Hello! I have been fighting doing bariatric surgery for a few years now, but my health has gotten to the point where I have started to take medication for pre-diabetic that is going to be diabetes quick and my weight is not starting to effect my ability to be active, which I am VERY active. So I have made the decision to make some serious inquiries and research into it. I know I want something that is reversible, because I want help with the weight loss, but I really want to maintain it on my own. I went to the seminar at our bariatric surgery center to learn about the different types and the two that I am very seriously considering is the Lap-band and the Gasteric Balloon. I would like to step away from the medical professionals and get some real life input on what people's experiences have been with both.
Things I am looking for are... Alcohol consumption (I know its not recommended, but can I really not have a glass of wine here or there?? I take clients out on a regular basis and I enjoy a glass) The Balloon states pretty much no carbs and a lot of veggies are out. So am I going to a liquid and meat diet??? What about physical activity of each??? Are any of you playing sports like softball, basketball, volleyball after you have the surgery? Do you feel any lightheadedness doing these type of activities? Any other issues with contact sports? Anything else that you all are willing to share to help me make a decision I would really appreciate.