I can totally relate. My husband is slightly over weight but 60lbs less then me, pretty average Ordered pizza in front of me during pre-op, went thru McDonalds drive thru with me in the car on my pre diet, drinks pop and alcohol non stop, buys all the food he likes which consists of chips, tacos, chocolate and rice. I find the hardest is when he questions why at 2 weeks out I can’t have just one French fry or BBQ pork chop or buys me creamery style ice cream with chunks in it for a treat. I asked for plain Greek yogurt and he bought vanilla light yogurt because he doesn’t realize the sugar difference. I gave up coffee which I had a super hard side effects bc I drank so much prior and now he wants to know when I can have it again, I have tried to discuss the surgery and life after but doesn’t want to know the details just wants me to be thin. I was 90lbs lighter when we got married 6 years ago, so I have changed allot. I went to Mexico alone, it was hard to be alone I was the only one that didn’t have a support person in the clinic but everyone was super friendly and would stop in my room to say hi or see if I wanted to join in on their walk. As well you are recovering and tired allot. The hardest part for me was the hotel time, it was very lonely and having to set timers to take your drugs, sip water and you had to do everything in the hotel for yourself. As well no one to just talk with. Like my first sip of water or my first jello lol your pretty excited. I was sad I couldn’t share that with him. I did ask him to make me jello when I was due home and he made 2 batches of it. So I think they just need to learn by our day to day living our eating choices are going to be much different. Something to note; I was a heavy drinker so this has also changed in our relationship for the better, as I haven’t drank since the pre op diet started. Which as you can imagine is a massive adjustment which so far he is handling quite well.