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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FancyChristine15

  1. FancyChristine15

    Anyone else eat melba toast?

    I don't completely avoid carbs. I'm more into the "everything in moderation" mentality rather than doing Keto, not that there is anything wrong with either; we all have to do what works for us. I eat a slice of Ezekiel bread every day. I have never tried the Melba toast before though.
  2. FancyChristine15

    GERD before and after sleeve

    I had GERD before, and still have it. I also just had one 15mg pill daily, and it's controlled. I am still having success with just one pill a day. The acid reflux hasn't worsened or gotten better since my sleeve.
  3. FancyChristine15

    10 days post op smooth sailing?

    Don't wait for something bad to happen! You're just one of the lucky ones that didn't have a bad experience. Accept your good fortune!
  4. FancyChristine15

    Gallbladder Warriors! Sound familiar?

    It does sound similar to what I experienced. Mine was before my sleeve surgery. I legitimately thought that I was having a heart attack. I had never had pain like that in that area before. I went to the ER as well, and they said I had pancreatitis due to my gallbladder. Not fun. I ended up waiting a bit to have mine removed, because I was in a show, and the show MUST go on. I've felt so much better ever since it was removed.
  5. FancyChristine15

    Starbucks unsweetened ?

    I think it was 2 months out, if I'm remembering correctly.
  6. FancyChristine15

    Starbucks unsweetened ?

    I drink cold brew coffee daily, and have had no acid reflux issues, and it hasn't increased my appetite or anything. I started drinking it again a couple of months after my surgery.
  7. FancyChristine15

    Will it get easier?

    Yes, it gets easier. The first month is by far the most difficult. I have cravings still, and I allow myself to have those cravings every now and then. Moderation is key. I also eat small pieces of dark chocolate daily, and I track it. Balance is also key. You've got this. Get through the rest of your first month, and it will all get easier.
  8. As some have said above, there is no one answer that is going to accurately apply to everyone. I was told that the first 6 months are when I would lose the most weight, and I've found that to be true. I am still losing weight though, and I'd say I average about 2 pounds a week still, which I am happy with. If you eat, drink, and exercise like you should, you'll more than likely lose the weight.
  9. FancyChristine15

    Pre op vitamin deficiencies delay surgery?

    My D and Iron were low before and after surgery. It didn't cause any delays. I just took the supplements that my doctor told me to take.
  10. FancyChristine15

    Week 5 . Am I getting in my nutrients

    Yeah, cottage cheese was also a go-to for me. Are you able to take your vitamins? As long as you're taking your vitamins and drinking your protein shakes, you'll be okay for a while, until you're able to eat more.
  11. FancyChristine15

    1 Year Post Op - What are you eating?

    Yeah, I don't know that adding ice cream to your protein shakes is a good way to help you lose weight. I use the Low/Zero Carb Isopure Protein, and I add a packet of stevia to each scoop to help with the flavor, and I drink it ice cold. I like it that way. Breakfast - 1 egg and a few bacon Lunch - grilled chicken breast with a slice of cheese and light mayo Snack - protein shake Dinner - 1 slice of Ezekiel bread, 1 egg, cheese Snack - if hungry, I'll have sugar free jello I also eat 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate a day - I'm not giving that up lol
  12. FancyChristine15


    Here's a thread that answers your question
  13. FancyChristine15

    Post op

    It depends. My surgeon told me that I didn't have to wait at all to do things like walking on a treadmill. Now, any type of lifting won't be able to be done for a while, but walking should be able to be done relatively soon after surgery. As always though, ask your surgeon.
  14. FancyChristine15

    Just sleeved

    Also, maybe try different temperatures of water. Some can only tolerate it at room temperature right after surgery.
  15. FancyChristine15

    Just sleeved

    Try to be sure you're not sucking in air. That is what I was doing wrong. And that's kind of what happens when one sips something. You almost have to slowly tip the water back, but don't sip/suck it in, cause you're getting air in your belly that way, which made me nauseous.
  16. FancyChristine15

    Overeating with Sleeve

    Mashed potatoes are what we call a slider food. You're able to eat more of them cause they don't stick to your stomach, they just slide right on through, so you are able to eat more. That's generally why those of us who had the surgery a while ago stay away from foods like that, because we don't want to be able to eat too much. There's nothing wrong with you or your stomach; it's just that mashed potatoes are a slider food.
  17. FancyChristine15

    Ladies — post op period

    Mine have been all over the place since surgery, but I also started birth control around the same time as surgery, so I put my body through a lot of changes at one time.
  18. I would say that sounds about right to me.
  19. FancyChristine15

    Weight Loss Scale

    I weigh only once a week. Every Monday morning after using the bathroom and taking a shower. I think once a week at the same time is good enough for me. It's often enough that I know if weight is trying to creep back on, but it's not too often that I become obsessed with my weight.
  20. FancyChristine15


    What do you mean by "problems"? If you mean, did you want REAL food, then yes. I couldn't wait to have something other than sugar free popsicles and protein shakes. lol. If you mean medical problems, I did experience some diarrhea for the first 5-6 days after my surgery. I don't know if it was because of the surgery or because I was only on liquids or what.
  21. FancyChristine15

    vitamins for lifetime?

    I was also told that I'll have to take vitamins for life...weird, indeed.
  22. FancyChristine15

    ❤ 17 Months Post Op ❤

    You're such an inspiration and an asset to our little group here. Thank you for sharing. You're beautiful!
  23. If I had to guess, based on my personal experience and what I've learned on this site, I'd say you're hungry because you're eating what we call slider foods. The foods that you are eating aren't sticking with you like higher protein foods would. Just try it. Switch up your foods for a week and eat more protein and less carbs and sugar and see if we're right.
  24. I also eat 1200 calories a day, but I don't eat near the amount of carbs that you do, and I eat more protein, and I'm not hungry at all. I eat 3 meals a day plus one high protein snack. If you switched your focus from fruit, crackers, pretzels, and other carbs to high protein foods, you wouldn't be as hungry.
  25. @MGBinIsraelNo one was purposefully being offensive by their advice or even by asking if this was a hoax. You posted your diet, which is very high in sugar and carbs, and then said you don't know why you're gaining weight. Unfortunately, we have had people come to this site with nothing better to do, and asked us ridiculous questions or just tried to start fights, so we're a little protective. You asked for advice, and you have been given advice by people who are successfully losing weight or who have successfully lost weight and are keeping it off, and all you've done is defend your food choices that are causing you to gain weight. Take our advice or don't. All we can do is give advice, but you have to choose to accept it and do it. Best of luck to you.

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