I would love to have there be helpful info in there about the usual protocals for newly banded and for when you have a fill as well.
and what the usual person in the sweet zone should be eating to obtain a steady weight loss. then how to boost that loss when you start to feel stalled . these would be helpful things to have in print to be able to re read when you need motivation. I have been looking for a book to read on the subject and there is not one out there not that I have found only for the gastric bypass people and we really are diffrent than what is discribed in that.
My sister and I had just been talking on the phone today about writing a book like that. lol and then here I find you alll talking about it.
I have been banded over a year and am feeling very down and impatient right now about my progress and was just searching and found this site today . I have lost about 40 lbs but still weight 254 and have been on a platau for about three months. I am thnking I need a fill as I can eat almost anything with out a problem. I have an insurance issue I am trying to get straight first. I have never had any real support from my DR and have not been able to go to any meetings or have any nutrition consults except before hand so feel maybe I could have been doing more to help myself so I feel guilty for not loosing more. But the real problem is head hunger and that I just love to eat.
where do I send the recipies I have to? and are they being posted here somewhere? I am pretty new to bloging sorry for the dumb questions. Looking forward to the cook book and would love to help with it. Hugs gail:thumbup: