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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FancyChristine15

  1. FancyChristine15

    Tell me about your immediate post-op recovery!

    As soon as I woke up, my chest hurt...bad. I knew that it was from the gas though, and that is what it was, so I just tried to breathe through the pain. Once they got me out of recovery and into my room that I would be staying the night in, I told the nurse that I wanted to get up and walk, so I did. I walked a little ways down the hall and back; I just wanted to relieve that gas pain. No one was there with me, at my request, but my best friend came to visit me shortly after I got to my room; I wasn't great company, as I had so much gas pain. Can you tell the gas pain was the worst part for me? lol! I had to be given a sleeping pill to be able to sleep that night, because I was just so uncomfortable. The next morning, while I was still in the hospital, I started getting nauseous. A nurse friend of mine came to visit me while I was experiencing some pretty severe nausea, and she told me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, and that helped A LOT!
  2. FancyChristine15

    Is one week off work enough?

    I work a desk job also, and I needed about a week and a half. Like you mentioned, the pain wasn't really the issue; I was just exhausted. It takes a little bit for your body to adjust to the small amount of nutrients you're getting right after surgery. I would take 2 weeks off, if you can.
  3. FancyChristine15

    I don't think I'm ready ):

    Yeah, it seems normal to me that you're second guessing this, as it is a major decision. What I will say is that I really haven't had to give up much of anything. I can't eat as much as I used to be able to, of course, but I don't stop myself from having something if I REALLY want it. If I want chocolate, I have a small piece. If I want pancakes, I have half of one, which ends up being more than enough....I could go on. No, I don't eat these things all day, every day, but I do let myself have them occasionally. I do drink coffee everyday; I do better with the cold brew variety, as it's less acidic, and I use a non-sugary flavoring with stevia for sweetener, so I'm not adding a bunch of calories or carbs, but I DO get my caffeine fix daily. I wasn't able to have it for a while, while I was healing, but I'm now 7 months post-op and can enjoy my glass a day. I also drink alcohol now. Do I do it a lot? No. But I do allow myself to drink occasionally. I don't keep liquor at the house, because I don't need it that often, but when I go out with friends, I may have a drink. I do vodka and water, and I bring Mio to but in it, so I'm still getting a yummy drink, without adding calories and carbs. I really wasn't a soda or sparkling water drinker before, so I don't miss that. I'm 32, and I wish that I would have done the surgery when I was your age, instead of waiting.
  4. FancyChristine15

    Progress...slow but steady

    Awesome! Congrats on your progress!
  5. For water, find a water flavoring that you like. I rarely drink plain water. My go-to is Mio Sweet Tea; it's delicious, and makes drinking my water much easier.
  6. FancyChristine15

    I cried

    I feel ya, girl! There are some days where I'm like "man, I want to eat more of that, cause it's so good" , but then I'm really thankful that I can't. I got to have a little of whatever it is, and that's enough!
  7. FancyChristine15

    Weight loss

    Yeah, try not to let yourself worry about it. Right now, you're healing still. If you follow the plan your doctor set for you, you'll lose weight. It just may take a little time. Congrats on taking the first step!
  8. FancyChristine15

    Sugar intake

    I don't keep track of sugar, but my app, the MyPlate app, tracks my fat, carbs and protein. I shoot for 100-110g of protein a day, and I shoot for 40g or less carbs per day, but occasionally, I let myself eat more.
  9. FancyChristine15

    It has been 1 year!

    Wow! Not only do you look amazing, but your health has obviously improved! Congrats!
  10. I don't know that it's weird, but mine is dark chocolate. I have at least 1 piece every day. I track it!
  11. Yes, your surgeon does sound like an ass, BUT how have you been eating? I doubt that he opened you up and just didn't do anything. I get hungry too. In fact, as I'm writing this, I'm hungry and wanting some lunch! I just can't eat a lot at one time. The food choices that you make, affect how much you can eat of something too. I don't know how you're eating; you've been asked a few times, but you haven't responded. How is your diet? The surgery is only part of weight loss equation. My surgeon explained that the surgery won't do it all for me, I have to eat right, exercise, and drink water too. Do you keep track of your food, protein, and water? The surgery will not fix it all for you; you have to make changes too in order to see results.
  12. FancyChristine15

    Post Op food

    Cottage cheese was a good start for me
  13. FancyChristine15

    Broke up with bf over this surgery.

    Good for you! You'll be totally fine. I was on my own for my recovery, and I think it was better that way, because it forced me to get up and do things for myself. You've got this!
  14. FancyChristine15

    It's LOSE, not LOOSE!

    Ugh! This drives me nuts too!
  15. FancyChristine15

    Sick and thirsty and regretting

    The first month after surgery is by far the worst. It gets so much better after that. Just hang in there, and it will get easier.
  16. FancyChristine15

    post op stall now moving

    I can only weigh weekly. If I weigh more often than that, I get too obsessed with that pesky scale. I'm almost 7 months out, and I'm still having a hard time with slowing down when I eat. I still have to work on that. It sounds like you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
  17. FancyChristine15

    Non Scale Victories

    Similar to @abefroman329's story; my friend and I went to a play on Friday. We sat next to each other, and our arms weren't touching at all. Usually, I'm all up in the person's space that is sitting next to me. Not anymore!
  18. FancyChristine15

    7 month stall (need advice)

    For a male who exercises that much, I would think that you should up your calories a bit. 900 seems pretty low for the amount of exercise you do.
  19. FancyChristine15


    @AshAsh1 mentioned timing yourself. I will definitely second that. I'm trying to think of the things that were the most challenging for me at first, and that is one of them. I was always used to drinking while eating. Everyone does it, but it's something you have to stop doing. The other thing that was challenging for me was taking all of my vitamins. I actually got overwhelmed with this part, which I didn't expect. I take 2 calciums, a multivitamin, biotin, 3 iron, and 3 vitamin c, plus my prescription and otc medicines, and some of those can't be taking within a few hours of other things, etc... Just talk to your doctor or pharmacist about medication/vitamin interactions, so you know when to take everything to get the best benefits. My favorite protein is the Isopure Zero Carb. It's 25g of protein per scoop. I add a packet of stevia to each scoop that I use, as it's more bland than other proteins that I've used. Lastly, know that you don't have to eat something just because it's there. In my department, there is CONSTANTLY food being brought in, but just because it's here, doesn't mean that I have to eat it.
  20. I not an expert or anything, but I really don't think you're eating too much. Did your doctor give you any protein goal and water goals? I was told to get at least 80g of protein per day, but I usually get 100g or more, and I get 90oz of water in per day too. What is your protein intake? It doesn't seem high, based on the food you listed. I also wouldn't be disappointed by 36 pounds in 2 months; I think that's great!
  21. FancyChristine15

    IBS help!!!!

    Yeah, I can't remember how long it lasted exactly, but it was only for like 2-5 days.
  22. FancyChristine15

    Most important..

    The foods that your doctor says that you can have. Sugar Free popsicles were a life-saver for me. Liquid Tylenol, not the childrens kind though, that stuff is grotesquely sweet. An ice pack will be good, if you experience pain at the incision site. My biggest advice for after surgery is to get up and walk. It will help you SOOOO much!
  23. FancyChristine15

    IBS help!!!!

    I had diarrhea for a couple of days after my surgery. I've never been diagnosed with IBS though, but my doctor said that I do have symptoms of it. Mine definitely wasn't extreme though. If your doctor thinks you should get checked out, you should. Don't want you to get dehydrated.
  24. FancyChristine15

    Barely, but it counts!

    I'm officially in the 200's, as of today's weigh in! I made it by the skin of my teeth, but it still counts! Yay!!
  25. FancyChristine15


    How much protein everyone needs is different. If you add protein, you'll add calories. I use the Isopure Zero Carb. It's 105 calories per scoop, no carbs, and 25g of protein. Getting your protein in is crucial!

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