Hi, thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from these forums. I don't know that I really want to do surgery but I'm not ruling it out as an option. My problem is I had cartilage removed from one of my knees and its now bone on bone. I want a partial knee replacement because I can't do a lot of walking without things hurting. I am exercising to strenghten up my thigh muscles and watching what and how much I eat but thats not a guarantee that I will be pain free. I'm 50 and to young to be disabled. Because of the knee problem and the other issues it raises with my body I can't walk for any distance. So, I'm trying to find a path to follow that will help both conditions. If I have to choose one I'd rather have the knee than a lap band. I haven't read a lot about what happens after surgery for the lap band and what all it requires. I am starting a new journey whether I want to or not. I'm glad I've found others who have found a solution to their weight problems and are happy with their decisions.