Hey frust8. You are a "card". Just what this ole gal needs to hear.I weight in now at 274. I want to get to 140-150 and the kicker to that is to STAY there.I know that this change of eating habit is all good, it'll make me Healthy, Wise and Active. But at this moment , I hate it. This is my second day of my two week low fat and low carb pre-op diet. I started it a few days early just in case I messed up. I haven't but seems like I need more to eat. I'm pretty disciplined about this ,so I'm really trying to go by the book. I live down here in North East Florida.Been here all my life.I live way out in the country, have grown younguns. My son Casey he's the oldest at almost 45, then there's Billie Jo she's 40 and my oldest baby gurl, then I have Sarah she's 35 and the real baby. Sarah lives down the road from me but the other two live down in Gainesville, Fla. The largest town close to me is Jacksonville, Florida. It's a little North and East of where I live which is called macclenny, Florida ,but folks just call it Baker county, there's actually more county than city. Lots of woods and the Okefenoke swamp. Been real good talk in to ya, hope to hear from you again soon. Nice to hear from one's going thru same thing. ,,,,mary