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LAP-BAND Patients
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About woodbox20

  • Rank
    On my way
  • Birthday 11/20/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a military wife stationed in Colorado with a wonderful husband and a beautiful little girl.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Go figure I love to cook...went to school for it. I also like baking, cross stitching, skiing, music etc...
  • Occupation
    Proud Air Force Wife.
  • City
    Colorado Springs
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy Birthday woodbox20!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday woodbox20!

  3. I'm back on after almost 4yrs. My success rate has been horrible because I have had 3 revisions, surgeries and not good fill success. I found a really good doctor here in Colorado Springs (we are stationed here now). My last fill was less than a month ago and I have lost 25 total since the end of July bringing me to 250. So, I am on my way once again. Only thing is now I need to retrain myself how to eat. I am constantly getting stuck and throwing food back up and sometimes I am lucky if ...

  4. I live in Anchorage, AK and the doctor who did my surgery has always had a hard time accessing my port so he always sent me to an imagining center to do my fills under fluro. But the only two doctors that did the band fills no longer work there and have gone to another imaging center that does not take my insurance (Tricare-West). That being said we are military and are moving to Colorado springs, I am going there on Sunday to look for a house and try to find a fill center where I can have a fill. My doc stuck me 14 times yesterday because I decided to give him another go at it because I didn't want to pay the 250 for the fill somewhere else..I have gained 20lbs since my last fill/unfill..such a long story, I have had many issues with the band. I am willing to find a center during my trip to colorado and pay if need be. Hopefully it will not be that much more than what they charge here in Anchorage. Can anyone please help...I am also in desperate need of support...I was banded a year ago and have not been having very good success. My doctor said there is a very fine line with my fills, I either am too restricted to the point where I couldn't even swallow spit but they take such a small amount out and I have no restriction....I don't get it, it's very frustrating...I don't know, I am really bummed out about all this...I lost 45lbs then gained back 20 in 2mths....
  5. woodbox20

    Esophageal spasms???

    So what do the two feel like? My story is I had to have surgery to fix my port device. At that point I was already filled 6cc's. That was about 2mths ago. 2 days ago I got 1cc more put in and since then I have these wicked esophageal spasms that are so painful..well, atleast I am assuming that is what it is...so I guess from your comment I'm wondering what is the difference? I just had some soup, mostly liquid with mashed potatoes in it, so it is really liquidy...and I am in the worst pain, been burping foam and vomitting what seems almost like mucus (sorry so graphic)...will I be like this all the time?? I NEVER had this issue after surgery or after my 1 fill. I hope not cause it is really painfull!!! The pain is in my solopex and goes up to my throat and even with vomitting there is no relief..so am I stuck or is it the spasm or am I to tight?? Oh god I hope I am not to tight cause it takes ALOT of effort and pain to get these fills, he always has a hard time finding my port.
  6. It has been awhile sine I have been on here reading or responding, I usually just like to read and throw my two senses in every now and then. But the last time I was on here was June 18th, and that was the day of my horrible 2nd fill attempt that never happened. After 12 pokes it turns out I have to have surgery to fix the port device and to this day have not had a fill or the surgery yet..of-course due to tricare and the way the doc worded the procedure. I am scheduled to have the surgery on Aug. 26th, but it has been so hard the past month. First since I only had one fill and that was on May 21st, two weeks after that I was able to eat anything, and still that hasn't changed. Now I surely I can't eat as much as I could prior to me being banded, but I can eat alot, and drink at the same time. Sometimes I try to control myself and yes, sometimes I am reminded that I have the band still cause my food gets stuck and my god that hurts. I haven't gained anything I lost so far and I haven't lost anymore. I am steady at what I was before. It is just frustrating and I feel that somehow I have let myself down and the tool that was given to me, but also that it let me down. I know, I know...it was told to me that there could be complications with this device oneday or there couldn't..I just hoped that there wouldn't be. I also had surgery a week and 1/2 ago for a partial thyroid removal and they found that I have hasimoto thyroiditis. I know thats not bad, but it puts ALOT of things into perspective for me. I will be on meds for the rest of my life. I just feel lost with all this and I need to get back on track. I am constantly exhausted and feel as if I have no energy left to work out. I am a stay at home mom with a 17mth old (really 13.5 mths old, she was preemie). Not an excuse I know, but I am trying to figure out why I am so tired and lacking drive. Sorry so long, I just needed to vent a bit. Dorissa
  7. woodbox20

    My horrible 2nd Fill

    Word!!! This is painful as hell!!!! Love those METS huh??? My husband is a huge Mets fan...Happy to say I am a bronx bomber, no matter how there doing :cursing:)!!!! So I am assuming he (doc) finally found your port area..I don't know if I could go through that again...I rather have the surgery if it will make it easier in the future. God I miss the east coast....
  8. woodbox20

    My horrible 2nd Fill

    So, I went for my second fill today and it was the worse experience I have every had. Maybe I expected it to be peachy every time I had one..but this time it was awful :cursing:!!!! My first fill was about 3 weeks ago and the first couple of days I had a little restriction, but that lasted oh, about 4-5 days. It also took one stick and I was out of the office in less than 10 minutes. So I called my doc and he said come in for another fill. Well, if I knew he was going to stick me 9x's I would have said forget it!!! After the 6th stick he sent me to xray to see where the port was and if it had tilted. When he got the report everything was fine so he tried again with no success. So he sent me to an imaging center to have it done under xray, that was 3 more sticks and no success. Come to find out that every time they stick the needle in the port moves sideways or almost flips over and they can't get in. So, I have to have surgery to secure my port so it stays upright. So, no fill, horrible pain in my stomach from all the probing. I knew it wouldn't be easy; but dam if it would be like that...but I would do it all again in a heartbeat..crazy huh??? Has anyone had a similar situation or has had to have surgery to repair their portal device? :biggrin:
  9. woodbox20

    dr wont schedule me for a fill

    Hi Jack..I love reading your responses to people and always wanting to ask you things..but of course always learking in the back ground, so now I will. I agree with you about learning when you are hungry and not hungry. But I am hungry all the time, I don't get it??? I have a 10cc band, on the 21st of May I was filled to 5cc's for the first time and felt no restrictions. Well, basically I can eat the way I was eating before my fill, not at all near what I could eat prior to surgery. The thing is I struggle with this demon addiction everyday and the mental part is so dam hard!!! My stomach seems to be growling all the time and instead of eating I will try to down some water, and thats another thing. Water, I can definitely guzzle down a 16oz bottle with no problem and STILL feel hungry. I kow, I know water passes through us like nothing. So , what am I doing wrong? I started this journey at 287's and I am now 256...so I don't know, am I expecting too much from this band and not using it properly? I am not really excercising except getting out and strolling my daughter around. Its hard to get to the gym right now since my husband is deployed and I really don't know anyone who can watch my daughter. Thank god he returns next week..I can't wait to work out. I don't know...I hate this crazy addiction called food. Go figure I also went to culinary school and it is the hardest thing in the world to LOVE food and have to fight to keep it a bay. Geez...I feel so defeated!!! Maybe I didn't ask a question per say but it sure felt good to vent. Thanks Jack!!!
  10. woodbox20

    Tricare problems

    Wow too bad you can't come to Alaska and have your band done. I was so Nervous that I was going to have issues with Tricare but I didn't. Before we were stationed here we were in Massachusetts and I was going to have the procedure done there and tricare gave me the hardest time ever. Unfortunately I didn't have the surgery due to pregnacy and then a miscarriage and then PCSing to Alaska. Well, one year after being here I became pregnant and 1 year later I decided I wanted to have the band done. I thought I would have to wait months to have the procedure done. I decided to see a doc in March about it, I was banded on April 10th. I couldn't believe it!!!! The only issue I had with Tricare is they sent me an approval letter for the surgery and then when my docs office called to confirm it they said it was denied. But they then said it was because of insufficent information, that my doctors office took care of. I was really shocked that things went so smoothly and here in AK of all places. Trust me AK has been a miracle state for me. Long story... Anywho, I received my bill. Now I have Tricare prime, but the total cost of the surgery was $25,256. They adjusted it (which I don't understand what that means) to $17,504 and then the insurance claims outstanding $7,751.75. I'm not quite sure what that all means. Did tricare pay the 17,000 or the 7,700? Either way they paid for it and I am so happy for that :biggrin2:!
  11. woodbox20

    First Fill today and already hungry??

    I can totally understand what you are saying. I had my 1st fill today and I am starving and its only been 7 hours!!! I have a 10cc band and 5cc was filled today. He actually filled it to 6cc but when I was drinking Water as he was filling it I could totally feel the difference, so he took out a cc. I should have told him to keep it there...but I also don't want to go back to have him unfill it 1cc if that makes it too tight. That being said I don't get it either. I am suppose to be on a liquid/soft food diet till Friday and then I can gradually start eating solids. He told me that I would notice the difference when I started to eat solids. Maybe the liquids pass through us quicker making us hungry more??? I think becasue we were able to eat and chew before our fill we are missing the food...all in my head I think. I'll see what happens when I start to eat again... Good luck on your continued journey. BTW, how does everyone get those tickers on there pages..I can't seem to get one on there. I know where the website is but its not working for me. Help, anyone!!!!!
  12. woodbox20

    Where is everyone from???

    Wow, I love to see all the places people are from. I am originally from NYC, bronx bomber. Currently at Elmendorf AFB, (Anchorage) Alaska. Have been to most of where you all live, Sumter, SC-Texas-Arizona- the list goes on; but I think our favorit place, because it is so close to home, is Bedford, Massachusetts (Hanscom AFB) and we are dying to get back there.
  13. Has anyones incision opened up after surgery? I was banded on 4/10/08, it's about a week and change out and the incision where the portal is has opened and drained blood and liquid and now I can see the device. Has this happened to anyone?
  14. Thanks so much for your response. I have a question(s)??? I am sooooo hungry but yet i'm not...does that make sense. I do get hunger pains and they are wicked!!! I don't understand that. I also have sharp pains in my side that I called my doc about. It comes when I breathe in...I know its not a clot or anything like that I had a PE a long time ago so I know wha that feels like. This is different its everytime I take a deep breath and it shoots up to my collar bone. Have you experienced anything like that after surgery? And how about being able to feel like there is something foreign in you? When I lean against my kitchen counter Its like I can eel something in there. I don't know this is becoming so fustrating. I think maybe I am not eating enough either for fear of something happening, maybe that is why I am so hungry. I made myself a scrambled egg and did very well with that. Did you find that you could eat anything? Does it get bettter when they tighten the band a bit. It just seems as if I can drink normal amounts of liquid and eat 8 oz of soup with no problem. Is there something wrong with the band or am I pushing it? I'm sorry I don't mean to ask you so many questions but maybe anyone reading this can answer me also. I really do feel completely alone in this journey.
  15. As you can see I have lots of questions..See I am the 1st patient my nutritionist on base (military wife) has seen that has had lapband surgery. She gave me info according to gastric patient's she has seen. So I am confused with how much liquid food I should be consuming. She has been learning as we go along to. My doc didn't tell me how much he just told me I can start on skim milk, cream of wheat etc... I purchased some carnation instant breakfast (sugar free) and it says to make it with skim milk (8oz) do I drink the whole thing for breakfast. I think I could only cause I am sooooo hungry. Has anyone felt really hungry all the time??? I don't understand I thought the surgery was suppose to curb that alittle. I know it is just a tool in helping to lose weight but my stomach is constantly growling. Maybe I am not eating enough??? I got everyones different food suggestions..but how much do you eat??? Wow, I really feel lost with this. :huh2:

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