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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by magpie26

  1. magpie26

    hair Growth Shampoo

    Everyone says nioxin, I didn't like it before when I had stress hair loss so I use Monat Repair or intense repair. It's expensive, you have to buy it off their site, but I get mine off eBay from a certain seller who sells hers for probably 40% of the cost. You only need a little. I'm starting mine now, I heard about 3-4 months it starts but I have hair loss anyway. Ugh not looking forward to this. I also take biotin but it's also in your super B Complex
  2. magpie26

    Smoking/Weight Gain

    Ugh quitting! I don't have too many words of wisdom, because i totally sucked at quitting and said I quit when I really didn't, I kept trying and failing and my surgeon thought I had quit the whole time and I didn't say anything because I didn't want to NOT have my surgery! Long story short (I feel like I'm going to get crap for this) I quit 5 days before surgery! (DON'T DO THAT LOL!) And probably had a longer recovery time, but cigarettes make me gag now and I can't imagine going back, ever! Drink lots of water (I've quit many times before and gained and sometimes not gained) use the gum or patch for as little as possible, I used them max 5 days, then regular gum. Exercise, go to a support group or one online. Do stuff with your hands, I knit and sewed and cleaned and stay out of the kitchen. It's so hard! I smoked off and on for 20 years, quit probably 5 times, after my surgery i seriously haven't had ONE craving, not even one. It's like they re-elected my brain! Good luck, I've been there, at least you're trying.
  3. magpie26

    Keto at stage 3?

    I'm nine weeks post op and my nutritionist said if I wanted to do keto now I could. It's exactly what we should be doing, high protein, low carb, good fats. I'm pondering it as I haven't done it before but I have researched it extensively before my surgery and up here " in the country " I have access to getting half a grass fed cow, raising my own chickens, I have my own organic garden, etc. Vermont everything is local, fresh and non gmo etc. BUT it's expensive, hence buying half a cow part. and I applaud and even admire anyone who has had WLS and is vegan, that seems like a lot of work and I am not bashing your choices. I never thought about it as my choice but seeing some of the protein sources they are not as high as traditional meat. Of course i am not a vegan and don't know. Both are lifestyles and choices. I Anyway, good luck with whatever way you want to do. With the no dairy I'm still on the fence, even though i do lactose free milk (fairlife) because its lactose free and has 5 more grams of protein per serving.
  4. Light is at the end of the tunnel! That was about 11 weeks ago for me and I'm close to 50 pounds down! (46 today!)
  5. Pre-op liquid diet is almost harder than the surgery! The first 2-4 days are the worst, my post op diets you can't have caffeine, so it's great time to give it up now. I was allowed 2 protein shakes a day plus cream soups and sugar free things, less than 40 carbs less than 1000 calories practically no sugar for 2 weeks. Within 2 week I lost almost 15+ pounds try not to cheat and for me keeping away from carbs helped. It's tough, it's like bariatric boot camp.
  6. magpie26

    April Sleevers check in!

    My NUT honestly wasn't crazy about it when I told her because she said they still don't know a ton about it, but the other ones I used didnt didn't work well in hot stuff and were always flavored. This is as unflavored as you can get. She told me another kind but she was on the phone and talks so fast I missed it lol!
  7. @BajanSleeve I agree with the dressings, everyone in my family are nurses and the worse thing they said you can do is have is have everything covered especially covered with Neosporin, sounds weird but true. I agree about the cottage cheese too, after my surgery i suddenly became lactose intolerant, I just talked to my surgeon today about it. And I'm still early out of the gate, but I know people that can enjoy more food and drink choices. I eat way different now and make really tasty and a huge variety but I cut out gluten etc and I (we) eat so little that it's can be frustrating seeing everyone scarf down something it took me hours to cook and I can eat 2 bites but hey I'm committed to a new lifestyle.
  8. That is exactly what I say! This is not easy and I'm 8 weeks ahead of you. I'm keeping a journal of this year so I can look back if I mess up or just to look back and see how hard this was.
  9. magpie26

    April Sleevers check in!

    I have hunger too, I bought some gaviscon but I can't tolerate them at all, they feel like they're foaming in my mouth! My PCP out me on extra omeprozole, but I always forget to take it, even with a reminder on my phone! I've had 2 stalls, not fun, I JUST started losing again last week and finally five pounds down! @AASosa you are brave with your pizza lol! I've gone gluten free, FINALLY given up nicotine and sugar and simple carbs, I do eat clean now too but I'm not exercising like I should, I make a lot of new things from cooking light magazines. @Rachibabe I am SO not having an easy time either. I can't get enough protein without a supplement (GenePro is great) and now I basically make a hot chocolate with fairlife milk because I'm suddenly lactose intolerant and add the genepro and boom! 45 protein. It's expensive but you can use it in hot stuff and it doesn't circle or get weird. I can't seem to drink anywhere close to 48 ounces, tons of smells make me gag. This is seriously the hardest thing I've ever done, and I've grown 2 humans and had to learn to walk and talk again at 19. We're right there with you.
  10. Don't cheat! Not only could it be dangerous it could also make you sick. I cheated (2 days before my transition to blended) and I got sick and it wasn't good. From then on I have been cautious what I eat and I actually LISTEN to my nutritionist. It's sooo annoying to (in my case) be on liquids for a month but it's for the best. I guess all the surgeons are different but most I've seen you're on liquids for at least 1-2 weeks, so crazy to be on solids so quick like I've seen some places!
  11. I had pain for awhile too (I'm 9 weeks out now) it was bad and was on oxycontin for 2 weeks! But then poof! It was gone! I had staples and had a drain for 8 days so that sucked. It's great when you get "real" food, be careful and patient. I was on full liquids for 2 weeks, blended for 2 then soft foods and now I'm on regular stuff if I can tolerate it, but I got too crazy with blended too quick and got sick. Can you have soups without lumps yet? That kind of kept me sane and jello but sugar free gives me a stomach ache and some people diarrhea.
  12. magpie26

    Longest stall ever

    Don't worry, you'll come out of it. I stalled at the dreaded 3 week stall, then again a few weeks ago for probably at least a week, got back on the scale this past Monday (last Monday) and I have lost 5 in a week. I was so frustrated i couldn't stand it! Everyone here says you go down, then can stall then even go up then start losing again. And you're better than me because i am NOT exercising nearly at all. I've lost 45 since 4/2 10 pre-op the rest post op after 4/17. Transitioning to solids sometimes stalls you too, more waste- more poop, lol! I had to do a stool softener when I started solids.
  13. magpie26

    When did hunger strike for you?

    Nine weeks out, I've felt hunger since day one. No, it's NOT head hunger like everyone tells me, I am legitimately hungry, but definitely not like before my surgery. I try to keep hydrated and keep my protein up but it's really a struggle and VERY annoying when your doctors say it will go away (umm it hasn't) and (some) bariatric group members say it's not true hunger. I'm disappointed, I heard a lot of even most of the members of my post op support groups here locally say they don't feel hungry or rarely do, some of them are years out. But, I don't give in, I drink my water, stick to my 3 meals and maybe have one protein rich snack. I guess it is what it is.
  14. magpie26

    April Sleevers check in!

    You're so lucky with the no hunger. I still feel hunger and everyone tells me it's head hunger, no, I feel actually hungry, but not like before which is good. I don't give in to any temptations or eat anything bad, but I still feel get hungry now and then. I did have one bite of wedding cake on Sunday, I was sad not to enjoy a glass of wine.
  15. magpie26

    April Sleevers check in!

    I we all are doing awesome. I lost 10 before during my liquid diet plus 30 after, so about 40 so far. I've stalled two times, my second stall was (is) this past week probably going on 7 days. On week 4 I developed severe nausea for almost three weeks, tomorrow is my two month surgery mark. Nausea is finally gone maybe just last week. I'm having a hard time getting even 48 ounces in, but it's getting better day by day. Most food is fine with me but the smell of coffee, hard liquor and cigarettes make me gag. I know I'm losing but I've only gone down one pant size but I went into the hospital a 3X and today my top I'm wearing is an XL, not a perfect fit, but it fits! I don't do any bread, and went gluten free since I don't do bread products, it helps arthritis. I'm not exercising like I should but I did get a new Fitbit and it keeps me more accountable when I see so few steps. So I look and I feel like I am eating more ounces wise (sometimes) I can finally eat a whole scrambled egg in less than an hour, less than 20 minutes now! I try to have my calories around 700ish. I see my nutritionist next week.
  16. magpie26

    Stitches or Dermabond

    I think you’re the Rock Star here!😄🎉 Haha totally! I show everyone.
  17. Someone on Facebook brought this up and I thought I would as your opinions. Does (did) being called fat or obese bother you? (Or morbidly obese) or did you not care? Did one bug you more? Why? When you're young, fat is sad. But it didn't big me much as an adult as that's how I thought of/described myself. But obese I hate, especially MORBIDLY obese. I love when your doc says your morbidly obese , duh it's not a secret it's visible. The worst was my barium swallow (1st one) my note said "Reason- Super Morbid obesity due to excessive caloric intake" Was that last part necessary ? AND my bmi wasn't in the SUPER MORBID OBESITY range. Now I'm one point to only regular obese i think.
  18. I keep reminding myself that IS a LOT to lose in 10 weeks. 30 was post surgery. My pants size haven't really changed, today is the first day I could put a pair of jeans that are one size smaller, but I went from a 3X top to a 1X, even an XL. So I have to tell myself to just be quiet, be patient and start exercising more.
  19. magpie26

    Gained weight after medication

    I saw amitriptyline there, awful stuff, I hate it. Gabapentin & amitriptyline... Sleep issues? Sorry not my business, but I have them and have been on both for them. If so, vistaril doesn't make me gain weight, but I do Ambien too. I know A LOT about those meds, I feel like I've taken them all and weight gain because of my meds scares me too
  20. magpie26

    Stitches or Dermabond

    Sheesh, I woke up to STAPLES! Zombie bite scars, totally rad!
  21. I feel your pain, I keep stalling, or have 2 times. I keep weighing myself everyday. I finally stuck my scale in the closet, I'm not going to weigh myself for a week. If I can hold out I hope to not weigh myself until my next follow up which is 6/19. I'm so frustrated, not even 8 weeks out and stalling. But I know I'm doing the right things, I'm keeping track of everything, it's so hard! I've lost 40 pounds in 10 weeks, so I'm losing.
  22. magpie26

    Hospital must haves

    Chapstick. I was asleep half the time do my iPad was REALLY useful for my poor husband who just waited all day for me to get discharged. BIG STRETCHY pants to go home in. They give you everything else and it probably depends how long you stay. I was there maybe 18 hours MAX. I DID leave a blanket, a pillow and a bucket and water bottle in my car for the ride home (still cold here then) Good luck!
  23. magpie26

    Stopped losing after 8 weeks

    Honestly, I can't remember what they suggested for calories, fat, and carbs right now either. My book may say but my husband "helped" me clean so I need to find it.
  24. magpie26

    Stopped losing after 8 weeks

    My stall isn't nearly as drastic, but I'm super frustrated too. I'm 7.5 weeks out, I've stalled twice and this one has been about a week. Granted, I had REALLY bad nausea for over 2 weeks and barely ate or Frank anything or barely moved and I am sure that didn't help and maybe is the cause. But I've been eating and finally drinking the most fluids I have I think, ever. Since my surgery i had terrible pain for the first 3.5 weeks, I was ok for maybe a week and then I had the horrible nausea and NOW (yesterday!) I did something to my knee and am waiting for an appointment! And this was while I was getting exercise stuff. Lol I swear will I get to 1/4 of goal?! So resting the knee with ice, and I don't know if I should cut my calorie intake or leave alone so I don't confuse my body more! It's 700 or less, over 5 days average of 685, most being 730. Carbs no more than 36. Probably too high, as soon as I can start walking I'm going to, I ordered a sleeve for my knee for the future

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
