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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MIZ60

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    Aspiring Evangelist

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  1. Loose skin. It took me 4 years to reach goal after adopting intermittent fasting and now I am trying to decide if I want any plastics. Seems kind of silly at my age (65) to spend the $$ and it really does not bother me too much (just no sleeveless tops or shorts and Spanx). I have retired and would rather spend the money on travel...
  2. MIZ60


    I wore a lot of leggings, jeggings, open cardigans and tunic type tops since there is a lot of stretch so they look good for a bit longer while you are in the losing mode.
  3. MIZ60

    Picky eater

    For this to be successful for anyone, it is necessary to adjust your diet within your individual tastes in accordance with the recommendations from your program. Basically, protein and vegetables are the mainstays of your daily intake with some other things added as you go along. If you mean picky like only eating fast food and junk food then you are going to have problems. My friends sister had GBP (paying cash) and lost a grand total of 12 pounds in a year because the only things she "liked" were chocolate milk. macaroni and cheese and cashews. It is important to be open to change your diet unless you want to stay at a dangerously unhealthy weight.
  4. MIZ60

    How is everyone holding up?

    I am currently working with a precious, medically fragile 19 month old in a private home. I am actually increasing my hours over there to limit his exposure to other nurses. Just the parents and 4 y.o. brother in the home. Buying essentials online or using curbside to limit my exposure. Talking and texting with friends a lot more than normal. Worried about some of my dear friends (musicians and restaurant owners) who basically have no income during this time. There are not too many cases here in Central Texas at this point which I think gives people a false sense of security. Hoping for the best.
  5. I dont know about other places but where I am the hospital/clinic is closing many entrances so they can screen everyone coming into the hospital for any reason and send them to the ER if they are febrile or sick. This will translate to everyone standing in line for likely hours and possible getting exposed to COVID-19 even though the county I live in only has 3 confirmed cases. It might be a blessing in disguise to have your surgery postponed because the last thing you want is to be sick while trying to recover from surgery. I called and cancelled my colonoscopy scheduled for next Monday because I do not want to go anywhere near the hospital. Can be done in a few months...
  6. MIZ60

    Caffeine post op

    I did decaf for the first 6 weeks, then resumed my regular Columbian Supreme. Never a problem.
  7. Just got an email from my local Sam's Wholesale Club that TOILET PAPER is back in stock. I was in there on Monday and there was not a roll available to purchase. Get to pick it up tomorrow at 0700!!!
  8. As a nurse practitioner for 30 years, I see this as the same level of panic and crazy as what occurred during the swine flu and SARS outbreaks. I always practice good handwashing wherever I am. Since there is no treatment I am not sure about the value of testing. If you are sick with any virus you need to stay home. period. There are no reported cases in the immediate area where I live but if there are I will just stay home. Super easy to have essentials delivered if necessary. I am not buying or stocking up on anything more than normal.
  9. MIZ60

    Dry/Scaly Skin?

    I have been putting Bulletproof collagen powder in my coffee every day for about 6 months. I was skeptical about it helping my dry, flaky. crepey old lady skin but it has really helped a great deal. I still use Cetaphil daily but I see a huge difference in the appearance and feel of my skin. Best price I have found is at Sams.
  10. MIZ60

    How long?

    5 months but it mostly depends on your insurance and what they require.
  11. MIZ60

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    Just snorted my water😂😂
  12. MIZ60


    You look so tall and skinny here..those proportions are just right on you. Woo Hoo!!!
  13. Hey there...I just looked at the Massachuesetts General Hospital website and they have 8 gastroenterologists/internists that specialize in non alcoholic liver disease. I would ask your PCP and surgeon for an ASAP referral because something is up and you need answers sooner than later. If you are not getting anywhere with them, contact the patient advocate at the hospital and ask them (nicely😃) for help at getting you seen by a specialist. Stay away from the tylenol for sure until you know what is going on. You need your liver to live so please get on the phone ASAP and start the process. I had my sleeve the day before you did and my liver enzymes were very slightly elevated at the time of surgery which my surgeon said was common with morbid obesity. He said my liver look "perfect" at the time of surgery and when I had the labs checked again at 6 months and i8 months out the enzymes were completely normal. Good luck and please be your own advocate.
  14. MIZ60

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    DAY 30: The experience I am most grateful this month happened a little over a week ago. Our goddaughter gave birth to 2 beautiful girls and I am just so happy for them. Can not wait to go meet them in a couple of weeks.
  15. MIZ60

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Day 29: I am grateful that we are able to pay all our bills and not have credit card or other debt. We do occasionally use a 6 month no interest thing on big purchases (most recently 10 tires) because I hate paying interest. Well I have really enjoyed this challenge even though I have failed miserably. Weight this morning was 212.4 and I only went alcohol free on 3 days. I did stay within my 4 ounce limit with only a few deviations though. I am just too weak....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
