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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FancyChristine15

  1. I completely agree with @catwoman7. Your diet is carb/sugar heavy. I know that you're getting your sugar from fruits, but it's still high in sugar, and doesn't keep you full long. I thought you were vegetarian for a second there, until I saw that you have meatballs. You need more protein. I'm a year out, and I can only eat 2 eggs at a time, or a small grilled chicken breast and a couple of brussels sprouts. I focus on getting in my protein, and that makes me full, and keeps me full for a long time.
  2. FancyChristine15

    Today was my farewell to food! Surgery date set.

    Yeah, I actually eat all of that stuff that you mentioned, just in moderation, and not every day, or even every week. I don't have any food that I'll never eat again. There are foods that I eat regularly like eggs, grilled chicken, etc... and there are foods that I eat every now and then, like junk food, but there's nothing that I won't ever allow myself to have again. I think that's what is helping to keep me on track. I can't have that all or nothing mentality, cause it's never worked for me in the past. Best of luck to you and your journey!
  3. FancyChristine15

    i hate cardio.

    I feel you. I hate all forms of exercise. I really don't know why. I always feel better once I do the exercise. I just don't want to.
  4. FancyChristine15

    Portion Sizes @ Restaurants

    I always feel weird doing it, but, when I ask in advance, I've never had anyone tell me I can't order off the kids menu. I don't ask often though. I usually just order an ala carte item or something
  5. FancyChristine15

    Constantly hungry

    I do remember being more hungry in the first couple of stages. Once you get to real foods again, you'll get fuller.
  6. FancyChristine15


    At first, my stomach would almost growl when I was full. It was weird, and it took some getting used to. Now that I'm a year out, I just feel the restriction. Your body will let you know when you're full though.
  7. FancyChristine15

    Sleeves Any regrets????why and why not????

    My surgery was 3/20/18, and I've had no regrets! I'd do it again in a second!
  8. So, I've been getting dizzy lately, like really dizzy. It's almost exclusively when I stand up. It takes me a few seconds for the room to stop spinning, then I can go on with what I got up to do. It's very frustrating and annoying though. I work at a hospital, and I had my coworker check my BP when sitting then right after standing and it didn't drop, which is what I thought was happening, so I don't know what the issue is. I was supposed to have my one year check up last week, but they had to reschedule due to the NP leaving, so now it's not until 4/17. I eat about 1200 calories a day. 80-100g of protein daily. Exercise 4 days a week for about 30 min. Drink 90-100oz of water a day. Take all of my vitamins. I just don't know what it could be. It's been happening pretty regularly for about a month. Any ideas?
  9. FancyChristine15

    Gained weight

    Or, @Cathy1985, are you still watching what you eat, getting your water in, exercising, getting in your protein, taking your vitamin, etc?
  10. FancyChristine15

    Dizziness one year post-op

    No, Orchid. I don't take anything like that. The only prescriptions that I take are an antidepressant and birth control, and I've been on both since before my surgery. I am on quite a few new supplements, such as: multi, calcium, iron, biotin, and a probiotic. Oh, and thanks for the compliment on my new pic!
  11. FancyChristine15

    Dizziness one year post-op

    Lindsay, thank you so much for the fantastic response! I’ve never had high BP, so I’m not on any BP meds. I am anemic though. I didn’t know that could cause dizziness. I do take 2-3 Iron supplements a day plus whatever is in my multi. I probably need to be more consistent and take 3 Iron pills a day, as my doctor recommended. Thanks again!
  12. FancyChristine15


    I'm a year post-op. I'd say I average about 60g of carbs per day.
  13. FancyChristine15

    What's Your Caloric Sweet Spot?

    I'm a year out, and I'm keeping it at 1,200 a day. I lost 5 pounds this week, so I guess it's still okay!
  14. I went to dinner the other night with a group for my friend's birthday. Some of his other friends there that I didn't know, which is great, and I ended up sitting across from one of his male friends that I didn't know. Well, this guy started going on and on about a girl that his buddy is dating. He kept going on about how "big" and tall she is. He also mentioned that she weighs 25 pounds more that his buddy, who weighs 150. I finally said "um, what's wrong with being a big, tall girl". He didn't really reply. I don't think he meant anything by it, but I found it incredibly rude, and it's been bothering me ever since. I'm 5'10". I was wearing heels that night, so I was over 6', and I weigh 241, so the fact that he kept going on about how big a 175 pound woman was made me mad.
  15. It's been a great year, and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Down a total of 221 pounds!!
  16. FancyChristine15

    64 oz of fluids

    How far post op are you? It is difficult to get that amount in at first, but it is doable. You just have to constantly sip all day.
  17. FancyChristine15


    Can you post a typical day of food for you?
  18. FancyChristine15

    Terrified I’m going to stretch my pouch

    A lot of people have that fear, but it's not very likely to actually stretch. You will lose some restriction as time goes, but that's just how this surgery works. To stretch your pouch, you would have to overeat pretty regularly.
  19. FancyChristine15

    Coke zero help

    Yeah, I have one every now and then, when I drink alcohol, but I can't drink much because they end up hurting my belly. You're fairly fresh from surgery, if I'm remembering correctly, so I would hold off another 6+ months if I were you.
  20. FancyChristine15

    Today is my one year surgiversary!

    Don’t mind the hair in the first photo. I was in a show! This is my before and current! Thanks for the love!
  21. FancyChristine15

    7 months post VSG full

    How long does it take you to eat? Maybe you're eating too fast.
  22. FancyChristine15

    Not feeling full

    That's all you eat? 1/2 a protein shake and soup twice a day? That's not much at all. When I was a month out, like you are, I was drinking 2 shakes a day and eating some pureed foods.
  23. So, I'm not even to goal yet, and I'm already thinking about the possibility of gaining weight, and it terrifies me. At another time in my life, before the surgery, I had lost a lot of weight with diet and exercise, and I put every pound back on plus more. I'm sure that I'm not the only one on this site with that has had that happen to them though. I'm obsessed with weight. I think about weight a lot. I watch YouTube videos of obese people. I watch My 600 Pound Life almost every day.
  24. FancyChristine15

    New post-op er

    You're still on liquids though right? A lot of people are hungry during the liquid phase. Once you start eating real food, you'll notice the restriction.
  25. FancyChristine15

    Food Addiction

    Definitely seek counseling. They can try to help you identify why you feel like you have to eat until you're sick and why you use food to cope. They can probably also help you come up with different things to help you cope instead of food.

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