It's 2:59 am, awoken by a burning sensation of my esophagus and stomach pain; my mind goes to ”leak!”
I am 5 days out. My incisions look great. I have no fevers, and my appetite is good. I also have had no trouble drinking 64 oz of liquids. I don't want to become dehydrated so I made it my mission to improve every day by keeping myself aware through a journal. I monitor my medication, sleeping patterns, exercise, body temp, and liquid intake. It's been rather easy. I should be grateful.
I was expecting everything to be much worse, I think this where my leak fears comes to play. I find myself dwelling on every minor discomfort, involuntary muscle movements, tingle, itch, and heartbeat as an indicator of a possible leak. I find myself googling for symptoms, causes of a leak at night; debating whether I should contact my surgeon. Fearing.
I would know if I had a leak right? Do surgeons run a test after the surgery?
Any of you dealt with this leak fear? If so, how did you manage it?