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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by R?B

  1. I was banded back in June of 08 and i have had some success with the band. I know it's my fault because I went back to some of my old habits, but I have been working on those issues. Now back to why I replied. My last fill was back in July of 09 and everything was fine until about a week ago when I started to fill things get stuck. Even with water it seems not to go away. I have also noticed when I drink things cold it has been worse. I am eating enough so nutrition wise I am alright, however I am not sure why it started all of a sudden. I will call my doctor next week if it doesn't go away, but I was interested in your answers too. ****Edit update**** I was looking at other posts and I may have stomach swelling. I did have something stuck last week and it may have made my tender. They suggested that as long as you can keep liquids down, then just see if the swelling goes down and makes a difference. I have been eating as usual, so I will go a few days on soft stuff and see where it goes from there. I will update the post in a few too.
  2. Well after I lost my insurance the Dr visits were about $75 that included a fill. There really not that many costs other than the vitamins & blood tests every once in a while.
  3. I can not say he is the best since I know no other doctors that do this; however the reason you choose a doctor is for all the reason you said. I would recommend him in a heart beat. He is a model for all in his line of business and a pro at what he does. I was banded June of 2008 and while I have had my up's and down's, he and his staff have always been kind and supportive. RÅB
  4. R?B

    San Antonio

    I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... how have y'all been doing if you don't mind me asking? San Antonio, Tx
  5. I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... how have you been doing if you don't mind me asking?

  6. I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... how have you been doing if you don't mind me asking?

  7. I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... how have you been doing if you don't mind me asking?

  8. I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... how have you been doing if you don't mind me asking?

  9. I was banded in June of 08 by Sonny Cavazos and lost 60 lbs between June 3 to mid-January ...Since then I have not lost anything ... ow have you been doing if you don't mind me asking?

  10. Hi all, I really haven't been to the sight in a while, but just sharing what I know by reading. Fills, CC's and band size make all the difference in the world. I am surprised to hear there is a 4cc band when I have a 14 cc band. I have had had 3 fills since my surgery 06/02/08. .5cc when the band was put in and 1.5 cc there after, so I have a total of 5cc's. The first fill was done by the doctor and the other two where done by a PA. On the last one she said i only needed .5cc at a time and I should be good... luckily or should I say unluckily she couldn't find the port, so they called the doc up from his rounds of new surgery's to fill me. When we talked that's when he told me I had a 14cc band and he was going to put another 1.5cc's. In my mind I was thinking the PA really should have know this. She is fairly knew with only 2 months with that doctors office, but she was in the Lap Band project at the local University. As I said after reading I see many say they get to the sweet spot around 6cc.... Not sure of their band size, so I will be discussing it with my doctor next week on my fill date. I have stopped losing weight, but I do eat less frequent but I can almost eat the same amount. I am sure if you talk with your doc honestly and ask the questions on band size and educated guess of fill size you should fell a lot better. I know this site helps me realize it's not all the same, but with communication we help each other... Best of luck and stay strong.... And to the original poster maybe once all 4cc's are filled and that could be your answer so ask.... RÅB:thumbup:
  11. R?B

    Weight Loss to Date

    Banded 06/02/08 with 56 lbs. Been stuck on the same weight for about 3 weeks now. I have my third fill next week, so let's see what that does. RÅB :eek:
  12. I am a very pick person and I tried a few, but I do like Amplify from GNC. The cost a little more, but they have chocolate,Chocolate Mint, Cookies & Cream, vanilla & strawberry & banana. I only like it with milk and in the San Antonio area we have HEB that carries Mootopia milk which is lactose free and has 14 grams of Protein, so combined 1 scoop of powder & 6-8 oz milk is great = 34 grams of protien. The only thing I noticed is that it is better if you blend it vs, just shaking it. I know people say that's a lot of work, but they sell a mini blender at Walmart from Hamilton Beach for $16. The best part of this blender is that it has a drinking lid. It can hold 12oz, but I only fill w/6. I drink it on the way to work and wash the cup when I get there. I know the Magic Bullet is similar, but 4 times the cost. I love the Chocolate, Cookies & Cream & the Strawberry & Banana. They keep telling me to buy the Vanilla and mix it with OJ...they claim it tastes like Orange Julius, If you know what that is, but I say na. Just an FYI if you buy it from them and don't like it, you can exchange it w/i 30 days... Just giving what I like. RÅB
  13. Hello all, I was Banded on 06/02/08. I have lost 55lbs. It fluctuates between 55 - 60 with what I assume is Water retention or bowl movements. I am on my second fill and honestly I can't even feel the band most of the time unless I touch it. I know my doc & the office personnel look at my strangely when they ask if the banding seems any different and I say no. While obviously it has helped, my eating seems to be the same for portion size, but I eat a whole lot less as far as caloric intake. In addition I do eat a lot better. I think there has only been three times when I have felt a minor stuck feeling, but other than that I do alright. For the past 3-4 weeks I have been steady at 55lbs loss, but I am alright with that, at least for now. I have been reading and see where many didn't start the loss until the 3rd fill or 6cc's. I have 2 and with 3 or 4cc's... Can't remember how much they had when they put it in, but each fill was 1.5 so far. I have a hard time getting the 80 grams of Protein in, but I am dedicated and the shakes help a lot and I like the taste of the 3 I use...Time will tell and I am using the Band as a tool and not as a miracle... Feel free to ask questions, but I am just doing one day at a time.:tongue: RÅB
  14. R?B

    Anyone banded june 2008?

    Hello all, I was Banded on 06/02/08. I have lost 55lbs. It fluctuates between 55 - 60 with what I assume is Water retention or bowl movements. I am on my second fill and honestly I can't even feel the band most of the time unless I touch it. I know my doc & the office personnel look at my strangely when they ask if the banding seems any different and I say no. While obviously it has helped, my eating seems to be the same for portion size, but I eat a whole lot less as far as caloric intake. In addition I do eat a lot better. I think there has only been three times when I have felt a minor stuck feeling, but other than that I do alright. For the past 3-4 weeks I have been steady at 55lbs loss, but I am alright with that, at least for now. I have been reading and see where many didn't start the loss until the 3rd fill or 6cc's. I have 2 and with 3 or 4cc's... Can't remember how much they had when they put it in, but each fill was 1.5 so far. I have a hard time getting the 80 grams of Protein in, but I am dedicated and the shakes help a lot and I like the taste of the 3 I use...Time will tell and I am using the Band as a tool and not as a miracle... Feel free to ask questions, but I am just doing one day at a time.:tongue: RÅB
  15. I noticed you were in San Antonio.. I personally only know of one other with the band and know 2 that are the significant other of co-works.. Just wonder how things are going. I was banded on 06/02/08 ... Fell free to msg me .. I think it's better when you can share with someone in your local area... My offer is really to anyone in SA or where ever.

  16. R?B

    Newbie (Surgery 5/27/08)

    It does get better.. Everyone is different, but after 9 -14 days of just Water, Broth and Jello ..your body will be glad when you can eat go back to the protien Shakes and the soft stuff like eggs... Hand in there and I am sure you will see it was worth it. I lost 15lbs the first week of just liquids and then 5-7lbs since then... I have lost 39lbs since the 27th of may 29lbs after the surgery.
  17. R?B

    Newbie (Surgery 5/27/08)

    I had my banding On Monday. I really have not been all that hungry. I stayed at my sisters house for the past 2 days after surgery to make sure I was alright and spend time with my 2 nephews. As always when I stay there I cook for them since I was there baby sitter from age 0 - 5 and my sister isn't a very good cook. She makes the box stuff alot. I figured my banding should not change what I love doing for them, so I made them Breakfast. I made chesse omlets and even though I wasn't hungry it smelled good and made my mouth Water. I guess anfter just water for the past two days my brain said Yum... I served them and made some broth.. figured counts as my liquids for now and gave my taste buds a little BAM vs water.... I just want to train my way of thinking "You know you are not hungry, it just smells good" ... After a small "I know" I drank the small amount of broth and I was good.. I think it will be all about decisions and self reminders at the begining... once I have it down it should be an easier track. I see a lot of success here so stay positive and if you need some suppport just hit me up... Good luck and take care. RÅB:thumbup:

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