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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RHCD

  1. RHCD


    For me the sleeve appears to the the right decision. Granted I’m 4.5 months out and I’m way ahead of the avg loss numbers. I was already lactose intolerant so that wasn’t t a concern. I rarely got heartburn prior to my sleeve and think I’ve had maybe 4 flair ups (too many spicy foods). It came down to how much the malabsorption scares the crap out of me and rerouting my insides when I know I’m an ugly scarrer was enough to tip me to sleeve. Going in based on what I needed to loose the avg lbs difference between the options wasn’t significant enough to deal with malabsorption. I also have 4 friends at different points in post sleeve surgery. One is extremely successful. One is still loosing but doing really well. Another was a band to sleeve revision and is the least successful. Lastly is someone who is fighting regain 2 years out. This gave me a realistic view of what is possible and what is needed to meet goal. Can I self sabotage? Sure I could and maybe someday I might but I have different tools I didn’t have before. Will they work? Time will tell.
  2. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    Was starting to feel frustrated due to a week long stall/ 1lb gain (not being able to exercise due to horrible air quality making my asthma flair)... anyway about two months before surgery I bought a T-shirt at Hamilton in the largest size they had (XXL but really a funky women’s L). Today I found it and tried it on. It fits and looks good on me. I may have squeeed.
  3. RHCD

    Three Month Post Op Check-In

    Congrats and well done!!!
  4. I actually don’t on a regular basis. Water I keep track of by the vessels I use: the one at work I need to drink two of a day or one plus my tea, then a one of the one at home at night or 2-3 on weekend. Food wise I do weight/ check in on the logs when I’m adding something new or plateauing but since I eat a lot of the same things I usually do pretty well. I also weight myself daily and can usually correlate what’s working what’s not. Have I met my exercise goals? Have I been getting my hydration/protein/calories? I tend to be overly honest with myself and if I see gains or no loss for too long I’ll become much more diligent about logging
  5. RHCD

    Pity Party - WAAAAAAAH!

    Don’t beat yourself up!!! I’ve found I have to have some sort of sauce/sour cream/smooth consistency or the meat has to be extremely flaky or fatty otherwise I don’t do well either. Plain chicken breast is honestly the worst for me. And congrats on eating chicken!!!
  6. I’m in the daily camp, after I shower, and before I eat/ drink anything, unless I wash my hair and then nope. I do plan to back off on the weigh ins as I get more secure in what I’m doing. For me it’s been good to catch the stalls and see the fluctuations in real time. Did I eat not so healthy - I’ll see it, did I go on a long walk, I’ll see the connections. For me it’s a quick way for me to be accountable (and honest) to myself as I’m horrible at food logging. While traveling for two weeks where I had no access to a scale and because I was so busy/active it didn’t bother me. But I did loose that connection on what I ate/activity.
  7. If you can swing it don’t wait a year. I had a surprise international work trip at week 11 post op. I was able to add some vacation to it too. Holy Moley did it help to have a whole bunch of NSV around traveling. I’m now planning more trips as I finally feel good.
  8. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    So the pants I bought a week before this two week trip were a smidge tight. This week I need a belt for one pair and the others aren’t far behind. I also bought my first aspirational piece of clothing. It’s a good 2-3 sizes below where I’m at but I feel totally doable.
  9. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    I’m in Eastern Europe at the moment and eating while a little challenging I’m happily finding food I can eat. I hate the look on wait staff’s faces when I only eat some but I’m doing what I need to. My other NSV is I voluntarily put myself on the 5th floor as opposed to 2nd in a place with no elevators. I’m not dead yet but oh man am I feeling it by floor 5. I can’t image doing that 60 lbs ago...
  10. As I’m approaching my half way weight loss goal I was wondering if anyone has come across surprise expenses that they really didn’t factor in. I knew clothing, all the undergarments and potentially shoe replacement were going to add up. Let alone potential surgery to fix some sagging skin. But what’s caught me off guard is the fact my skin is way dryer (or maybe it’s I’m 40+) so I needed to change/up my moisturizer game for not only my face but body. The other one is I’m going to have to get my wedding ring resized. It’s starting to slip off easily so I’ve moved it to my middle finger (which feels weird) but eventually as I get closer to my “goal” it and a few other rings are visiting a jeweler. I also bought a few more small plates and smaller size Rubbermaid containers to make bringing appropriately sized meals to work. What’s your caught you off guard expense(s)?
  11. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    Had a few over the long weekend. Wore a dress for a wedding for the first time in 12 years and it was a smidge to big. I’m also at the omg I need tops that aren’t totally baggy stage. Ended up buying a few in size 14/16. I was floored. It was also the first time I’d seen any family since my surgery. I haven’t told anyone who I don’t live near and got total support. Mentally I knew that was going to happen but it was still a huge thing for me to be up front about.
  12. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    I mowed the lawn. Haven’t done that in years and it was a breeze... nice NSV in what appears to be a hopefully short lived plateau.
  13. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    Today: put on a pair of pants that two weeks ago didn’t button and they buttoned! (These are pants that I pulled out of omg long term storage a few weeks ago). I also had to replace bras today and snagged a few pairs of capris as I’m out of summer clothes. If I stay at my current rate they should last thru the summer. Best clothes one: I fit in a dress I haven’t worn in 8+ years. I was hoping I would as I have a wedding in 3 weeks and I adore this dress. Although if I keep at this rate it may be too big. This weekend should be a full closet purge 2.0.
  14. RHCD


    Pretty much the same here. In the clinic it was all via IV and when it hit a 7/8 they’d give me a little more. At home I had liquid oxy and only used that for like three days post op.
  15. There’s being positive and forcing yourself to be positive. I’m 7 weeks out from my sleeve surgery and I have no idea where I’m at on the fast/slow continuum. I find if I’m comparing myself to others it starts devolving into some really unhealthy places for me. Doesn’t mean I haven’t found myself down that path. And that turned into way more of a lecture than I’d planned. I’m hoping to get some good guidance in my 8 week check up next week. My goal isn’t to be super fast but I also don’t want to be super slow. I’m already having a heck of a time dressing myself at my current speed. Hearing other’s journeys is so helpful!
  16. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    While ordering lunch I ordered the meat sauce with meatballs and extra veggies but no pasta. Yes I got funny looks but I felt completely no shame/ weirdness from doing it. Granted even a half size will still be at least 2 maybe three meals. Best part is I haven’t been craving/pasta or bread.
  17. Congrats on making the decision for not only surgery and the changes it entails but also for saying you need help! Seriously it’s a a great step. I’m also in the camp of finding a therapist to help. I spent some time earlier (not related to my sleeve) on working with a therapist on how I establish boundaries (with myself and family) but also how do I find friends as an adult (in a healthy way). Also helped me deal with some PTSD from childhood... basically I need more tools than I had and my therapist helped me build and use new ones.
  18. RHCD

    Diarrhea post op

    I had the same issue. I cut it out for a few weeks and then was able to add it back in with some success. I can’t have too much (yogurt is right out but cottage cheese is okay). The reality is I just can’t eat that much anyway as opposed to my pre surgery dairy trigger and so I just don’t get the reaction. Unless of course I drink a protein shake /water that is whey based.
  19. RHCD

    To tell coworkers or not?

    I had the this initial reaction and then realized they were going to talk anyway might as well let them talk with facts as opposed to what ever rumors they could imagine. But that’s just me. Totally get not saying anything to certain people (in my case my entire family I don’t live near).
  20. At one point a few years ago I was above 320 but by the time I decided to do the surgery I was floating between 304-310. Surgery day down to 285 and now coming up on 6 weeks at 265. I’m floored at where I’m at and still getting my head around how fast and yet slow this is happening (if that makes sense) I’m so glad I did this and waiting until I was in the right headspace to do this.
  21. RHCD

    Non Scale Victories

    Got a couple more today. Had to go to a walk in clinic today got a skin infection thing... they didn’t have to go searching for the bigger BP cuff and just used the “normal one”. Doc even said after reviewing my vitals what not that I’m “really healthy”. I’m choosing to take that as positive and not a backhanded compliment. Best NSV was the Mr giving me a big hug and saying he could reach around me more and this was now his favorite way to measure my progress. Congrats on everyone for notifying NSV even if not posting.
  22. Can of refrained beans. Add some to any of the precooked chicken options maybe some cheese, Greek yogurt , avocado or salsa to liven it up. Easily heated up in a microwave. I will check out the deli areas of a super market. In addition to sliced sandwich meat you can also usually find single serving (so really like 4) meatloaf/meatballs, precooked chicken breasts, cooked veggies and sometimes appropriate salads/sides. And soup! Sometimes they have soup! Also hummus. So much hummus.
  23. Adding raw (frozen) strawberries blended into my smoothies at my one month was my nirvana. I haven’t done much else “carb” wise other than beans but I’m slowly starting to incorporate “normal” carbs in. I did have some egg salad on a super whole wheat/nuts/ hippie cracker and omg I missed crunch. My NUT recommended every third or forth bite to be non protein to help vary my diet (within reason).
  24. RHCD

    To tell coworkers or not?

    I let close coworkers know. Not my direct manager but a different manager on a different team that I have a good relationship with. I’m not shy about it if asked but I’m also not telling everyone. It became pretty obvious I was doing something when I stopped participating in the free food/potlucks/ activities we have fairly frequently. That and you can tell something Has changed for me based on what I’ve lost. Surprisingly everyone has been supportive. Now as to telling family....
  25. RHCD

    Side sleeper?

    I was in the same boat. I propped myself up some which helped keep me not tossing and turning. It kinda helped but every now and then I’d feel a tweak.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
