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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FancyChristine15

  1. FancyChristine15

    Feeling awful at theme parks

    I don't really have any advice for you, but I'm sorry that you're going through this. I love theme parks, but I haven't been to one in a long time due to my size. I'll be going to one next summer for sure!
  2. FancyChristine15

    Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..

    I'll always let someone pray for me who is willing too! Sorry that you have been criticized because of your faith. Thank you for this post.
  3. FancyChristine15

    Should I cut my hair? (Hair Loss)

    @AstroCat - the short hair looks great on you!
  4. FancyChristine15

    Time off from work?

    I needed like a week and a day.
  5. FancyChristine15

    I am officially overweight!

    Awesome! I can't wait to be overweight!
  6. Girl, I feel you! I was 463 when I started, so it took A LOT of weight loss for me to be able to actually notice a difference in my clothes. It took me losing almost 100 pounds before I had to get smaller pants. I've lost 142, and I'm still wearing the same shirts; some of them are pretty big though. It's crazy how our bodies work. Now that I'm smaller, compared to what I was, I know that I'll be able to see changes more quickly now. Congrats on your weight loss!
  7. FancyChristine15

    Logging your daily intake of food and etc.?

    I use the MyPlate app, and I think it's easier to just put in what I'm eating, then the app keeps track of the calories, carbs, protein, etc. I do find it very useful.
  8. FancyChristine15

    Feels like I am waiting for my death....

    I wasn't afraid for some reason. I trusted my surgeon totally. I know multiple people who he's preformed surgeries on, and they're all doing really well. I didn't even let anyone come to the hospital with me, cause I knew I'd be fine. I just told my mom that I would call/text her after to ease her worries, and I did lol! You'll be totally fine! The likelihood of anything happening during surgery is EXTREMELY low! You've got this!
  9. FancyChristine15

    "morbidly Obese" since childhood

    Yep! I've been morbidly obese ever since I was about 5 or 6. The lowest weight I've been as an adult is about 265, which is also how much I weighed when I was 15. I can't wait to be that weight again, and then go lower!
  10. FancyChristine15

    How often do you weigh in?

    There is a scale at my work, so I weigh every Monday morning right after I get to work. I like weighing weekly, as it lets me know how I'm doing, but I'm not obsessing over weight at all, which is how I am personally if I weigh daily.
  11. FancyChristine15

    Acid reflux question? Based on recent poll.

    I had GERD before the sleeve, and I haven't noticed an increase in my GERD symptoms either. I still take one 15mg Prevacid right after I wake up in the morning, which is what I did before surgery, and I'm good the rest of the day.
  12. FancyChristine15

    Premier Protein Chunky?

    Every once in a while a caramel one will have a chunk of I don't know what in it. I hate when that happens though, cause it grosses me out. I wouldn't classify it as chunky, as there is usually only one chunk, but still very unappealing.
  13. Plateaus are definitely a pain in the butt! If you keep eating right, getting in your protein, getting in your liquids, and exercising, you will see your weight drop. I have been able to get 64oz or more of water down since day 3, so I don't find it abnormal at all that you can drink more than some may think it's normal. I wish that the surgery just magically removed all of the cravings from our heads, but it doesn't. We still have to say "no" to those cravings. I ate lunch with my coworkers today. I ate a low fat cottage cheese, and the guy next to me ate a fried chicken sandwich with mac and cheese and fries. That's what I'd rather have, but it's just not worth it.
  14. FancyChristine15

    When did you start losing hair?

    I'm 4 1/2 months out, and I haven't experienced hair loss yet. I take my supplements daily, including biotin, and I usually eat around 100g of protein daily. I don't know if either of those things has anything to do with it or not.
  15. FancyChristine15

    Office chair NSV

    I had to go to another building for work today. I’ve been to this other office before; the last time was right before surgery. Well, the office chairs that they have there are more narrow than they are at my office, and in the past it’s been an issue. The arms of the chair would dig into my hips, which made sitting very uncomfortable. Well, today I sat in one of those chairs, and there was no digging! I was able to sit very comfortably! Yay!
  16. I was never told a certain amount of carbs to eat. I was just told to start with protein in my meals, and by the time I get to carbs, I won't be hungry for them. I do tend to keep carbs to around 40g though, that's including the 8 from my chewable calcium and the 8 from my protein drinks.
  17. FancyChristine15

    Calorie intake

    I'm usually around 800-1000 per day. I'm 4 1/2 months post op, and I'm down 79 pounds since the surgery.
  18. I know that everyone is different, but by 5 days post-op, I was getting 64oz of liquid daily. By what you've written, it sounds like you're not getting much more than 8. Is that correct? I'm with the others on your sugar intake. If you're getting in other liquids, why would you need the added sugar? It doesn't make any sense to me. You should be able to get more liquids in without having to add the excess sugar.
  19. FancyChristine15

    Hair Loss

    I am over 4 months post-op, and I haven't experienced any hair loss yet. I still could, but I'm glad that I haven't yet.
  20. FancyChristine15

    7 Weeks Post Op and Stalled!

    I agree with the other commenters. Your body may be in starvation mode, because you aren't eating enough.
  21. FancyChristine15


    Yeah, after a while, you'll be able to drink normally again. You won't be able to chug water or anything, but you won't have to sip all the time. Every once in a while, I take too big of a drink and it hurts, so just drink normally, when the time comes, and you'll be fine!
  22. FancyChristine15

    Bad day blues

    I had a day like that on Saturday. There were just a lot of personal issues that were happening, and I wanted food! I did eat more carbs than normal on that day. I was with my sister and her family, and we ordered Mexican. I got chicken with rice and queso. I ate mostly chicken and just a bite or two of rice, but then I came back and ate more later and ate the rest of my chicken with more rice. I also had a couple pieces of chocolate. But, hey, I tracked every bite, and I still lost 4 pounds this week. You're not always going to be perfect, and yes, it will pass!
  23. FancyChristine15

    Process Timeframe??

    My first consult was the beginning of September 2017, and my surgery was March 20, 2018. So, I had about 7 months in between, but I was able to start getting used to my new way of eating, and I was able to drop some pounds (not as much as I hoped, but still).
  24. FancyChristine15

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    Weighing daily would drive me insane. I know because I've done it before. I am only weighing once a week. We have a scale at my work, so I weigh on it every Monday at around the same time, wearing similar clothing and the same shoes.
  25. FancyChristine15

    Baking Question

    https://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/convert/measurements.html Look under the "Dry Measure Equivalents" section. That's got Tbps, tsp, and cups to grams.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
