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Neon Star

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Neon Star

  1. Well, I made it through my first day of the pre-op diet! I had apple & cinnamon oatmeal, raspberry Jello, vegetable beef Soup, Premier Protein shake, a Protein Bar, VLC bar, and 69 ounces of flavored water. The only problem I'm having with it is that I spend more time in the bathroom than anywhere else! :blink: I keep telling myself that it's all worth it and a small price to pay for being healthier and living a longer and happier life! I'm off to make more Jello for tomorrow! How was your first day?

  2. 3 hours ago, browneyez42 said:

    Biotene because you will experience extreme dry mouth.

    I tried Biotene and it wasn't a spray like they say...it "oozed" from the bottle and did nothing for my dry mouth. I'm glad I tried it long before I needed it in the hospital. I bought these small sponges on a stick that you can use to moisten your mouth without swallowing the Water. I'll definitely have those in my bag.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Taoz said:

    *hugz* Hang in there ladies and gentleman, we have almost made it to our MAY DAY surgical rescue. :65_mask:

    My surgery is this Wednesday, 2nd May! (half a day ahead of the US here in Aussie land) and I hope to post as soon as I"m able to once I'm post-surgery (probably late 1st or very early 2nd May US time). Today is my last day for a while having solids, so I plan to REALLY enjoy my meat and veggies tonight. Tomorrow I have to do full fluids, then fasting from midnight Tuesday (but continuing with Water until I arrive at hospital 8:45).

    My weight loss slowed down a bit last week so I won't be making my overly optimistic pre-op weight loss target of my husbands current weight (106kg) but I"m currently between 111 and 112 which I think is pretty good down from 119kg just over 2 weeks ago.

    I have already shrunk out of most of my pants I was wearing, and today picked up a few last things at the shops (a sleep/eye mask, a size 20 pair of track pants with drawstring waist (which I could put on today but is still a little tight), and some warm fleecy PJs for the kids now that cool nights are finally setting in.

    Oh, I also bought a little teacup and saucer set (which will be my soup/purees bowl and plate for a while) plus a couple of mini "dipping sauce" bowls that I think will hold about a third of a cup serving of soup/liquids.

    I still need to make and freeze small portions of cauliflower Soup tonight.

    Never seems to be enough time to get everything done! I did at least get the rest of my onion seeds and smaller garlic (to eat as garlic greens over winter) planted and deeply watered in yesterday, so my veggie patch should be ready to chug along on it's own until winter now.

    I've also just realised that I'm having much less trouble swallowing my formulite Meal Replacement shakes at lunch, and that it is probably because it now tastes a lot more bland to me than it did initially (I assume my taste buds have adapted to it?? fingers crossed it goes down as easy post op once I hit full liquids).

    I bought some small appetizer plates and baby spoons and forks to help me keep my portions small, along with one and two oz. containers for my post op week liquids/jello. My surgery is at 9:00 am on May 7th and I'm excited to start this new life! Hubby drove me to the hospital so we know exactly where we're going on the big day. They want me there at 7:00 am. Would you believe I got big-time butterflies as soon as we got there?? :51_scream:

  4. I bought some baby food for my puree stage. My husband got a kick out of watching me make my choices and put them in the cart. "I never thought I'd be buying baby food again," he said. I laughed and said, "Well this big baby wants some variety." I also bought sugar free applesauce, lots of sugar free Jello, canned fruit packed in Water (to put in the Magic Bullet) and lots of Powerade. Poor man doesn't know how to cook for one :D and I told him there will be more for him! Getting excited...my pre-op diet starts tomorrow!

  5. At my consent visit I was given several prescriptions, two for nausea, so I really hope they work! The physician's assistant also told me that they do put a patch behind my ear before the surgery.

    I start my pre-op diet tomorrow and am excited and nervous at the same time. I had an abdominal hysterectomy 21 years ago and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Since this is laproscopic surgery, I think I'll do okay.

  6. I realize this might be in the TMI category, but is there a difference between vomiting before and after surgery? I would think it wouldn't be as "violent" because there;s not as much tissue involved and perhaps it wouldn't hurt as much. I'd like your thoughts, experiences on this so I can be prepared as I start my journey~ I absolutely HATE throwing up, especially with abdominal surgery!

  7. 51 minutes ago, Dubbs said:

    Tenative May 7 date for me. I’ve been stalking this page for a while, but figured I’d sign up when I got my surgery date. I’m waiting for a peer to peer review before my insurance company will cover me. Fortunately my Surgeons staff has been very helpful in letting me schedule before we get final approval. This process has been considerably longer than I expected going in. I guess the additional time has given me the opportunity to do all the research I needed to make sure I’m making the right choice.

    That's my day too! I start my pre-op one week diet on April 30th. I've had all my tests so I'm ready to go. I'm getting excited for the big day!

    I know what you mean about the process taking longer than you expected. My first visit with the doctor was October 18th and I'm so glad that surgery is right around the corner. Good luck and keep us posted!

  8. I'm really dating myself here, but I remember when helmets weren't required and saw the grisly result of what can happen. A boy was riding his bike down our street and hit one of the sewer lids that had been paved over very unevenly...the result was he flew through the air and landed in our driveway and cracked his head wide open. I had never seen so much blood and watched as the paramedics came to his aid. He survived but I doubt if he ever did that again. Things are so much different now, it's a wonder we survived childhood :)

  9. On 4/2/2018 at 11:11 PM, t1018ross said:

    My sleeve is scheduled for 5/7! So excited and nervous! I’ve been a longtime lurker on this site and now that I’ve got my date it doesn’t feel real!

    Me too! I had a COPD exacerbation a few weeks ago and I hope they don't postpone me! They are rescheduling my endoscopy and I have my consent signing visit next week. I'm SO ready to start a healthier, happier life!

  10. 19 hours ago, frust8 said:

    When my day comes, and I pray it is soon, I hope I share your sense of humor. Mind you. I will be planning to check for excess fingerprints on my sweet bod, 5-7 tiny slits ,that will be ok. But no handprint and I may dust my lady parts for fingerprints also. Scrubbed to the knees, hmnn, I hope the surgical soap comes in gallon jugs, because I do cover fairly large acre-age. Maybe they had better use a bar- b -que brush or better yet a paint roller. If they charge my insurance by the square inch,the bill just went up. And they had better have sufficent anesthesia, I don't like being cold and being nekkid as a newly hatched jaybird could just wake me back up! My son could tell them "she gets cranky,when she's cold!" I will probably never forget that day and before they are through with me they may not either. If you feel the earth moving and shaking about that time, it is not the New Madrid Mo. Fault shifting, it's just ME.And alas 6 other people will know whether I'm a redhead all over or not!

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    I nearly spewed my coffee across the computer screen when I read your post! You should be a comedienne!

  11. On 3/7/2018 at 3:25 PM, HopefullXOXOXO said:


    I began my journey 11/15 when I was 63. My insurance wouldn't cover the surgery. Now I'm 65 and on Medicare with supplemental insurance. I've been approved for the surgery twice, once was last June, 2017 but still couldn't get through insurance. I'm having to begin the whole process again now. Meeting with nutritionist and psychologist on Friday 3/9/18. Re-visit with surgeon 3/21/18. I'm told I'll have the surgery about 5 weeks after that. I know I need to do this because my MANY attempts at weight loss on my own keep failing. I go 2-3 weeks eating good and walking, usually lose 12-20 pounds. At a certain point I'm STARVED though and can never get beyond that point. I am afraid of the surgery because of my age, the anesthesia (we had a dog die from anesthesia) and because I'm not in good overall shape. I do walk but it's getting harder and harder. I don't have much energy (weight/age/health). I'm also afraid not to have the surgery! Knowing my health can and probably will continue on a downward spiral if I don't. I feel I have to do this in order to save and extend my life but also know that the process will be much harder because of my age and post menopausal metabolism. My other big concern is Constipation after the surgery. I have a problem with it already due to having to take an Iron supplement.

    So, GSierraGold, I'm sharing my experiences so far and letting you know you aren't alone.

    You sound like me. I'm 62 and have numerous co-morbidities and COPD. Although any surgery is risky, I'm willing to take the chance in order to have a healthy, happier remainder of life!

  12. 5 hours ago, frust8 said:

    May 7th was my late son' s birthday, he would have been 42 this year, died at 31 so it's been a little over 10 years. This year with your surgery date I have something positive to think of on that date. You would have loved knowing him, I still miss him, so does his brother. Each milestone in life, I wish he was still here to share them with us. He would have been proud and supportive of my weight loss struggles, I know I'm losing this weight for myself, but a small part to honor the faith he always had in me. So on your day I will cheer you on but there will still be tears in my eyes!

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Thirty-one is very young. I know he's watching over you. I'll be thinking of you on that day and, believe me, I'll understand the tears. He'll live on forever in your heart.

  13. Has anyone had their gastric sleeve done at Journeylite in Cincinnati, Ohio? Also wondering if you have had your surgery at Jewish Hospital through Journeylite because of health issues? I'd love to hear your story of surgery day from start to finish. Thanks! I'm pre-op and am very curious.

  14. On 3/29/2018 at 1:13 AM, frust8 said:

    Colace is also good and I had absolutely no problem with Miramax but I guess some people do. You might also get a box of Smooth Move Tea, usually in big box stores near the herbal and regular teas, and it's almost a certainty your local health food store will stock it also.

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    I tend to get constipated more often than the average bear. I had problems when I was in grade school. I can imagine the last thing we want is to hurt our stomachs by pushing to eliminate a Lincoln log! :D Thank you for the excellent suggestions!

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