not by myself .....it gives me the hope and assurance that i can do this my doctor or insurance is not saying anything about it but i dont want to go through all of this get the finish line and be cancelled because i am still smoking . hell nah not going out that way.......I had lost 7 big pounds but gain them back trying to quit smoking. I did tell my doc it is because have quit smoking and he as ok with that saying ti was more important to be a non smoker .
  3. Hahahaha I know it's a long name but all I could think of...and yes you are correct Texas is right across the street if you to the old post office and stand in front one foot will be in AR and one in Texas........I am glad to be meeting someone older because most of journeys I have seen are people in their 20 or 30's.....I saw cardiologist today but he wants me to come to little rock for a stress test because I was a heavy smoker.....I want this so bad I have quit.....but I still keep a pack in my purse I haven't thrown it away yet it's like a best friend to me and it's make me feel better to know it's there .....it know that sounds crazy but I have been smoking for me 38 years ....this is the first thing that has ever motivated me to quit ....so ya pray for me and thanks for the welcome Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Hello people[emoji4] well my doc say I should be scheduled in July or August also....I had my first visit with doctor Samuel bledsoe, heart hospital in little rock ar....I found him myself made appointment to see him on April 23rd 2018.....I had appointment with my personal doctor on Mày 4th for refferal of sleep test and have appointment tomorrow with cardiologist.....I live in Texarkana Arkansas which is 2 hours away so they are working g hand in hand with my doctor to get most of the requirements done here and then records sent to him .....my next visit to L.R. will be June 1st on that day I have appointments with nutritionist and someone else but I do think remember who lol. Medicare and Medicaid are paying for everything I don't think I will be paying anything out of pocket...I had back surgery in July 2016 but still have many problems ....it had cause mu whole life to change at 58 I feel like I am 78 so this is to have a better life ....oh yeah high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes insulin depended......I can hardly wait for the journey to beging right now I am in the mist of a 3month required diet but that's ok I am willing to do whatever it takes still have to psych eval also but knocking it out one by one so said all this to say I would love to be you buddy. Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app

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