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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by johnsons13

  1. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    OMG, I'm going to try that. My family eats ice cream for dessert every night almost and I've cheated with 2 teaspoons. Tonight I had a few teaspoons of yogurt. I went and got a Sam's membership because they had 12 packs for $17. I got chocolate, peaches and cream, caramel, and cookies and cream. But tomorrow a cookies and cream is going in the freezer. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    Good question. They said it had to be low carbs. So maybe some kind of almond milk or something along that line that's lactose free. I'm just guessing though. I just went ahead and bought premier protein because my hubby tried milk with the protein powder I was using and he said it tasted awful, so I didn't want to go that route. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    You're right, my husband and I have talked about the different drs requirements. Mine is 2 weeks clear liquids and clear protein drinks, 2 weeks milk protein, then 3 weeks soft/pureed, then solids. My tummy makes all kinds of crazy noises constantly. Not really growling, but like when I used to make myself burp and swallowed the air. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    I just started stage 2 this past Tuesday. I was drinking protein drinks before, but now I have to have Fairlife milk added or a milk based protein. I go to my Dr on May 1st to hopefully change to pureed/soft foods. I have to be on stage 2 for 2 weeks. Ugh. But, I wonder how I will be starting thicker things. I finished a protein drink earlier and apparently drank too fast because my nose started running. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    What stage are you on? Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    Too funny. Good thing to know I'm not the only oddball Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    OMG, if I cheat and eat a lot, my nose runs too. I thought I was the only one. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    I had mine on 4/3 and I'm the same way. I feel hungry constantly and I'm ready for soft foods. I've bought a lot of things and have it on "my" shelf, but until the 1st, it will just sit there. I've tried things here and there, I've cheated. And then I feel physically crappy the rest of the day. I'm struggling to get my 64oz of fluid in. I feel I'm drinking all day and I still don't get it in. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. johnsons13

    Next diet step

    I had my surgery 4/3 and I get to start full liquids Tuesday (adding milk to my protein shakes). I've felt hungry here and there and tried scrambled eggs, tuna, and chicken. I also have pains, almost like I can feel it moving from mouth to stomach. I have to be on full liquids 2 weeks then get to start soft /pureed foods. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to eat 20g protein/ 3 oz of meat when I start eating soft foods. I can't tolerate 3 bites. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    OMG I know all about that sickening feeling of squeezing the tube. The nurse did that before I got discharged and what a feeling. Mine scabbed good after I got it out and I kept it covered with gauze and twice a day had to clean it with a q-tip and peroxide. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. For how long I wonder Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Man you're doing great Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    My surgeon and his team all put in drainage tubes/bulbs in everyone regardless. I had laproscopic vsg without hernia repair and I had one. I got it out a week after my surgery on my follow up. A girl I became friends with had surgery the same day by another surgeon in our group and he also left a drainage bulb in her. Talk to your surgeon and find out what they're typical surgery is like from start to going home. We were told at our class we would have one.
  14. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    Congratulations! You'll be on the losers bench with the rest of us. I was starving the day before my surgery too. Try to stay busy. It's more of a mind thing. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. I can finally get on the app now Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. I even tried the beta testing but even it hasn't worked. I just emailed/messaged the administrators. Hopefully something will change.
  17. For the first 5-7 days after I got home I had diarrhea which isn't like me. I had to get my husband to give me a suppository in the hospital. Today, my bm is hard and looks like dirt. TMI, but when I wipe it looks like I've wiped the ground. I bought some smooth move tea before surgery and I'm going to have to drink some soon. It helped.
  18. Is anyone else having issues with the app? I've uninstalled, reinstalled, forced stop, and it still automatically closes every time. When I get on the website I have a huge delay. I love keeping up with my peeps, but it's not letting me.
  19. That is lucky. I've never had one before, my husband had 3 last year with his bypass surgery. It really hurt yesterday after they took it out, but I slept in bed last night and woke up feeling I could run a mile. Too bad I hate running, lol. I'm not sure how your c section was, but when I didn't walk, I got stiff. Same as with my wls. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. I've had 3 C-sections and a hysterectomy and this was a lot easier. I had mine 8 days ago and the only place that hurts is where I had my drainage bulb. I got it out yesterday, but I'm still tender. I was able to shower the next day. Just remember to walk, walk, walk. The gas pains are bad in the beginning but walking eases it. I'm a recovering addict, so I hate narcotics and come home without narcotics. You can do this. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. It depends on your insurance or if you're self pay . It also depends on your bmi. My insurance would cover it and my Dr would approve of I had a Bmi of 35 with co-morbidities. Or a Bmi of 40 without co-morbidities. I had a Bmi of 41 with co-morbidities. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    I'm definitely looking forward to pureed foods. I don't think I'll ever touch another Popsicle. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    It's funny how different surgeons are. We didn't have waterproof dressings, but I could take a shower and change my dressing. I can't start my vitamins until after my 1st pre op visit which is Tuesday. I won't be able to eat any food for a month, then it will be pureed food. And my Dr said vomiting wasn't normal. Thankfully I only got a little nauseous and got better after nausea meds. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    And I can drink protein shakes with water added only. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. johnsons13

    Any April 2018 Sleevers?!?!

    Mine was laproscopic too. The tape and leads made me itchy too. That's why I'm so ready for this drainage bulb out. I've had moments of being emotional. But it's mostly because I want something other than fluids. Sent from my Z983 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
