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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by johnsons13

  1. johnsons13

    "Other " support sites

    It's also learning the difference in our needs and wants and prioritizing. Life would be boring if only our needs were met. But a lot of times we misunderstand a want for a need until we have to be without it and we realize that it was just a crutch all along. There's usually a replacement for everything. Sometimes it's a better replacement and sometimes it's a downgrade. It's not the destination but the journey.
  2. johnsons13

    Dear Stomach...

    My issue is stomach vs brain. They go against each other fighting about if I'm physically hungry or bored or sad. When my stomach physically growls it confuses the bejesus out of me.
  3. johnsons13

    "Other " support sites

    I'm in AA and in the beginning I learned and I share this with my sponsees if NEVER seems too long, that's why we say "just for today" and you say it every day. If I go back to drinking and doing heroin I'll never see tomorrow eventually. The same goes with making changes now regarding my eating. We also say "progress not perfection". I'll never be perfect and as long as every day I'm doing what I need to in order to get better than I'm heading in the right direction. When someone gets upset to give up alcohol that they "only" have a couple of nights a week then something isn't right. Why is alcohol so important? Food we need in order to live that's why I have to develop a healthy relationship with it. Alcohol and drugs I don't need to live.
  4. johnsons13

    Well, I did it!

    Welcome to the losers bench.
  5. johnsons13

    Reputation scores are misleading

    No matter where we go in life there will always be negativity and suffering. Doesn't mean we have to feed into it, because when we do, it gets worse. Instead let the positivity shine through. Don't co-sign someone else's bs. Some people are more opiniated than others and some enjoy letting others take control. It's just the ebb and flow of the world we live.
  6. johnsons13

    It's SAD

    I am depressed in the winter for reasons other than the weather and time change. Mine are from sad things that has happened. I get really depressed and want to mope in the summer. It's hot, sticky, I stink from sweating in places I didn't know I had to even know they could sweat. I did notice that when I made myself do opposite to emotion, I felt better. When I would get up and mow and get even sweatier on purpose felt better than just sitting and sweating and I felt like I accomplished something. I live in Tennessee so fall and spring when weather would be perfect for me hardly exists. I see maybe a week or 2 of those seasons then it's straight ice cold or hell hot.
  7. Bleaching hair in general is very damaging. There are some bleaching products that I've gotten from Sally's ( I do all my hair stuff at home) that is less damaging and even helps soften your hair. Are you lifting, lightening, highlighting, etc? Because there could be a safer alternative than bleach. Like it's been mentioned, talk to your hair dresser, explain your effluviam issue and let them do what's healthiest for your hair. But make sure they are trustworthy and not out for their pocket getting fatter.
  8. johnsons13

    Daily calories

    My doctor wants me at 500 a day with a max of 700 with only 3 meals a day. I struggle daily to follow that. I would probably be at goal weight if I did.
  9. I wish I had an issue with chips but they go down like they're oiled up and taste just as good. But, I love my beef and pork and I feel choked when I try to eat a small bite of my husbands steak. I'm actually supposed to stay away from red meat (except deer meat) for the first year. I tried deer meat and was excited until I realized it has the same texture as steak. The pork depends how juicy it is and how it's cooked. I liked the lemon pepper tuna packs before surgery and now I only like the sweet and spicy. I could take multi-vitamins without any issues and now they taste makes me nauseous. Any medicine taste does actually.
  10. johnsons13

    6 weeks Post-op solids

    Start slow and that way you know what your new tummy will like. I have a better time with crock pot turkey breast than oven roasted because it's juicier. Steamed veggies go down pretty good. Make sure you take small bites and chew chew chew. That is something I forget constantly and I take my huge bites and want to swallow whole as if I'm afraid it will be taken. I've realized that the longer I take to eat my meal, the better it goes down and I get full with less food.
  11. johnsons13

    Question re drinking after meals

    30 as most I guess. But I always take a sip (less than a medicine cup for kids) after I eat. I was never a drinker during a meal anyway. But sometimes I feel the protein sticks in my throat and that extra lube helps it slide down.
  12. that's my problems I scarf food down. I haven't lost my meals yet, but I do feel that stuck in my throat but wait for that burp feeling. Sometimes I don't think it will come and I will vomit, but I burp and I'm fine. I'm sorry you experienced this, but at least this was a learning experience for you.
  13. johnsons13


    I use the Walmart brand light greek yogurt in all kinds of yummy flavors and the name brand has plenty of flavor choices like Tiramisu and Pumpkin Pie. The Walmart brand has 6 grams of sugar. I never liked yogurt until I tried the greek because of the thickness. I guess I like some thickness. lol
  14. johnsons13

    Weight training first not cardio

    But isn't it important to incorporate both?
  15. johnsons13

    Livershrink diet

    I'm judging myself by me. I know what I'm capable of. That's why I get mad at myself. I do so good then mess it up. Ugh. But I need it because little by little I'm doing better.
  16. johnsons13

    Livershrink diet

    It's a fancy looking water bottle where you can put fruit and herbs in this little container thing to separate it from completely mixing but it gives your water a flavor without unhealthy additives and extra loaded calories. I've put strawberry, lime, and mint. I've used altogether not necessarily mixed raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, pineapple, lime, lemon, mint, thyme, and cayenne. It's fun figuring out what I like. my boys also try them. But after the cayenne, they always ask if it's the spicy water.
  17. johnsons13

    Livershrink diet

    Have you tried flavor enhancers like Mio or Crystal Lite? I use the Walmart brand. But I also have an infuser bottle and I've had so much fun playing with the different flavors.
  18. johnsons13

    Post WLS hysterectomy issues

    The joys of womanhood.
  19. I don't know if I titled this right. I had a hysterectomy last year in August. Then I had my VSG in April of this year. I have heard women who have wls get pregnant after losing weight, or their menstruals get regular, etc. My Dr left my ovaries because they are producing hormones perfectly. Well, I had my wls 6 months ago and I've lost a little over 45 pounds on my last visit which was at the end of September. I have an overactive bladder from being obese and the multi surgeries in my abdomen area. A few days ago, I noticed some blood on my panty liner and kinda got freaked out. I do have a dr appointment for my yearly on the 1st of November and I am going to talk to my doc about it. But I was wanting to hear from my women on here if they have experienced anything like this.
  20. johnsons13

    Weight loss in first month

    I had lost 18 pounds. But I'm far from the poster child on weight loss. I should be the poster child of what not to do. I'm definitely a work in progress.
  21. johnsons13

    Livershrink diet

    Aww.. My high school bff birthday is the 27th. Mine was yesterday. I keep getting mad at myself and doing better and better as time goes on. I struggled with my fluids now I get in about 90-120oz a day and my protein is at minimum finally.
  22. johnsons13

    What order should the plastics be done?

    You guys are awesome that have had the surgeries. I just want my breast done because it is physically uncomfortable since my nipples touch my stomach. And my stomach. I think at the moment that's it.
  23. johnsons13

    Livershrink diet

    That's not bad at all. When is your surgery? My probably pre and post op is sticking to what I'm supposed to. I do good about a few days then cheat big time. I know if I did that and kinda detoxed but took out the fruit I would do good. It's just a matter of sticking to it.
  24. johnsons13

    Livershrink diet

    Do you know how much calories you are getting? Just curious.

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