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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SamieTeacher

  1. Hey there. I see you are from the Cape Coral area. My husband and I both are banded, I got mine 12-29-08 and he got his 2-16-09. When were you banded?

  2. I'm 4 days pre-op and I'm overwhelemed with Protein powder brands, types, flavors, etc. Does anyone know where I can find a sample pack of different powders? What is your favorite brand and flavor? What is your favorite website or store to buy protein? THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!:tongue2:
  3. I was a good girl, I was an angel. I was banded 12/29 and had a week of full liquids and a day of clear...over the holidays no less. I didn't cheat once. After my surgery my doctor said my band is very loose. He said he could tell my stomach and liver had shrunk. I am on my week of clear liquids after the surgery and I'm starving. I have had Special K protein water (1 a day, doc said I could have it), water, broth, yada yada. I really want a protein shake or some fat free/sugar free pudding. My doctor said I could start full liquids on Monday the 5th. My question is...do you think I could cheat and start incorporating one protein shake a day up until Monday? I'm having trouble sleeping because I'm so hungry!
  4. SamieTeacher

    Getting Banded Monday

    Tomorrow is my one week bandiversary as well. I was supposed to be on clears for a whole week but yesterday and today I had an 8 oz. protein shake and feel MUCH BETTER. I have a lot more energy. I don't have any problem drinking large amounts and I'm very hungry. Right after surgery my doctor said my stomach had shrunk during the pre-op diet and my band was very loose. He said I will get a fill early, probably. I think that is why I am hungry. I read that lots of us after surgery have no hunger at all! I was only in pain for the first 3 days. The Loritab gave me horrible constipation then diahrea so I switched to liquid Tylenol which was a lot better, I haven't needed that for days though. My only pain has been hunger pangs! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well.
  5. SamieTeacher

    Help..am I on the right track?

    I was also banded 12/29/2008. I lost 19 lbs. on my week of full then clear liquids during pre-op. Post op I think I've lost 1-2 lbs. We are still swollen from sugery and meds. I am very, very hungry. I know it's discouraging. I've been on clear liquids since surgery and haven't lost a lot, I think it's normal, though.
  6. SamieTeacher

    5-10 things you wished you had bought PreOp

    I teach 8th grade also! I was banded 12/29/2008. I had to get milk of magnesia for constipation, surgeon's nurse said it was the most gentle. Also I made my hubby go get Extra Strength Rapid Release Tylenol Liquid. I was going to town on the perscribed pain meds but it causes severe constipation! A thin, good strainer is important. I don't like the strong taste of most broths, so I prefer low sodium strained chicken noodle Soup (I'm on a week of clear liquids). I took Chapstick to the hospital because when I woke up my lips were raw and I couldn't have that much liquid to swallow. I hope this helps, contact me if you have any questions!:biggrin:
  7. SamieTeacher

    Getting Banded Monday

    I would love to have those recipes. My email is samanthajeter@embarqmail.com. Thanks!
  8. SamieTeacher

    Getting Banded Monday

    I agree. I'm in a lot more pain than I thought I'd be in. I'm not sure if I would do it again (of course that is the pain talking right now). I haven't eaten since December 21st. I was on fulls then clear and still on clear. I'm very hungry.
  9. SamieTeacher

    This was taken this Christmas 2008

    Being 2 days out of surgery you are a huge inspiration! Thanks for posting!
  10. SamieTeacher

    Getting Banded Monday

    I am very sore, having trouble sleeping on my side. My surgeon's nurse said to put a pillow under my tummy and that is helping. I have loritab for my pain but I was told to take it easy since it causes severe constipation. I'm on clear liquids for a week...what about you guys?
  11. I got to the hospital at 5:00 and waited about a half an hour to register. I was then taken to a surgery prep room and had to give my husband, Andy, my bag with my clothes, wallet, etc. The prep room had about 15 other people in curtained areas waiting for various surgeries. I was weighed and asked to give a urine test and to change into a gown and booties. The nurse sort of kidded with me about my pregnancy test…acting like I was pregnant…with my nerves I didn’t think this was funny! Eventually I was given an IV. The nurse said I was dehydrated; she had a hard time finding a vein. I have a total phobia of needles and thank goodness she numbed me before inserting the IV. The IV was finally inserted into my upper arm. About a half hour later I met my anesthesiologist and 2 surgery nurses. A few minutes later my surgeon (who at this point I know very well) came in to say hello. I was given a blood thinner shot in my stomach, which didn’t hurt. I was given some anti-anxiety medicine through my IV and Andy was allowed back briefly before I was wheeled to surgery. The scariest part of the day for me was being wheeled into the surgery room. The medicine hadn’t taken full effect yet and I was scared seeing the room and all the instruments. I was asked scoot over to the surgery table. The nurses attached arm rests onto the table that extended my arms perpendicular. My legs and arms were strapped down. That’s the last thing I remember about surgery. I woke up to a woman with a thick Caribbean accent yelling “Samantha! Samantha!” I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. I was sore and my throat felt dry and rough. I saw my surgeon and I vaguely remember talking to him. I was given oxygen and told to sleep. I was in a recovery room similar to the prep room, with about 15 other patients. This was the hardest part of everything. I was extremely dizzy and confused. I stayed in this room for about 2 hours. I was eventually wheeled to a large private room and finally got to see Andy again. I felt much better although I was very sore. I stayed in this room from about noon until 6 p.m. Nurses kept coming in with medicine for my IV. I struggled to turn from side to side to sleep (I can’t sleep on my back). I got up to go to the bathroom once but I was very dizzy. I could hear ringing in my ears and felt like I was going to faint. I slept on and off and luckily Andy stayed right by my side and fed me ice chips and small doses of Crystal Light. A couple of hours later I went to the bathroom and felt much better. My surgeon came to visit and so did his nurse. They told me that the band is very loose on me; apparently my stomach had shrunk a great deal from the week long liquid diet. My surgeon gave Andy pictures of the band and my surgery (I can’t bear to look at them). I was ready to be discharged around 3 p.m. although the nurse on duty couldn’t get my surgeon on the phone for discharge orders. By this time I was feeling fine except for the acute soreness. I was ready to go home and didn’t want to spend the night! I was given a dinner of broth, apple juice and cherry sugar-free Jell-o around 5:30. By 6:00 I was finally discharged. I didn’t even need a wheelchair to get out of the hospital! Last night I took 3 teaspoons of Loritab liquid pain killer every 4 hrs. I didn’t sleep well. It feels much better to sit up than to lay down. My shoulder pain is almost excruciating. I don’t know if it’s from gas or not, I suspect it is so I’ve been taking 3 Gas-X strips every 6 hours or so. I can drink liquids just fine. I feel like I did a million sit-ups yesterday and that I’ve been hit by a truck! Other than the soreness and no appetite, I’m fine. My surgeon is supposed to call today to ok a shower, then I’m going to take a walk. Thanks for reading my story, I wanted to share with others and sort of keep a diary so that I’ll remember the day. Even though I’m in pain, I have a feeling that every day will get easier and that this New Year will bring a lot of change for me.
  12. SamieTeacher

    Getting Banded Monday

    We're all going to be a-ok. I'm very nervous and I keep having dreams about FOOD! Ahhhh! lol Let's all get back on here when we can and check in with each other.
  13. SamieTeacher

    Getting Banded Monday

    I'm getting banded tomorrow, too. I had one week of full liquids and today of clear. I'm so hungry! I go in at 5:30 a.m. with a 7:30 a.m. surgery time. Best of luck to everyone!
  14. SamieTeacher

    Protein Powder Sample Packs?

    Thanks, I emailed them for a sample.
  15. Congratulations to you, too! If you ever want to email me my email is samanthajeter@embarqmail.com. It is nice to have a buddy to go on the journey with. Hopefully my husband will be banded after me. Merry Christmas. :-D

  16. SamieTeacher

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Hey Pete, my surgery is December 29th. I graduated from UF. :-D Go Gators!
  17. I am nervous more about the liquid diet during Christmas than anything else. I know I'll be ok, it's just hard this time of the year. I'm ready, though! Glad to hear you're healing and doing good. :-)

  18. Hi there. We chatted briefly the other night. I'm glad to read your surgery went ok. My big day is 12/29. Your description made me feel much better. Take care. I hope we can talk again soon! :-D

  19. SamieTeacher

    need fill in fort myers/naples area

    Good luck to you! My husband and I are going with Dr. Shieh, too. His staff is amazing. We are just waiting for insurance approval! Keep in touch!
  20. SamieTeacher

    need fill in fort myers/naples area

    Thank you so much. I'm really worried about getting approved, but I'll keep praying and jumping through hoops. :-)
  21. SamieTeacher

    This the the band:

    I am pre-op waiting insurance approval. This post was SUCH a huge motivation. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  22. SamieTeacher

    need fill in fort myers/naples area

    Hi Kathy. My husband and I are finishing our last 2 months of "6 months of required weight loss attempt." Hopefully Dr. Shieh will band us upon approval. So far he and his staff have been fantastic!
  23. Yesterday I received a call from the surgeon's office. The secretary received my echo-cardigram and wanted to know if dh and I "were still considering surgery because we haven't heard from you." I emailed her back (I'm a teacher and can't take calls or really make calls) and told her we were doing the "6 months documented weight loss" like our BCBS insurance states. She told me our primary hasn't sent any notes over and that the surgeon should be reviewing these monthly. WHAT? Nobody ever told me that. I've been in contact with the head bariatric nurse monthly and she never mentioned it! The surgeon is the one that SUGGESTED we go to this new primary doctor! The secretary also said she never received any paperwork on our psych. evaluations, dh's sleep study, etc., etc. On all of that paperwork we wrote the surgeon's name...they are all under the same health system. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :thumbup: I have been meticulous and trying my damndest. If I knew the primary was supposed to fax notes montly, he would have. The secreatary also said that we need to go to a few support group meetings to "beef up our insurance approval." I emailed back and asked if we could go prior to paying the $950 program fee (I don't want to pay this fee unless we are approved). I am so frustrated. I tried to get most of the apts. out of the way this summer before we both had to go back to teaching. Now I'm going to have to spend every free minute calling all of these doctors begging for my and dh's records to be sent over. I just feel like crying. I know I'm whinning and being a baby...but after a rough day to get this email back just put me over the edge! :-(:cool2:
  24. Thanks. That's a good idea.
  25. My husband and I had our first consultation apt. at the surgeon’s office. We went to our first seminar 3 weeks ago. For lap band, our BCBS insurance requires: 5 years documented obesity 6 months documented weight loss attempt. psych. eval It is going to be very difficult to get the 5 years of documented weight record for my dh because he hardly ever goes to the doctor. The surgeon said photos may count. It will be hard for me as well, but I can go to my ob/gyn, chiropractor, etc. I am just worried because I'm going to have to go to all of these doctors in person to sign a release then ask for my records to be sent over. I'm shy and feel weird telling them why. :confused2: The doctor wants a cardiologist to check out my heart since I took phen-phen for about 4 months 10 years ago when I was in high school. He wants my husband to take a sleep apnea study. He also gave us the name of a primary care doctor he wants us both to go to in order to start the 6 month process of documented weight loss. I didn't realize so much would be in our hands. I didn't know I'd have to make the apts. for the psych., sleep apnea and cardiologist in addition to hunting down our records. I'm not ungrateful, just totally overwhelmed.:thumbup: In addition, the doctor said the local NBC affiliate has inquired about following a patient. The doctor thought it would be good for them to follow us since we are young, married and both teachers and getting lap band together. The stories would appear on health segments sponsored by the hospital the doctor works for. Everyone there was really nice and extremely patient and friendly. They didn't say anything about compensation. I just wonder what if they follow us then insurance denies us? :confused:Are they going to pay for us? I don't think I'll agree to be on tv where the whole world can see us unless we are getting compensated. The nurse said she would talk to the tv station then call or email with details. Sorry to write so much, I just feel totally overwhelmed. Thank God school is ending in 4 weeks. Hopefully we can get most of the appointments and record-hunting done over the summer. Thanks for listening to me vent!:biggrin:

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