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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About dgnzlz

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  1. Now, now... Everyone is going through something different after surgery here and it's all new to us. So what's a big deal to someone might not be a big deal to you. I know when I started this, I really expected the weight to just fall off quickly. Not what I wanted but what I expected. So when the weight slowly started coming off and I saw people with the same amount of time since their surgery losing more weight, I questioned myself and thought maybe I was doing something wrong. I can totally get where MarthaT is coming from. We expect one thing and get another. If I've learned anything it's that we're all different and my journey is going to be just that, my journey.
  2. It was TOTALLY genuine! I'm appreciative of any and all feedback. This is all new to me and it helps to hear about someone else's journey especially if it's similar to yours. And trust me, you'll know when I'm snarky.
  3. Thanks desertdivalv! I think I just needed to hear from people who may be in the same spot I'm in and to know that I'm not the only one.
  4. Sorry, misunderstood your "when was the last time..." question. Thanks for the positivity!
  5. It's only been 3 months so I can't really get an average. Trying to eat as much protein as possible but meats and chicken don't really sit well in my new stomach and I'm not a big fan of fish. Whatever I can eat is only a few bites before I feel blah and stop eating. I'm not discouraged, just frustrated when I see people who have hit a 50-60 lb weight loss in the same time frame.
  6. Sleeved on 11/28/2017 and I feel like I should have lost more weight. I'm down 36 lbs but I feel like everyone else I see is down 50-60 by now. Anyone else struggling with the amount of weight they've lost in 3 months?

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