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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About tuli-ps81

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  1. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    no we dont have to count carbs or fat.. but i do see it on my fitness pal app and try to keep it sensible.. but with all the protein and dairy products it does add up. I use products with low or zero fat.. and sugar.. but still even veggies have carbs haha whats your macro's on a daily basis.. i will keep track of mine this week we can compare notes
  2. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    Hello HAve you recently had your surgery? We are advised not to eat any raw greens and veg or salads the first three months..also no seeds..rice or stuff that could get stuck in your seatures. Id also be very carefull with fatty foods like fish sticks and bacon.. you could react to the fat with a massive "dumping" hihi If you have protein with EVERY meal.. it should be easy to hit the protein mark daily- like instead of pb and jam.. eat cheese or lean meat slices on your bread that way the protein adds up quickly- and you feel fuller for longer..also no tricking the brain into thinking its having sugar when its not.. even sugar free products can give you cravings for sugarry stuff.. our brains arent fooled haha dont worry about the amounts of food you can eat with time.. it increases on its own.. good luck
  3. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    I also use the Myfittnesspal app to count. I also have a very cool Bariatastic app I use.. but its american and not all the dutch products are on it.. so sometimes I have to do some guessing. But it keeps all the macros handy in a widget so you know your intake .. I do keep a diary also. Otherwise its so easy to go off track We follow a no fat no sugar low carb diet. So only 50 grams of potatoes/rice/pasta per day- but also 2 slices of wholegrain bread per day- so its not that strict.. I have heard of stricter programs where people even count the calories and carbs in the Vitamin supplements haha yikes!
  4. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    i missed the weigh in but here are mine too SW 251 GW 152 Cw 224 So far ive lost 27 pounds.. My weightloss is slow.. but steady. At my hospital we have to keep a diet of 1000 cal per day.. 6 meals and 60 grams to 80 grams of Protein ..
  5. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    Hi ..this app is "monitor your weight" in the app store for android and iphone
  6. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    Hey peeps.. you guys are doing great! Also - it is common for your weight to stand still going from liquids to solids.. everything needs to settle in.. once you hit your protein goals and increase your calories to above 800.. your weightloss will kick back in .. if you eat too less.. your body will retain fat as it thinks its starving.. if you keep to your dr's diet.. and the allowed amounts of portions.. you will get past the stall and back into losing.. sometimes it can take up to 3 weeks for your body to adapt.. and then suddenly the pounds starts dropping.. dont lose the faith.. and try not be so hard on yourself.. you have done great.. and every pound lost- COUNTS.. even if it was lost before the op! xxx
  7. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    Hey Jazmania Nice to hear from you! looks delicious! My progress has also been really slow compared to others who've had this surgery- But I am patient.. I had 110 pounds to lose! I am 5"1 inches.. with BMI of 42. So far I have lost 22 pounds of which 13 pounds has been after my surgery. I lose about 2 pounds per week. I am happy with it. I feel really good to be honest i guess i am lucky- i havent had any issues. Still settling into the new diet. Let me know how you have been doing since surgery.
  8. tuli-ps81

    February bypass buddies?

    Hello everyone, I had my bypass on the 5th of february.. How are you all doing one month post op..
  9. Hi there, ^_^

    I joined this site to learn and get in touch from fellow WLS-friends. I had my gastric bypass surgery on 5th of february 2018. My weightloss has been steady but slow. 

    I am a mother of 2 and id love to reach a healthy weight so My body isnt holding me back anymore to take part in life.

    Current weight 102KG /224 pounds:blush:

    My personal goal is to lose 35KG or 77 pounds.. Making me weigh 67kg or 147 Pounds. (bmi 27.5)

    To have a healthy BMI of 25 however i should lose at least 40kg or 88 pounds to reach a weight of 62KG or 136 pounds. 

    At the hospital where I had my surgery- we keep to a 800 -  1000 cal high protein diet. counting proteins between 50 and 70 depending on your body height. 

    Ive heard so many different opinions and rules that different countries and hospitals keep to.. but i welcome your input and advice. 

    My weightloss so far: Start weight on surgery day 108.5

    9 February 106.6 (-1.9) 
    16 February 105.6 (-1 ) 
    26 February 104.3 (-1.3  
    5 March  103.6 (-700gr 
    Total Feb 103.6 kg 
    2nd month March -> Goal- 99.8 
    12 Maart 102.8 ( -800gr )  

    1. shedo82773


      Welcome!!! This site has a wealth of knowledge. Just pick and choose what you need and disregard everything else. Follow everything your team says and enjoy your journey!! Again Welcome

    2. ProudGrammy


      welcome, welcome,welcome. buckle your seat belt, you are in for the ride of a lifetime!! good luck - kathy

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