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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by NYJenn

  1. 8 weeks, but I’m a teacher and it was summer
  2. NYJenn

    Bypass v’s Sleeve..... help!

    I saw way too many revisions from sleeve to bypass. I would never choose a sleeve
  3. NYJenn

    Bowl movement

    Smooth move tea
  4. NYJenn


    I heard it’s safer then a hip replacement. So you’re good
  5. NYJenn

    Kids to Mexico

    I had my surgery in the US, but I didn’t have my kids come visit anyway. I was tired, in pain, and grouchy. I wasn’t in the mood for visitors, especially little kids. Dad should stay home with the kids and you go alone, honestly you need the time to heal.
  6. NYJenn


    A few times per year I have migraines so severe that they require injections of meds to get them under control. Those meds do include a nsaid. Surgeon said it’s fine
  7. I had moderate pain, but so much bloating and nausea
  8. NYJenn

    Class action suite

  9. NYJenn

    This is why....

    I found myself avoiding things ...people, situations, activities. I didn’t go on rollercoasters, didn’t go swimming, ate alone in my car. It was a miserable existence and I hated myself for what I had done to my body. My doc suggested it and I have never looked back
  10. If I had canceled an appt it would have been a my least a month before they could have gotten be back in. Don’t just assume they will be able to see you a week after. Stop the self sabotage and start following your plan. This is a life style change. Time to change
  11. NYJenn

    Pounds lost

    9 months 115 pounds
  12. NYJenn

    Energy level?

    Very typical, re-read your discharge paperwork. This will last about a month 
  13. NYJenn


    Support is helping someone move toward a positive light with their best interests at heart I see enabling as keeping someone pacified regardless of the outcome (usually negative)
  14. NYJenn

    Annoyed with my weight loss

    Don’t weigh yourself at night! Rookie mistake
  15. NYJenn

    Questions for all of you that are post-op!!!

    1. Swallowing pills doesn’t bother me, so I can’t really speak to that 2. I had 3 visits with the nutritionist, one nutrition class, psych evaluation, ekg, I already had apnea and used cpap, and that was it 3. Your life will be awesome
  16. NYJenn

    New here

    One year ago this week I was sitting in my doctors office, weighing nearly 300 lbs, sobbing. I had sleep apnea, severe migraines, and my body hurt. I was only 37 but I felt like I was an old lady. Today, I’m 115 lbs lighter, sleep apnea is gone and I am stronger and more confident then I have been in 15 years
  17. I did a lot of cottage cheese and yogurt. I wasn’t allowed oatmeal or other carb heavy things
  18. It’s a compulsion. We have this idea that we need to finish our plate, grab just”one more” plus we have no idea what being satisfied feels like. We ate until we were overstuffed. It’s going to take time to retrain your brain
  19. I ordered this one, arriving tomorrow 🤞🏻
  20. NYJenn


    I did vodka and cranberry at 4 months. I was fine. Just take it slow
  21. 9 months post op It was teacher appreciation day at school. I had a bagel with cream cheese (didn’t finish, but ate quite a bit of it 😬) then went for a walk on my lunch. I got dizzy, sweaty, nauseous, shaky, etc. it was awful!!!!
  22. NYJenn


    Just call, they are human just like the rest of us. Mistakes are made
  23. NYJenn

    Pain Post Op

    Day of,I was dopey and in and out of consciousness. Day after was the worst, I didn’t want my kids to come visit me. I didn’t want them to see me in such pain, I thought it might scare them. By day 2 I was so much better. Just sore and tender
  24. NYJenn

    Extremely rude nurse

    I would report her to the hospital for unprofessional behavior

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
