Just an update, I had my surgery April 2nd. Stick to the pre op diet and lost 15 lbs before surgery. I’m 10 days post op and have lost another 11 lbs. I have to say that I was very uncomfortable immediately after surgery, the pain from the gas is sort of weird and it’s just hard to get comfortable and pain medicine really didn’t help. Once I was up and walking around and sipping fluids I felt sooooo much better—so to all you getting sleeves in the future, the first couple hours after surgery suck but push through you will find relief! Especially from walking. It has definitely been an adjustment drinking I was a “gulper” before now I constantly sip. I feel full from very little amount of food like 2 tablespoon of yogurt and I have to eat really slow. Just today I am starting to have my apetite back, I’m still on full liquids until I see my surgeon next Thursday and I’m hoping he advances me to puréed. Good luck everyone!