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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FancyChristine15

  1. FancyChristine15

    Should I buy a scale?

    I would say yes, get the scale, BUT only allow yourself to weigh once a week. The same day, the same time, wearing about the same clothes, or no clothes. Be consistent in your weighing, but don't let weighing consume you. I only weigh once a week, and that's what works best for me. It helps me not obsess, yet I know what I weigh regularly.
  2. FancyChristine15

    Eating & drinking at the same time??

    I, like Kim, find it very uncomfortable to drink while I eat. So, I do follow the 30 minute rule.
  3. FancyChristine15

    Passed the Chic-fil-A test...it was tough

    That's something to celebrate! Great job!
  4. FancyChristine15

    Barely, but it counts!

    Mine is also 175! We'll both get there one day! It's happening!
  5. FancyChristine15

    Just had intake appointment

    All of your questions are valid! I would do it all over again if I had to. It's the best decision I've ever made! Congrats on taking the first step and meeting with your new team!
  6. My friend told me that this one is really good! I like the cookies and cream, but I'm not a big fan of the mint chocolate chip.
  7. FancyChristine15

    When Did Your Weight Stabalize

    Can you post a typical food day, how much water you're drinking, how much protein you're getting, and how much exercise you get?
  8. FancyChristine15

    TEETH anyone having issues?

    I haven't had any issues so far. I do get in all of my vitamins and 100g of protein per day.
  9. I'm a little over 6 months post op, and this is my first week that I didn't lose some weight. I'm trying not to upset, because I had a big weight loss last week, a little over 6 pounds. I'm meticulous about tracking what I eat and drink, so I know that I've eaten well and drank well. I've also been exercising more than usual, so I think that the number will eventually show what I've been doing.
  10. FancyChristine15

    First week with no weight loss

    Hey, Matt! Thanks for the reply. Yes, I do track my water. On an average day, I get 95oz. So, I can definitely get that increased.
  11. FancyChristine15

    My experience so far with sleeve (6 weeks in)

    I allow myself to eat things that are bad for me sometimes, not everyday, but occasionally. I want this to be a life change, and it's not realistic for me to think that I'll never have another bite of bread again, because I will. If I deprive myself totally, I know that I'll eventually binge on those types of foods that I've been depriving myself of. It seems to work for me. If I REALLY want something, I let myself have a little bit of it. That way, the craving goes away.
  12. FancyChristine15

    Not eating at all

    Have you tried sugar free popsicles? They may be able to help you get some liquids down. Honestly though, I would call your surgeon's office and let them know what's going on.
  13. FancyChristine15

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    It's sounds like you're doing GREAT, @BeanieSprouts! 110 pounds in 9 months is fantastic!
  14. FancyChristine15

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    Of course, I'm not a pro, but I would say to concentrate on eating your proteins first. I try to get 100g of protein daily, and I think it's helped me a lot.
  15. FancyChristine15

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    @it'sonlythefirststep I'm doing well! Down 160. I haven't been measuring inches, but I'm down multiple clothing sizes. I had acid reflux prior to surgery, but, thankfully, it hasn't gotten any worse, so I'm happy about that. Glad to hear that you're doing well.
  16. FancyChristine15

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    Hey, fellow March sleevers. We're all 6 months post-op now! How is everyone doing?
  17. FancyChristine15

    Not doing great in pre-op diet

    I ate well for a while before the surgery, but I only had to do all liquids for 2 days pre-op. If I were you, I would call my doctor's office and be honest with them about what you've been doing. That way, you'll know for sure if it'll be okay or not.
  18. FancyChristine15


    My surgeon told me only Tylenol.
  19. FancyChristine15

    Taking Multiple Pills Post Surgery

    I am still able to take a bunch at one time. I take 4 at the same time with no issues.
  20. FancyChristine15

    Onederland Is Amazeballs

    AMAZING! Congrats!
  21. FancyChristine15

    Any sleevers start at or close to 500lb?

    My highest weight was 463. I weighed 405 on my surgery date, which was 3/20/18, and I now weigh 308.8. I’m only 6 months out, so I can’t say how affective it is long term, but it’s working so far!
  22. FancyChristine15

    Popcorn safe to eat?

    I’ve eaten it a few times, and I’ve had no issues.
  23. FancyChristine15

    Taking Tylenol in pill form

    I was taking large vitamins by 4 weeks. I’m sure you’re fine.
  24. FancyChristine15

    Why am I losing weight so slowly

    I’m with the other commenters, we need more information to determine what could be slowing down your weight loss. Do you track your food, water intake, protein consumption, exercise, etc? If so, please post it here, so that we can all look at it. If you aren’t tracking those things, you should; it’s very helpful!
  25. FancyChristine15

    Pasta and weight stall!!!! :o

    Losing 3 pounds isn’t a stall; it’s great! You won’t lose 16 pounds a week; it’s just not going to happen. Some weeks you’ll lose more, and some weeks you’ll lose less.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
