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J San

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by J San

  1. J San

    No regrets guys!

    That is awesome. Congrats!!!! Damn You Look Good!!!
  2. J San


    Good on you to do your research, exact reason I searched for this place. Folks here are great on info giving and the support you will get is awesome. The program your involved with sounds like a win. You seem like your motivated to stick with it so it will work out fine. Keep sharing your experience with it, I'm sure it will help others. Good luck on your journey.
  3. J San

    Non Scale Victories

    Had a memory the other day of when I was a kid and loved running through the mall. Going full speed dodging people as I ran. Used to feel awesome how I used to love running. "NSV's" I'm coming.......
  4. So do I. Congrats man!! I especially like this story because we are the same height. Currently I'm about 20lbs heavier than you were at your heaviest but should be down to that by date of surgery. Good luck on your journey, I look forward to following your success.
  5. My surgeon said all was looking good. I need a CPAP thingy, never wanted to do sleep study but had to now and turns out I probably should have had one for a few years now. He also wants me to obviously lose some weight. He wants me to get as close as I can to a 50 BMI. He gave me a tentative surgery date of July 12 and said I should try to lose 20 pounds which would bring me down to 52 or 53 I think. I don't see my nutritionist until next week but I don't want to wait for her to give me a diet. What are some of your guys suggestions? I've gotten a bunch of protein shake recipes from Pinterest and have been substituting 1 meal most days. My other two meals I am mostly not eating any carbs but not always, some type of protein and vegies. Avacado is usually on my plate or a salad with bell pepper, tomato, corn or peas ( dressing is usually olive oil and red wine vinegar ). I have yet to give up coffee completely but had my 1st cup in 3 days today. That's from 3 big mugs of Cuban espresso daily. Not really having issues giving it up. Trying to drink 64oz of water per day but hardly do, not because it's hard but because I forget. Not going to lie and say I don't cheat but plan on getting really strict after today. Exercise has been non existent due to mobility issues because of back problems but did get on my stationary bike today for 15 minutes (ouch) and plan on doing more. Alright pros, lay it on me. And Thanx J
  6. Really? My Fitness Pal has me at 2500 but the days I've tracked I've been between 1500 to 2000. More days closer to 1500 than 2000. Gotta work on tracking everyday and like I said gonna be STRICT on the cheating. Any ideas on activities that put minimal strain on the back, hips and knees? Walking is out for sure unless I get a walker or steal a shopping cart. Walking 15 yards and 8 steps to the rest room is extremely painful most days. Had a really hard time finding a comfortable position on the stationary bike yesterday. Thought I'd be good but it really killed my mid and upper back, also my knees. Had to constantly shift in order to relieve the pain from one area or another. Gonna stick with it as it's not as bad as walking and I'm hoping the more I do it the more accustomed to it I become. Thank you guys for the guidance and well wishes.
  7. J San

    Had my surgery yesterday!

    Congrats, can't wait to get on that bench with you all. Happy healing!!!
  8. Congrats and happy healing!!!
  9. Hey Russ, Sorry to bother with the personal questions but what was your BMI going into surgery? I ask because I had my 2nd visit today with my surgeon and he wants me to try and drop weight so I'm closer to 50. He's saying 20lbs with a tentative date of July 12 but I think I could do better than that. Also if you don't mind what did you diet consist of? I'm actually going to make a post asking the rest of the folks here. Thanks for any info... Again great job and I hope to do nearly as well. J
  10. J San

    hey beautiful people a me update

    That's some scary stuff right there. Glad you had a positive outcome. Keep up the great work and much success to you bud!!!
  11. J San

    I sucked it up and bought it

    Read a response in another post earlier of someone having an issue going and it said " two words... squatty potty". I scratched my head saying hmmm??? copy/pasted into google search and said oooohhhhhh. I've been hearing about going in that position and how much better it is for you for some time now. Heard about it on a Joe Rogan podcast and they talk about it all the time. Anyway, happened to pull up the ad from Amazon page and liked what I saw so plan on making a similar one myself. Adjustable height and a roller/foot massage in the center for that ooohhh and ahh.
  12. 1st let me say I am glad to have found this Forum. I found it yesterday after google 'ing bariatric support groups at the suggestion of my nutritionist. Along with a list of "what to start doing to get used to it" items she said I should find a support group for obvious reasons. I have very little knowledge on the subject bariatric surgery other than what I have learned from my visits with my surgeon and his group so far and what very little i learned from my brother having lap-band several years ago. Well gotta figure no better way to learn than to ask those that have gone through or are going through what I plan to. I've been reading topics here since yesterday and have come across some things I didn't know or even think about. So I figured I'd give details of my current situation and see if others have anything in common and if they could give me some ideas of what to expect. It's been just over a month since I first saw my surgeon and came to the decision to go through with the sleeve surgery. I did not initially go to see him for it though. His name was on a list I received from my primary care doc after she told me the lump on my belly button was an umbilical hernia. When I went to see him he said he could repair the hernia but there was a high chance of either it reopening or another opening somewhere else due to my weight and big ass gut (not his words). After his, what I 1st felt was a sales pitch, He showed me some videos gave me some info to read and suggested I take some time to think about it and talk it over with my wife. We read, I showed her the video, we talked about it and decided it was probably the smart thing to do. Over the past few years I've put on a significant amount of weight and it seems every time I try to diet it off, I pack more on. A little bit of medical history for ya...... According the old trusty BMI system I've been heavy since my late teens early 20's but that is because of my height. I was pretty fit and muscular back then. Stayed pretty fit but did gain weight heading into my 30's and put on more the older I got. I've had back issues since my late teens due to a vehicle accident but it was never anything more than a good cracking my back couldn't relieve. My line of work has always been very physical, so along with getting older and the weight gain my back issues became worse. Now about to hit my mid 40s I've been out of work for going on 3 years due to osteoarthritis, slipped/herniated disks and sciatica. I have very limited movement and seem to be stuck in my "snowball". Also because of the weight I am on blood pressure, cholesterol and get happy meds. I do not take pain killers other than occasional 800mg ibuprofen. I have an addictive nature and am terrified of getting hooked. Speaking of which I am an "alcoholic". On the wagon and have it under control but still might as well mention it. Damn I am one F***ed up specimen. Well, I'll leave it at that and hope for any feedback, experience or suggestions/advice that any of you care to give. Thanks so much in advance for reading and feedback. Sorry this turned out so LONG. J
  13. Hey Auntie, were you the inspiration for the character in that "Unbreakable" movie? I've never broken one bone to date, actually received my 1st set of non surgical related stitches about 5 or 6 years ago. Although I do tend to stay away from Dr's so there definitely have been other cases where I should have gotten stitched up. Thanks for the introduction. Sorry about your loss. And RD shame on her, although I get along great and love my parents dearly I am extremely guilty of not keeping in touch with them. Been working on that though. I do foresee my oldest being like yours with me. Hardly any conversation when she's home from school, hardly ever a response when I txt her and only ever reaches out to me when she needs something mom can't help her with. Oh well what can one do? Well good luck with getting your RnY and don't worry about the long response, I love a long read. J
  14. Exact reason I signed up here. Using this as my support group. I know there are no real faces with the "names" but I kind of prefer that. Good luck in your search but you should definitely take advantage of the folks here as well as real life.
  15. According to my info input here my BMI is 57, what will mean for me? I go for my 2nd visit with the surgeon next week, I think I should start a list of questions. Learning is why I started this post. You and all the others are schooling me. I had no idea this was the reason for the loss of weight pre op. I thought it was just to prove you could and to start you on a new habit. I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver. Wonder what it's gonna take to get where they need me. By The Way, I have an off beat/dark sense of humor so don't take some of my comments literally. I know comments written come off differently than if heard and I hope no one takes offense. Thanx ALL!!! J
  16. Thanx all for the responses so quickly. So great to hear from others. I did not know the hernia could be corrected at the same time. For some reason I just assumed it would be done later. For those that had it done was it in you belly button? From what doc explained the reason he said it may reopen was because my gut is so damn big, he used the analogy of a full bag stretched out and ripped. Sew it back up but it still as full as it was and highly likely it will rip again. Does the belly go down that fast? As per my alcohol issues, i've never been to AA or been involved with any support groups. I just decided to stop. I'm guessing this process varies from state to state or insurance to insurance. I've already done my visit with the shrink and she said she was going to send her approval. Is 1 visit norm and for them to let you know yes or no on the spot? Next, liquid diet. I knew about post op for some time but don't remember anyone mentioning pre op. They probably did but everything seems to be moving so quickly I may have just not registered it. How long before does that take place? Again MUCH THANX and Best in your Journies J
  17. Kind of glad I clicked on this topic. Made me laugh, but mainly gives me ideas of what to expect post-op. KateBruin do you mind if I ask, did you have the hernia before your procedure? What type was it and how did it affect you if at all? Reason I ask is because I have an umbilical hernia which was the reason I initially went to see the surgeon.
  18. Pretty new to the procedure and very new to the forum. Trying to learn as much as I can. Have been reading a lot of the posts since yesterday but never gave this topic much thought. My surgeon told me 70% was the norm for the sleeve so I just went off that knowing I hope to lose more than that anyway. Thanks to all for the great feedback and thanks AK37 for bringing up the topic. Really great to see members like Lenibug giving feedback, 8 years post surgery and still here lending information. Makes me glad to have signed up here.
  19. I had that feeling from day 1. I went to my surgeon to see about him fixing a hernia I currently got (1st time) and he suggested the sleeve because he could fix the hernia but because of my weight there was a strong chance of it just re-opening or another opening somewhere else. I had talked about bariatric with my Primary Doc but it was nothing more than a suggestion from her and a nod "i'll give it some thought" from me. After getting a bit excited when I left the surgeon it hit me. Would be just my luck go through everything and insurance says No Go. I'm sure all will go well for you and all others waiting to hear, myself included (fingers crossed). Either way keep up posted on updates and best of luck!!!! J
  20. And I just noticed your 5lbs off you goal weight. Way To Go!!!!
  21. Amazing man, congrats!!! If that's somewhat what I have to look forward to I can't wait. Did you lose much pre-op or mostly after surgery? Really great job. J
  22. I'm slated for a June possibly July surgery. 44 years old 5ft 8in. Highest and starting weight was 279 a month ago. Currently 272. Goal is to get healthy, off meds and relieve some of the issues with my back. Arthritis and disk issues so the weight puts a huge strain on it. If I can get rid of a significant part of the weight and get back into some kind of shape, build the muscle in my back again it would be heaven. Be able to walk more than 5 steps without pain. It's what I need!!!
  23. J San

    Any June babies

    Doc is shooting for June surgery, he said latest July. Kind of slipped into this surgery. Went to the surgeon to get a hernia taken care of and walked out with a bunch of papers and a potential surgery setup. Completed psych going to 1st visit with gastro dr. at end of month. Couple of other steps completed or partially completed as per the list I was given. Nutritionist suggested I get into some "support groups" so here I am. As you can see 1st post. Been reading a bunch of posts through out the day though.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
