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Everything posted by ValJean

  1. ValJean


    Prior to being banded, I was the kind of person who always wanted to work out on my own--I think I was more afraid of being compared to other people than preferring to "do my own thing." Since being banded, I have been doing a lot of classes, and I absolutely love it! I find that I get much better results when I've got an instructor than I do when I'm on my own. For instance, if I'm alone I get through about 3 pushups before I "can't" do anymore. In my class, I can do 10-15--it hurts like heck, but I'm able to really push myself. I realize that you're not that far out from surgery and probably need to start slow, but once you build up your routine I'd highly recommend checking out what classes your gym has to offer. Congrats and good luck!
  2. ValJean

    WHOOOT!! Under 400lbs

    Congrats Jerry! Great work!
  3. Hi, I just had a small fill yesterday, after two weeks of being completely unfilled (was too tight!). Tonight I went to Bikram Yoga, and after the practice I was feeling really woozy. Now, I often feel a bit lightheaded right after class, but this lasted 15 minutes or more, and then I felt really nauseated. Finally, I just had to throw up. There was only Water in my stomach, but I was really heaving! This has never happened to me after a yoga practice before. I'm wondering if it has something to do with just having a fill, because there is some intense abdominal compression in several postures. Any thoughts? Anyone else experienced nausea/vomiting right after fills when doing ab work? Thanks! Val
  4. Hi Heidi, I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. I'm not saying this as a spokesperson of any kind, but just want to offer up that Overeaters Anonymous has really helped me recognize and begin to address my head hunger and food addiction. At first I was afraid to go (this was before being banded, at the suggestion of the surgical center psychiatrist), but after that first meeting I felt a change in myself. I can't say I attend meetings regularly, but when I am struggling it is a place I can go that always helps me get back on track. I think there are some threads on this site about OA that you might want to look into also for more info. And the OA website has a handy look-up tool to find meetings in your area. Wishing you all good things, Valerie
  5. ValJean

    Anyone else scared of the gym???

    I've had the same fear in the past, and I agree with Cathy. Visit a couple different gyms. I think most places (if not all) will let you have a free day to check out the facilities before you sign up for a membership. Some even offer a consultation with a trainer. This way you can find a place where you feel comfortable to try anything you want. Frankly, if I see too many body builders or women with full-on makeup working out, I know pretty quickly it's not for me! One specific suggestion: I've been a member at the YMCA in several different cities, and it's always been a great place to work out; good classes, friendly staff, and "normal" people (by which I mean people just looking to get fit and not there to "be seen"). Good luck! Val
  6. ValJean

    Meet & Greets?

    I don't have a car, so I'm pretty limited to meeting in the city, or somewhere near a metra station in the burbs. Weekends are best, pretty much any time on Saturdays and Sundays. And thanks for organizing, remodelingme!
  7. ValJean

    Meet & Greets?

    Hi all, Another Chitown bandster here--I'd love to get a group together! Where is everyone located? I live in Ravenswood, work downtown. Val
  8. ValJean

    Just banded in Chicago

    Brigette, I was banded at DayOne--please keep in touch and let me know how things go for you. Maybe we can get together for a chat sometime...or start a little Chi bandster coffee group or something. Val
  9. ValJean

    Slipped Band-HAPPY ENDING!

    Thanks, marathinner! I am feeling great--it was UNBELIEVABLE how, literally the second he removed the fluid, I felt 100% better. It was on my 3rd fill that I went from not tight enough to way too tight. Hopefully once I resume fills I can get to the sweet spot without going over again.
  10. ValJean

    Slipped Band-HAPPY ENDING!

    Congrats on your great progress, and thanks for your post. I had to get a complete unfill this week because I was way too tight, experiencing reflux at night, and vomiting frequently (even liquids sometimes). Now on liquids for 2 weeks to let things "settle" and will then go in for a fill. Grateful to hear from others who have encountered these issues and come through it healthy and happy!
  11. ValJean

    VERY discouraged....

    Just posted a similar response in another thread, but wanted to chime in--please see your doc ASAP! I was struggling for a couple weeks with getting stuck, puking, and not being able to keep any solids, and sometimes even liquids, down. Saw my doc yesterday and he did a complete unfill. 2 weeks liquids and he will resume fills so I can work my way back up to proper restriction. He said if I'd waited any longer and continued vomiting I could have really injured myself and my band. In addition, even though I was hardly able to eat anything, my weight loss seemed to be stalling--because my body was in starvation mode, I think. You will feel so much better once you get some Fluid out, trust me. And then you can work your way back up and get to that sweet spot where you can eat the right things, feel satisfied, and not be vomiting and miserable. Take care!
  12. ValJean

    3 years and cannot get it right!

    Sounds like you're too tight! I was having similar problems for the past couple weeks, hardly able to eat a thing, even pills wouldn't go down some days. (I was banded 6 months ago and have had 3 fills.) Finally saw my doc yesterday--after waiting 3 weeks for an appt--and he chose to do a complete unfill. He's got me on 2 weeks of liquids, after which I will get a fill. So, basically, I am starting over. Everything looked fine under fluoro, but he said it was definitely good that I didn't wait any longer because I could have really hurt myself if I'd continued on being too tight. My doc is pretty cautious, which is why he went with the complete unfill, but depending on what your doc thinks, you might find that even a very slight unfill offers a lot of relief. Good luck!
  13. ValJean

    A set back ! ! ! !

    Just read back my post and think I should add that, by no means am I saying I was "cured" of all my problems after only 3 therapy sessions. I continue every day to work on the mental and spiritual aspects of this journey as much as the physical.
  14. ValJean

    A set back ! ! ! !

    Hi Yvonne, I was required to do at least 3 therapy sessions to address my food and body issues before the evaluating psychologist at my surgeon's office would sign off on my having surgery. I was devastated at first, but knew it was what I had to do if I wanted to be banded. Honestly, it was probably one of the best things I could have done for myself (second to eventually getting the band!). The actual sessions kind of sucked, but it really made me evaluate myself and realize that my weight problem was so beyond the physical--it was a product of negative self esteem that led me to what became a compulsive eating disorder. Now I know that I can only speak for myself, and that I am not trying to say that all overweight people or all people who want the band have eating disorders, but for me it was a profound revelation, one that I might never have made without the therapy. It helped me get rid of the desperation and depression that initially led me to consider surgery, and replaced it with confidence, pride, and positivity about my decision. I proved to my surgeon and, more importantly, to MYSELF, that my eyes were wide open going into this life-changing decision. And the band has truly changed my life for the better. Hope that helps!
  15. ValJean

    bodybugg or gowear fit

    I love my GoWear Fit! It is such a great motivator. I highly recommend it!
  16. ValJean

    Just banded in Chicago

    Congratulations dlacny! I am a Chicago bandster too. Post-op I was up about 10lbs (from IV fluids I think), but it dropped off in a week or so. Most important thing right now is to focus on healing. It might take awhile for weight loss to really "kick in," especially before you start getting fills. I'd love to talk more (been looking for CHI Bandster friends!), so message me anytime if you want to chat. Or maybe we can get together in the city sometime. Take care! Val
  17. ValJean

    Fat stories

    Thanks everyone for sharing these stories. You are all very brave. One of my worst reoccurring experiences has been riding the bus during rush hour, and even though it's completely packed, having people opt not to sit by me--since my ass was spilling over onto the next seat! The dirty looks from standing passengers made it all the worse. Also, having my ass hit people on the bus when trying to get to the door. So glad that'll never happen again!
  18. Congratulations and Happy Bandiversary!
  19. ValJean

    Very Worried!!!

    That's such an important point, shelystar. I have found that, because the band helps me control my portions, I can actually ENJOY eating favorite treat foods now and then and not have to feel guilty afterward because I overstuffed myself. I am finally starting to lose the self-conciousness I've always felt when eating out, am finally getting over that feeling of worry that everyone is watching what I eat and how much and judging me, thinking "no wonder she's so fat." The physical need to eat everything on my plate (or everything in sight!) has gone away, and that has made it possible for me to overcome the mental desire to gorge as well. I'm not perfect by any means, but the band has changed my life so much for the better. I never thought I'd be able to get past the "head hunger" that has been my demon all my life. I've tried everything, and I finally feel like I've found the tool that works for me. Sorry to go on forever--just wanted to share and send out my support to you all. Feel free to message me anytime if you want to chat. Val
  20. ValJean

    ran first nonstop 5k yesterday

    Congrats kossde, that's awesome! I just signed up to run my first 5k in September and can't wait!
  21. Great work! Congratulations on your accomplishment!
  22. ValJean

    Hoping I didnt hurt my band

    Dear Smilan, I don't have any advice for your band issue, I'm afraid. But I did read your post and wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. You are in my thoughts. Valerie
  23. ValJean

    Biker hell!

    Ditto what Donna said. I commute to work on my bike, which ends up being about 16-20 miles of riding a day now, but in the beginning I was so sore in the "saddle" after riding even just a short distance. It just takes time...I'd recommend trying to take at least a short ride on flat roads/surfaces every day for a week or so--when you start to feel sore or uncomfortable, take a break or finish up for the day. This way you don't put yourself in so much pain that you want to give up riding altogether Then gradually build up to longer rides with hills, etc. Before you know it, you'll be riding like crazy! Bike riding has become one of my favorite activities, not just for the exercise, either. I've found that it is the best way to start and end my day, clears my head, and puts me in a much better mood than riding the bus or train does! Happy riding!
  24. ValJean

    NSV's (NonScale Victories)

    Dug out the size 16 jeans last week and they all fit! Finally had the courage to put the size 20s in the trash, too...never going back again! Keep up the great work everyone!
  25. ValJean

    Lapband Since 19-17-07 lost 100 lbs!


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