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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by YeahOkay31

  1. YeahOkay31

    146lbs lost

    Aw, Ash, you are such a cute little peanut! Congrats on your success!
  2. YeahOkay31

    Any updates for 4 months out sleevers?

    This is 100% true. Vanity sizing has gotten crazy. I am fitting into some size 12 dresses, when I should be a 16 at this size, if memory serves me right. I also wonder what I will be wearing when I reach goal. 😳
  3. YeahOkay31

    First week with no weight loss

    Lady, I'm right there with ya. The stall is brutal. Especially when you know you are doing everything right. Here's to hoping you see a big loss next week. Hope we both do!
  4. YeahOkay31

    Turtles, sloths, DMV lines, my weight loss...

    Thank you for your responses and for the laughs--appreciate the poetry. I am happy about the 153, but I still got a ways to go and really ticked off I am entering a slow down so soon--this has been my longest stall. I just needed to do my public whine "in front" of folks that understand. Now I re-calibrate and try to keep my speedometer needle in the center--don't drift into the crazy weight loss antics and stay away from saying oh-screw it, if I am not losing weight being good then I am eating ALL the cookies! Here's to hoping I keep that needle in the middle.
  5. YeahOkay31

    Onederland Is Amazeballs

  6. I put on 5 pounds in a week with my food funeral. I think most of us do it, we are human. Food is a huge part of our lives, we need to mourn. Don't beat your self up over it.
  7. There will be pain. It will be mostly from the gas. The first day I begged for morphine. By night two it had decreased significantly. The real pain will last a week but they will send you home with some good stuff, I got oxycodone. Then there will be some minor soreness from your incisions for about another week or two--itchiness from the healing. Then nada. You feel tired, a bit weak, but all and all ok. I had two c-sections and they sucked, they were painfully. This was a cakewalk in compassion. You'll be okay.
  8. YeahOkay31

    Any updates for 4 months out sleevers?

    Congrats on your loss! I am a late April sleever, so almost May if that counts! April 27 so 4.5 months out. I am doing well except the GERD and random bouts of exhaustion. I am down 78 pounds since surgery and 152 from my highest. Have 50 more to go to get to my personal goal, happy to be so close but I know these last 50 won't be as easy. Hoping to squeeze everything I can out of the last month and a half of the "honeymoon" period.
  9. YeahOkay31

    Daily carbs after surgery

    My surgeon said to stay below 50. My nutritionist did not give me a count. Did not want counting of anything really. Was more concerned with measuring everything and sticking to the items listed in the plan (which were pretty low carb, anyway).
  10. YeahOkay31

    4 months post op--disney??

    Yes, I went on roller coasters. Granted, they were tame ones. But I had no problem.
  11. YeahOkay31

    4 months post op--disney??

    No one can predict the future or how anyone will react to surgery, but I am 4.5 months out and can do that trip no problem. I have been to two amusement parks, a water park, all 2-3 months out with no ill-effects, I didn't slow anyone down nor get sick. The one thing i will say is that food will be a b*t ch. Watching every one eat without issues is tough and if you even try to keep up in that respect, you are going to get yourself sick. If you feel like you have the iron will to resist the Disney goodies(no more than a taste) then I say go for it and have a great time.
  12. YeahOkay31

    Food Before and After Photos

    finally got to read this monster of a thread. Jealous of some of your restriction and loving all these meal ideas. Here is today's lunch ( we had a work event) got the chicken, salad and most of the rice down before my sleeve tapped out.
  13. YeahOkay31

    Swallow test before leaving hospital?

    It is only one shot glass size dose of nastiness. It is over before you know it.
  14. YeahOkay31

    Post Op Bra Size

    I've gone from a 40H @ 377, then at the time of my surgery I was a 40G, for a while I after I was a 38F but now my back shrunk and I am a 36F. I have major droopage so I need really good bras to keep them perky--$60 a pop at least. So yeah, very sick of the new bras---if my cup size goes down again I may stuff them!!
  15. YeahOkay31

    Secret sleevers?

    Only a hand full of people know. I imagine a few suspect, but I am a private person myself so I am not advertising.
  16. YeahOkay31

    How old were you when?

    Mid 20's when I considered a band but was only offered a referral for a bypass. 32-33 when I started to consider a sleeve. I went to a seminar but then I got pregnant with my son. 36 and starting to gain back a 60+ pound post-baby weight loss when I finally bit the bullet and saw a surgeon.
  17. YeahOkay31

    30 second elevator interview

    Thirty-something executive assistant, New York native, lover of sailor moon, rpg video games, and Ursula the seawitch, married to my best friend and mom to two minions. Honest to a fault - the only thing bigger than my mouth are my boobs. 😘
  18. YeahOkay31

    Is too fast good or bad?

    First off, you are a man and a younger one at that ( see, my observation skills are almost as good as your math skills 😉). This means you got a leg up on weight loss - totally not fair but that's what you get with more muscle. Secondly, you are starting from a rather high weight, add in you are probably following your program very closely and your 80 pound sounds perfectly normal and safe. Keep up the great work!!
  19. Thinking of you and hope to hear good news soon @Frustr8 and SueSaBelle.
  20. YeahOkay31

    Serious Post - Looking for Help

    The world has lied to you. They told you that being fat is the worst thing in the world. Not being mean, or a bully, an elitist, a miser, materialist---none of these are as bad as being fat. Think about that. Think about that complete and utter BS the world has fed you. They shoved it down your throat, and now the thread of thought is in you and it is poisoning you. Right now, craziikid, this is your real problem, not your weight. If you don't learn to value yourself for more than what you look like you are never going to get out of the fog. Listen to your man, look at your successes. Despite the world telling you that you will never achieve anything or have people who want to be by your side, you do and you have. Yay, you are fat, but you are worthy as any other f*ck out there. That is the real truth--but they don't want you to know that, because how else are they going to sell you their diet pills, how else are they going to make themselves feel superior? Being thin is all a lot of being got. You got a whole lot more. You know you do. I hate to go all body positive on you, but that is what you need right now, to give a big old middle finger to society and be fricking happy, girl. I don't mean to simplified it, but being happy is sometimes a choice--take it from one sick mind to another (read my profile if you want details). Then, when you are at that good place, if you want to get back on the dieting horse, do it, but do it for your health. Not for some made up, manufactured ideal of what a person should be.
  21. Thank you for sharing your story. Best of luck tomorrow! I am looking forward to reading about your success.
  22. Looks like the surgeon did a great job! Thank you for sharing. I, too, and dreaming of my arm lift and panni more and more each day.
  23. YeahOkay31

    GERD but want to have sleeve

    Think about the RNY. I had very mild GERD before the surgery--just when I ate something too rich and spicy. A few tums a month, nothing major. And when they did the scope pre-op they found a hiatal hernia, so the surgeon concluded that once he fixed it, I would not have any heartburn at all. Sleeve it was. Now I am on two nexium a day plus tums before and after I eat. I am uncomfortable all the time and if this doesn't resolve itself or lessen to a more manageable state I am looking at a revision. I didn't want a RNY, never have, didn't want to have malabsorption issues. But here I am facing another surgery, more pre-op crap, more time off from work, more disrupting my family, another cycle of hair loss. So seriously think about the RNY. I too saw more disasters up close with RNY, but I have seen way more successes on this forum alone. Do you really want to go through this twice?
  24. YeahOkay31

    I guess I’m regretting a little...

    Regret is so common at this stage. I had major regrets the first two months. I wanted to take it all back. ((now I have minor regrets due to gnarly GERD)) Truth is, only the super obese are going to lose those magical 50 pounds in a month. Us run-of-the mill fatties are going to lose 20-30 in the first month. And that is still great. What is even better is that you can count on another 10-20 a month if you stick to program during the honeymoon period. Keep your chin up and best of luck.
  25. YeahOkay31

    Should I cut my hair? (Hair Loss)

    I was told by my surgeon and nutritionist that it is going to happen regardless of what you do. It is just part of wls. I was also told that it will stop eventually around 6-9 months. of course if you do not follow the program and get your daily protein goals in i imagine the loss is much worse. as for me I cut mine off yesterday. The stylist put a lot of messy layers in to hide the thinning.

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