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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About dreamingofasleeve

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 08/02/1990

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  1. dreamingofasleeve

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    Hey guys I just had my 6 month labs drawn and everything looked good except my vitamin B1 theanine was really high. Has anyone had a similar experience? I meet with my surgeon on the 2nd just kind of freaked out cause I know b1 is very important! Ldl cholesterol was also a bit low. Buuutttt I am working on incorporating healthy fats. How is everyone doing? Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. dreamingofasleeve


    A 95% success rate with what? Is there something they can do besides bypass or is that a success rate if curing GERD with bypass? Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. dreamingofasleeve

    Heartburn 2 months post op?

    How have you been doing? Has your hearburn or reflux gotten any better? I am still struggling trying to ween off my pantoprozole now. Been off for 2 weeks and have been taking pepcid. Basically get heartburn everyday. I know rebound acid can be a thing. I am hoping it's going to get better [emoji25] Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. dreamingofasleeve

    Revision to rny

    I am so glad to hear you are doing well [emoji171] A revision scares me but when I talk to others it makes me feel like if I need one I will be ok. 🥰 How often did you get heartburn, or reflux? I seem to have it everyday. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. dreamingofasleeve

    Revision to rny

    Also how have you been feeling since revision? Rny scares me. But I think cancer scares me more [emoji20] Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. dreamingofasleeve

    Revision to rny

    Ugh that is awful. How long had you been sleeved and dealing with the GERD before you developed Barrett's? This is my fear. We're you able to control yours with medication? A PPI? Did you just get heartburn when you ate or was it a constant thing? Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. dreamingofasleeve

    May bypass

    I'm not sure if your talking to me... But I haven't had a scope yet to see what is causing it. I will talk with my surgeon at my 6 month appointment and we will see what she wants to do. I just have terrible anxiety and think waaayyyy into the future. It's a bad habit. But I'm just trying to keep an open mind and prepare myself if this is something I need to do. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Hi friends, I was sleeved almost 5 months ago and all was well until I tried to stop taking my pantoprozole around 8 weeks. I have had hearburn everyday since if I do not take the medicine. I do not want to take an acid reducer long term. So I've been trying to ween off it but it's not working.It scares the crap out of me. Just trying to see if anyone has had the same issue? Did it get better? Did you get a revision to rny? I am so scared to get a revision but reflux is scary and no fun at all. It can cause long term issues and damage that scares me also. I also know someone who was revised and is still having issues with reflux even after revision. Any encouragement is greatly appreciated. [emoji171] Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Hi friends, I was sleeved almost 5 months ago and all was well until I tried to stop taking my pantoprozole around 8 weeks. I have had hearburn everyday since if I do not take the medicine. I do not want to take an acid reducer long term. It scares the crap out of me. Just trying to see if anyone has had the same issue? Did it get better? Did you get a revision? I am so scared to get a revision but reflux is scary and no fun at all. It can cause long term issues and damage that scares me also. I also know someone who was revised and is still having issues with reflux. Any encouragement is greatly appreciated. [emoji171] Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. dreamingofasleeve

    Any regrets with RNY?

    I would like to know how you do. I am only 4.5 months out from my sleeve but I have been dealing with gerdzilla. Not fun. I thought I would be ok because I never had issues with reflux at all before surgery. I had never even had heartburn [emoji20] now I get it almost daily. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. dreamingofasleeve

    May bypass

    Ugh it's so awful I really didn't want to get another surgery and thought I would be ok because I never had issues before. It just scares me I didn't want rny. The process of moving everything around scares me. [emoji20] But you only get one esophagus, and 2 kidneys which long term PPI can cause kidney problems. I know a lot of people do just fine with rny but it just wasn't what I thought id possibly be doing. I hope and pray it goes away but right now the future looks bleak. I look forward to seeing how you do! I hope everything goes perfectly. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. dreamingofasleeve

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    Oh I definitely hope so 🤞 The past 2 weeks I have been trying to ween off my pantoprozole and have switched to taking pepcid (famotidine) everyday to combat hyperacidity. It is much less powerful and seems to be working so I am also hoping it gets better also. Just scares me because GERD is serious and you don't want to mess with Barrett's esophagus, and revision is usually the only definite fix. [emoji20] Everyone I have talked to says give it time but I am such a worry wart. My surgeon didn't seem concerned if the PPI was controlling it but it just isn't something I want to take long term. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. dreamingofasleeve

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    That sounds awesome you sound like you are doing amazing! I am doing good except I can't seem to shake this heartburn and it's really got me concerned. I never had an issue pre op and I get it daily now. I am scared to be on a PPI long term. Anyone else having issues with heartburn? [emoji20] Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. dreamingofasleeve


    Just want to follow this thread I have been experiencing awful heartburn since about 8 weeks post op. My doctor has me on 40mg of pantoprozole but I am terrified to take it long term. I have tried to ween off and switch to an h2 blocker (famotidine) it helps but I still have breakthrough symptoms. I never had heartburn pre op so I never realized how awful it was and the dangers of GERD scares me to death. I also am scared to take a PPI long term because it's not good for you. I am 4.5 months post sleeve and most have told me to wait that sometimes it gets better. Here's to hoping. some days are better than others but I am just trying to educate myself if this is the path I need to take. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. dreamingofasleeve

    May bypass

    Hi not scheduled but have been struggling with heartburn and have considered a revision just want to follow everyone and see how you all do! I never had heartburn pre sleeve and it is so awful and frustrating [emoji20] This was one of my fears getting surgery as I didn't want to have to revise to rny. I am only 4.5 months out from my sleeve and everyone tells me to give it time but it's just scary. Just trying to be ok with it if this is the path I need to take! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

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