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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RHCD

  1. On 11/21/2018 at 09:54, libbyleeb said:

    Be careful. It may be too big by January!

    Aww then I’ll have to go shopping again...

    Honestly my loss has slowed way down to the maybe 2 lbs a week/month. Granted that doesn’t address the physical body dimension changes. I’m so very much out of the honeymoon fast dropping zone. Now it’s doing the work.

  2. On 11/15/2018 at 11:13, Frustr8 said:

    Arm candy, whoooe, a definite step up from road kill or mercy date. Going to be so proud of you in January, shoot I'm proud now! You are going to be prettier than the bride of you keep going at this rate!😝📦😝
    Thanks! The best part is I was always his arm candy even over 300 lbs. I’m incredibly fortunate on how awesome and supportive he is regardless of my body size. He’s also a big guy and on his own journey.

  3. Bow ties are cool!!!

    I just had a size 10 dress zip up on me. Still a little snug and will need some shape wear for the belly but holy hell it zipped. It’s for a wedding in January. The second look my Mr gave me was hysterical when I asked him if it looked okay to be his arm candy.

    All needed because the scale I swear is stuck at 200.8-201.8... still

  4. So I’m the person who the night after my surgery every time I actually fell asleep my O2 would fall too low and all the alarms would go off. Loudly. So I got like no sleep until I got home and could sleep on my side.

    Then there was my gallbladder fun at four months. I cried in my surgeons office because of the pain and frustration of trying to get diagnosed and a plan...

  5. I routinely saw and heard the same stat. Which is weird as at 6 months I’m below that stat. Still loosing slowly (it’s like someone put the breaks on) but now the hard part is starting for me where it’s not just coming off. I have to make (or get really close) my Protein, fluids and exercise goals to see the scale move. I can see the scale not move because I choose to have tortilla chips with dinner. Or I sat on my butt instead of walking (stupid video games). Or I drank fluids too close to eating and then ate more than I should.. Or I didn’t drink enough Water for the day. Or is it that time of the month where I’m going to stall no matter but once I’m done the scale drops...

    I have to be honest with myself on my decisions. Six months ago when they asked me my goals I said under 200? Maybe 185? Under 170 seems crazy. And I’m knocking on 200, down a 100 and feel fabulous. If I stopped here or came back here I think I’d be okay. However I’m 1% away from dropping from obese to overweight and boy do I want that. I almost can wear all non plus clothing and it’s driving me mad that I’m so close.

    So I go on my long walks and use the recumbent, I drink more water and tea, I really focus on protein and limit my non fruit/veggie carbs. Am I perfect? So very much not nor am I trying to be.

  6. This is a life changing decision that takes time to wrap your brain around. Nothing wrong with wanting to try another path.

    It took me about 5 years where I was trying the idea on and thinking thru it. I talked to friends and people who had lost 100 lbs with straight diet and exercise, who’d had a lap band the revision to sleeve, plus a couple of normal sleeve. All were honest with me on their struggles, setbacks and what choices they make every day.

    I’m only at month 6 and the things to stay away from were already not part of my regular diet pre surgery. I don’t really drink alcohol or soda but giving up apple cider now that’s been hard this fall. I’m still wrapping my head around baking and sweets cause I love to bake.

    Take your time to be sure this is truly what you want.

  7. So I remember folks telling me as they got closer to goal or were there they were always cold.

    Yeah knocking on 100 down with anywhere from 20-40 to go I’m always cold now. I know the weather is changing and the temp is chilly but mg going for the thicker blankets and sweaters way earlier than normal.

  8. Honestly when I had this convo with my team I was like under 200? Maybe 185 or 175 or even 165. All were acceptable for them as I was starting over 300? For me my BMI chart puts me at 160 and under for “healthy.” The only time I’ve ever been that weight was when I was a teenager working at a camp. I really can’t imaging my life there nor how I would look. I come from stocky builds.

    I’m sitting at 205 and in that weird in between clothing size where I can wear some larges, in normal size jeans but also find certain cuts put me back in plus.

    For me I want to be able to walk all day with out pain. I want to be able to go into normal stores and find plenty of things I can wear. I want to travel and not be the fat American.

  9. The people I told before hand were a very select group. If I caught wind of any negativity I usually nipped it with “ if being at a healthy weight was just sheer will power, determination and motivation I’d be there but it’s not for me - I need more help”. Those who I knew were negative I just didn’t tell until after it was done (and I’ve already got I’m so jealous comments)... can’t win with them.

    I love this board because I can find someone who is or has been in a similar place at any time. Supportive and tough love when I need it.

  10. On 10/17/2018 at 08:16, sillykitty said:

    I have this in my freezer!

    Honest though, how much like cauliflower does it taste like? I love Gnocchi, but hate cauliflower, so I'm wary!

    Honestly not that much. Wayyy less than cauliflower Pizza Crust. The pesto helped too as it’s a strong flavor. I also made sure I ate a bite with something else (the squash, mushrooms, chèvre or chicken). And to be honest I had like maybe 5 of them in my entire meal as my focus was more chicken and veggies.

  11. Last night I tried cauliflower gnocchi and it so hit my gnocchi craving. It was the Trader Joe’s frozen gnocchi. I added cooked chicken breast some pesto, delicate squash and mushroom all topped with some fresh chèvre. I’m finally a convert to sheet tray cooking. Granted I now have enough food for like 6 meals but it was so tasty. I’ll take a pic for when I dive into the left overs...

  12. I’m actually tucking in my shirts into my pants/skirts. I haven’t done this in years. I’m so used to leaving them out and maybe having a belt/waist cincher. I’ve actually bought a few more to help make shirts more wearable a little longer.

    Last night I went on an hour walk and covered like 4 miles. Old me couldn’t have done that.

    This stall is kicking my butt and these NSV’s are super helpful.

  13. On 10/12/2018 at 10:07, mousecat88 said:

    This thread is awesome. I need to check out the recipes threads, too. All I can imagine in my future are Protein Shakes and tiny pieces of chicken. I LOVE cooking, but was scared I'd fall into old habits with cooking way too much food. It's nice seeing what people can do with small portions!

    This is why I gave lots of containers for left overs and I also freeze portions. Now I just need to eat h even though I get bored...

  14. So I’ve been struggling with my longest slow/stall and feeling frustrated. Adding in that yesterday I went to use my recumbent bike and I was exhausted after 7 minutes when last week I did 35 with no problem.

    I put on a shirt I bought 2 months ago that was tight in the arms/shoulders but today didn’t strain one bit (wohoo bat wings!). Add in that my size 14 dress pants from Lane Bryant are hitting the loose phase became a very much needed NSV.

    Now today the sun is out and I’m hoping to work in the yard when I get home from work.

  15. Ohh I like this one... other than clothes and shoes I bought myself a custom made leather purse/bag. I’d hoped to do it for my 100 lb loss but actually went a little early (98ish).

    When I get closer to goal I’ll have my eyes on a leather jacket. There might also be jewelry.

    Non material I’ve got some trips planned. I’ve done Spa days too for incremental goals.

  16. Sleeve here. Had my surgery at 11:30 am but my clinic (not hospital) required you drink 36 oz of Fluid overnight and could use the facilities on your own. Overnight they also had me do laps around the nurses station to help with moving the gas out. Plus the IV fluids and pain meds helped a ton. I think I had like 4 or 5 bags of fluids.

    This was way harder on me than my gallbladder removal or sinus surgery which both were a morning and head home in the eve type.

  17. On 09/21/2018 at 07:25, Jobber said:

    So this might be a stupid question, but does everyone save leftovers for subsequent meals or is there a lot of food being thrown out? Seems very wasteful if you're not eating everything prepared.

    Honestly I’m still trying to figure out left over situation. I throw a lot more food out then I used to. That’s even with multi days of left overs... Especially fruits and veggies because I keep wanting to eat a lot of these or think I’m going to freeze em to do something with later.

  18. Great news @SueSaBelle! I’m so glad you’re getting amazing support from your other half despite your mother comments.

    I will say figuring out the walking schedule is important and also hard. I didn’t start walking regularly until in month 2, then month three I was traveling for half of it and then got back in my rhythm only to be waylaid by unhealthy air that wreaked havoc on my lungs and finally an emergency gallbladder removal that’s slowed me down for several weeks. Some of this time I just did more at work and other I just was kind with myself cause I’m so not perfect and trying to be does serious mental harm to me.

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