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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Orchids&Dragons

  1. Orchids&Dragons

    Weight-loss funnies

  2. Orchids&Dragons

    Weight-loss funnies

  3. Orchids&Dragons

    Food Before and After Photos

    I never thought of a bed of bean sprouts - Thanks! I love them!
  4. Orchids&Dragons

    Quotes & Inspiration

    1,000 👍 to this one!
  5. Orchids&Dragons

    Last Meal...

    Best wishes on a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!
  6. Orchids&Dragons

    Getting Stuck

    Whatever size your current forkful, cut that in half and then chew like mad. You won't always have to be this careful, but in the beginning, your throat may still be irritated from the surgery. Also, what are you eating? Some solids are more difficult to get down than others and may require you to add moisture (aka sauce or gravy of some sort.)
  7. Orchids&Dragons


    Love the color blue! One of my all-time faves!
  8. Orchids&Dragons

    Weight-loss funnies

  9. Orchids&Dragons


    Cute dress, but mostly I'm impressed with those shapely calves!
  10. Orchids&Dragons

    Tomorrow it begins.

    Best wishes for a smooth journey!
  11. Orchids&Dragons

    Weight Fluctuation

    Perfectly normal! Congrats, it sounds like you're doing great!
  12. Orchids&Dragons

    Changed from Sleeve to RNY Bypass

    I had a sleeve and then, 8 months later, had to revise to RnY due to GERD. Believe me, you're better off doing the surgery just once.
  13. Orchids&Dragons

    Stomach cramping

    Try drinking warm water rather than cold or cool. That minimizes discomfort for some people.
  14. Orchids&Dragons


    I want those lashes! You look beautiful!
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    Scary but kinda hilarious dream I had last night

    Yes, I definitely have had those. It was a long time ago, though, so I don't remember the details.
  16. Orchids&Dragons


    So boho chic! Love it!
  17. Orchids&Dragons

    Stage 3

    Egg salad with spices like deviled eggs.
  18. Orchids&Dragons

    I met my goal!

    Congratulations, you look amazing!
  19. Orchids&Dragons

    A little weirdo am I

    Welcome to the forums, SeaSnail. Don't worry about your English, you explained yourself very well. Forget the past, it's over and done. Start being more focused and careful today. FluffyChix was right. Don't test your capabilities. Some people have an easier time progressing and/or eating poor choices without consequences. That doesn't make it a good thing. You may be putting pressure on your suture line and you don't want to damage it. Protein drinks are not for entertainment. If you don't like them, think of them as medicine. Many people on here mix flavored shakes with decaf coffee. Maybe that would agree with you. You've just gone through a lot of pain and expense to give yourself the opportunity to change your life. Don't waste this time. We all have to work through self-denial. Most of us still crave unhealthy, favorite foods, especially in the beginning. But, if you don't change now, right after your surgery, when will you? Good luck and please let us know how you're doing. You CAN do this.
  20. Orchids&Dragons

    Hi, I have moved here from Sleeves

    Anytime! I made lots of soups/stews for family and just took out the liquids for me. They even accommodated that request in restaurants. I mean, after all, everyone else got lots more "goodies" in their soup. Who's gonna complain?
  21. Orchids&Dragons

    Hi, I have moved here from Sleeves

    Absolutely, yes! Take note: Wait until the soup cools some before adding the protein powder or it clumps! yuk!
  22. Orchids&Dragons

    Weight-loss funnies

  23. Orchids&Dragons

    Food Before and After Photos

    That looks amazing! Anything that looks that good shouldn't be served in styrofoam . . . just sayin'!
  24. Orchids&Dragons

    Weighing your food on a food scale

    This is a perfectly reasonable question and you should feel free to ask questions here. Once you're past the liquid phase, most programs that I've seen start people off eating 1-2 tablespoons of food at a time. They don't want to put stress on your suture line and they don't want you to throw up because you're too full. You eventually progress to 1/2 cup, then 1 cup, etc. It sounds like your program didn't give you much guidance. Did they give you guidance on progressing from one food type to the next? Anyway, "small bowl" is not enough detail. Can you tell me how many ounces (liquid) it holds? It's good that you're eating slowly, but the total quantity is important. For one thing, that's the only way to know if you're getting enough protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
