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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Orchids&Dragons

  1. Orchids&Dragons

    Before Surgery Concerns

    Don't ever hesitate to ask your questions. You have every right!
  2. Orchids&Dragons

    Before Surgery Concerns

    First off, good luck with your surgery! Hope all goes well. I don't know about your hospital, but mine did the EKG and chest x-ray as part of the pre-op processing, one week before the surgery. They also did a lot of lab work then. A lot of tests that are done before surgery depend on your age and overall health. From your photo you appear to be quite young and if you don't have a lot of medical issues, they won't order as many tests as they would for a 50-year-old with uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure. Hope this helps!
  3. Orchids&Dragons

    I hope I feel restriction with solids

    Those foods just slide right through your stomach, so they don't hang around long enough for you to feel a sense of fullness or restriction. Don't worry, you won't be confused when you hit solids!
  4. Orchids&Dragons

    If you could close one fast food chain

    And to anyone who's a fan of "blow things up movies" this is from Demolition Man (one of my faves): "All restaurants are now Taco Bell. They were the last survivor of the great franchise wars" as Sandra Bullock leads Sylvester Stallone into a super fancy restaurant - Taco Bell!
  5. Orchids&Dragons

    I’m so ready to feel better!

    I admit that I do not have an exercise I love. I don't like it at all. Nevertheless, I'm off to the gym this morning. On work days, I walk around our compound; once before work and again at lunch with a friend. Lately it has been about 92-95 degrees, but we're walking!
  6. Orchids&Dragons

    I’m so ready to feel better!

    The 15 minute walks are immediately after surgery to prevent blood clots and help ease the gas bubbles out of your body. They want you walking much longer than that when you're past the surgery stage. Try not to focus on the walking itself, listen to music, listen to audiobooks (my fave), pray (if you're so inclined). The time will go by much faster if you don't focus on not wanting to be there. Exercise is definitely part of the program.
  7. Orchids&Dragons

    I’m so ready to feel better!

    That's why I wanted surgery.
  8. Thanks! Yet another set of reasons that we'll live longer with the surgery than without it.
  9. Orchids&Dragons

    I’m so ready to feel better!

    That's great that you have many of the obstacles out of the way. This surgery is 20% stomach, 80 brain, imho. I'm glad that you already have a therapist to work with. I'm not sure what the timers are for?
  10. Orchids&Dragons

    Fever, pain & vomiting . IM OVER it

    Wow, that's awful. I hope the doctor can fix you up. ((hugs))
  11. Orchids&Dragons

    I’m so ready to feel better!

    Spend the time getting ready--- Stop smoking, if you smoke. Wean yourself off caffeine and carbonated sodas. Start walking to get into the routine. Start collecting/trying out bariatric-friendly recipes. Start attending support group meetings. They are a great source of information when you're pre-op. See a counselor to help you start working through food issues. There are loads of things you can do to help yourself be successful. The earlier you start, the better. Good luck!
  12. Orchids&Dragons

    If you could close one fast food chain

    I get MickeyD's unsweet tea all the time. So I sure don't want them closed down!
  13. Orchids&Dragons


    That's kind of what I was thinking, but wanted to get a consensus. Thanks!
  14. Orchids&Dragons


    Ours was no drinking 30 min before or 30 after and limit eating time to 30. That's so you don't stretch out a meal for an hour and a half just to eat more.
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    Post op

    Congrats! Stick with your doc's diet plan and hopefully the 6 pounds will drop off quickly!
  16. Orchids&Dragons

    Clear liquid day before surgery

    Your doctor should give you his specific requirements. In general, it is clear protein drinks, water, decaf non-carbonated beverages, sugar-free popsicles and/or sugar-free jello.
  17. Orchids&Dragons

    If you could close one fast food chain

    Really, I thought it was pork! Although, the cheek part doesn't bother me at all. Muscle is muscle.
  18. Beware the hormone shifts. They can be insane after surgery. Some are caused by the surgery, some by losing fat (which stores hormones). On top of that, there are a lot of mental issues that you will be processing like your changing relationship with food, body image issues, changing relationships with friends, etc. Many of us find it helpful to meet with a counselor after surgery for a while to help with all this stuff. If not a therapist, maybe a pastor or someone similar. Although it does help to meet with someone with either bariatric or eating disorder experience, imho. Good luck and keep posting here. You will get a lot of support.
  19. Orchids&Dragons

    pre op urine colour - probably TMI!!!

    OMgosh, you have NO IDEA how far these forums can go into TMI territory! You're not even close to the edge!
  20. Orchids&Dragons

    pre op urine colour - probably TMI!!!

    Yes, ma'am!
  21. Orchids&Dragons

    pre op urine colour - probably TMI!!!

    Have you started new vitamins, by chance?
  22. Orchids&Dragons

    I start 2 week pre op diet tomorrow

    Did they tell you why?
  23. Orchids&Dragons

    I start 2 week pre op diet tomorrow

    Dill pickles! You just made my acid-y throat burn with just the thought!
  24. Quite a few people have posted that their doctor told them not to weigh for the first month because it can be so discouraging. Too early for despair, things will pick up!
  25. Orchids&Dragons

    Post Op Group meeting

    The meetings I go to are open to anyone, no matter where you had your surgery. Maybe you can find one near you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
