I had my WL surgery on 10/12/17. I just had surgery for kidney stones on 3/30/18. The kidney stone surgery was way worse than the sleeve surgery. I had ureterscopy surgery where they go in an laser the stones thru your urethra. I did pass one stone which was about 5mm and my doctor removed 2 other stones during surgery those were about 9mm each. I had to wear a stent after the surgery and on top of that I had an infection. My doctor wasn’t able to get all the stones because they were inside of my kidneys and she didn’t have access to them. After all of this I did meet with my dietician for some advice. And she was able to give me some tips. It’s really hard to manage your diet between the sleeve restrictions and kidney stone restrictions, but I am trying and I’m drinking all the water I can. This is what my stones were made up of: 40% calcium oxalate monohydrate 30% calcium oxalate dihydrate 20% calcium phosphate 20% ammonium Acid urate I did have kidney stones before my surgery but never stones this size or this many. My Urologist told me to drink at least 100 oz of water and stay away from animal protein. Although my dietician says I can have 6 oz or less a day of animal protein. So I guess I’ll see how it goes. I take another x-ray in June to see if I have any additional stones.