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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by toodlerue

  1. toodlerue

    Still getting ill...

    At almost 4 years out I started to get nauseous for no reason. I have been like this since Feb. it’s not food. I really can’t figure out what it is & neither can any Dr including my surgeon. He did an EDG a couple weeks ago & didn’t see anything wrong. some days I’m good & somedays, like today, I’m bad! I have been to my PCP, gastrointestinal, urologist, naturopath & my surgeon. Who else can I try?
  2. toodlerue

    Pain at 3 weeks post op

    Definitely bring it up to your doctor! 3 weeks is a long time to still be in that much pain!
  3. toodlerue

    Six months

    Keep up the great work!
  4. You have been dumping this whole time! Every time you have to lay down after you eat it is because you are dumping. Have you tried eating high protein, veggies & fruit (natural sugar)? I would stick with a bariatric eating protocol instead of filling your body with sugar & crap.
  5. I agree with it being dehydration. I say forget trying to push through it & go to an ER to get some fluids! It could have been nausea from the anesthetic that cause may have lasted 5-8 days & now your body is dehydrated & can’t catch up without an iv. Dehydration is a huge thing to watch out for! My daughter has to really make sure she drinks enough liquid each day! She got dehydrated 5 months after her surgery & passed out at work! Scared the crap out of her coworkers. She also passed out in a convenience store once because she was dehydrated!
  6. toodlerue

    Sugar intake question

    Just know that letting sugar back into your life is a slippery slope. Wish I never would have done it.
  7. toodlerue

    Need more protein!! Please help

    Are you still in the purée stage? It is hard. I added unflavored protein powder to soups or mashed potatoes. If I made a roast with veggies for the family I would blend up a little bit of all of it with some of the juice essentially making my own baby food, but it was good! I also ate a lot of soft scrambled eggs or even soft boiled eggs or made egg salad from hard boiled eggs.
  8. Wow, I guess because my RNY was to fix GERD my Surgon told me to take a PPI for the rest of my life. I was on pantoprazole for 4 years now I’m on omeprazole.
  9. toodlerue

    “Stuck” Sensation?

    Try just a couple of sips of Coke. It’s what I had to do when I had that sensation before my RNY. And call your surgeon!
  10. toodlerue

    5 months

    How exciting! It is so nice to have more choices in what with wear now!
  11. toodlerue

    Bariatric friendly pain relievers

    I forgot I also use ThermaCare heat packs! They stay hot for up to 8 hours. The ones for menstrual pain are a big sticker! The ones for shoulder use are sticky on both ends. They are by the Icyhot in the stores.
  12. toodlerue

    Bariatric friendly pain relievers

    I have chronic pain & will for the rest of my life. I use a lot of Lidocane patches & BioFreeze but I’m not sure how those would work on your crack. I have taken ibuprofen occasionally when I’m in a lot of pain (maybe 4 times in the last 4.5 years). I know I shouldn’t but when the Lidocane, BioFreeze, tens unit, heat, ice, Norco & Metaxalone aren’t working I need some relief somehow!
  13. toodlerue

    Heartburn & Belly Pain

    Was there anything else going on when you had your surgery? Did you have hiatal hernia repair then? My esophagus was really misshaped when I had my RNY 4 years ago & my surgeon told me I had to take a PPI for the rest of my life.
  14. toodlerue

    Liquid diet

    I have been using a patch vitamin for the last 4 years (after RNY) I take enough supplements & I didn’t wanna swallow another pill & chewables make me nauseous because of the artificial sweeteners. I haven’t had any of my labs for vitamins & minerals come back crazy when I have done them each year since surgery.
  15. toodlerue


    PatchAid. I take so many pill & supplements I don’t wanna have to swallow one more thing. I have been using them for over 4 years & only have had an issue with my iron, but I had problems with anemia pre RNY.
  16. I had a bypass for sever GRED also. I felt the same way that I had made a big mistake those 1st few weeks. Even though it’s done laparoscopically, it’s still a MAJOR surgery. I had a Fundalipacation 12 years prior to fix the GERD it eventually failed & my esophagus was now in an L shape so 1/2 of it wasn’t where it was supposed to be. My insurance covered it but I went to who they recommended (wish I would have known better). He is a great Thorasic surgeon but he’s not a bariatric surgeon. He told me to get all my info off of the internet 🙄 so I pieced together my own eating plan for the 1st 6-8 weeks. He did tell me that I would have to take a PPI for the rest of my life.
  17. I am 4 years post op & I have been plagued by nausea almost all day long. I wake up nauseous! This has been going on since at least February. I currently take 3-4 8mg of Zofran a day & meclezine too. I keep my food intake to less then 4 oz at a time so I’m not over stuffing myself. I am seeing a gastroenterologist & a naturopath & a urologist (I have asymptomatic Ecoli - I have it actively in my urine but have NO symptoms!) I’m wondering if this could be from the bypass. Anyone else dealt with any of this before? I’m just tired of feeling so crummy most of the time. We are going on our 1st 7 day cruise in Sept & I don’t want to deal with this then!
  18. toodlerue


    Congratulations on your new life! Sounds like you are having a ton of fun! Cracked me up that you don’t think that your body has changed much but loosing 14” from your waist is HUGE! Is it that you can see that you still have the same type of shape? My stomach is always gonna be big, my stomach & hips are the same measurement. (That means I stick out as much in the front as I do in the back 🤣) I have always been this way. I have to buy a size 12 pants for my waist but my hips are a size 8 & I weigh less then 140. The only thing that is gonna change that is a tummy tuck & that’s not feasible for me. You are right, we all suck at tennis! Enjoy all of the new things you can do😽
  19. toodlerue

    2 Weeks Post Op... Some issues?

    Maybe the spot in your throat is where they took a biopsy from & it takes a little longer to heal. That feeling does drive you crazy! Make sure you are getting all of your protein in every day. Don’t worry so much about calories right now. Getting enough protein can boost your energy. Definitely get your stool checked out!
  20. toodlerue

    Gastric bypass complications

    More info please. How long ago was your surgery? What kind of pain & where is your pain? What did the doctor give you for pain?
  21. Have you tried seeing a naturopath? I was having a problem with anemia & I did not like the side effects from the iron from the drugstore! I started seeing a naturopath & she is trying a different approach. There are chiropractors in my area that look at all your blood work including all of your vitamin & mineral levels. They will tell you what you need to take to bring your levels up. I also take a powdered “greens blend”. I buy it at Sam’s for about $24. You can buy something similar at Sprouts. It called Greens Blend by Amazing Grass. It is considered a superfood. I mix a scoop into some apple juice or water in the morning. I use it to wash down all my pills. It really is hard for us to get in all the fruits & veggies along with all of the protein requirements because of your tiny little tummies! Best of luck to you.
  22. toodlerue

    Sore shoulder?

    How long ago was your surgery? If in the last few days remember you haven’t eaten much in the last few weeks if you were on a liver shrinking diet & you aren’t eating solid right now so it may take a few days to have a BM. When a person has surgery they are given meds to make every muscle in their body relax! It takes a few days to come out of that. Doctors usually tell patients to take something like Colace to help with having a BM post surgery. Don’t try too hard, it will happen when it happens. I know it feels like you should go but don’t strain over it. The pain in your left shoulder is caused by the gas the surgeon uses to blow your abdomen up so they have more room to work. Some surgeons are better at removing the gas then others. Some people are more susceptible to the pain then others. Mine always takes about 3 weeks to go away. That is way longer then most peoples. They say that walking helps with that. But pain meds & muscle relaxers won’t help with that because it is your Vegus Nerve that is screaming it & causing the pain. Hope your pain goes away soon & you aren’t is so much agony.
  23. toodlerue

    Struggling hard 3 weeks out

    I have those too & they do taste awful. I just swallow with a little water, I figure its gonna be dissolved by the time it gets to my stomach!
  24. toodlerue

    Struggling hard 3 weeks out

    I’m sorry I meant Zofran!!! Maybe the other ones need to be adjusted.
  25. toodlerue

    Am I doing this right am I broken?

    Major life changing surgery was 5 days ago! Don’t be so hard on yourself! Your body needs to adjust. Right now it is saying “WTF?” It might take a few weeks. Once you can start eating more solid food it should get easier.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
