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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hfalola

  1. I am just about to lose it!! I spoke to the surgeon's office and she is saying there is no way I am already approved. They have no submitted anything, yet UHC is saying it is approved. What is going on? I am so lost as to what to do next. No one can give me a straight answer. I'm just moving along with all the other stuff (pysch evaluation next week and support group tonight), but I am just so frustrated. I still don't know for sure if I have to do a 6 month diet before surgery, so everyday I go without knowing is another day added to my wait if I have to do it...No one can give me closure on this!
  2. Hi everyone! This is my first post here, so here's a little info about me! My name is Holly. I am 30, married for 5 years and have a wonderful 2 year old daughter. And 2 dogs, can't forget the fur babies! I live in Savannah, GA. I work as a facility manager for a software company and am currently working towards my MBA. I also have a photography business where I specialize in family photos, maternity and weddings. I love it! I have been overweight all my life. Most of my family has a weight problem, but I have always been the heaviest person. I can remember going to Weight Watchers when I was 11. I can remember my grandmother trying to bribe me with money to lose weight. One of my worst memories was when I was getting married and I was so excited to show my grandmother my wedding dress when it came in; she told me I was too fat to wear a dress like that- it still hurts to this day. I have always tried to be comfortable with my weight. I would always say that I am happy the way I am, I don't need to be a size 6 to be happy. But in the last few years, I have noticed my eating habits change: I eat when depressed or stressed or just out of boredom more than ever. I am at my highest weight ever, 280. I always said that if I couldn't buy pants that fit me at Lane Bryant I would do something. Well, I'm almost there... I attended my first information seminar last night and have decided to go forward with the lap-band. I know it's not a magic cure all, but I think it is a step in the right direction. The program here is very comprehensive. They require support group attendance before and after the surgery, they have a dedicated psychologist on staff and require counseling before surgery and have nutritionist and exercise staff to help from beginning to end. All in all, it seems like a total lifestyle change support system. So now, I am waiting to hear back from insurance and working on documents from my PCP. I can expect to have everything complete in 1-2 months. I am very excited and ready to go! I'll be around here alot, asking a ton of questions because I am a total planner and like to know as much as I can. Hope to hear from you all soon!
  3. I had to share my excitement. I am now under 250 pounds! I know it's not much of a goal, but it means alot to me. It's been a long time since I've seen 250, so getting there now is huge. Also, I am now wearing my favorite pair of pants that haven't fit in almost 3 years. In fact, they are now a little big! I started crying in the closet this morning when I could put them on. Go me!!!
  4. Have you considered an IUD? It's a great alternative to the pill. I've had mine for about 2 years and its great!
  5. I'm 6 days post op. My dr. has me on the same pre-op diet of Clear liquids and Protein shakes until 3 weeks post-op. I know there is still alot of swelling to go down and healing to do, but I never feel hungry. Never. I have to remind myself to eat something thoughout the day. Is this typical for the first few weeks? Also, I read alot about the importance of getting a certain number of calories in each day. Some say 600, some 800, some 1000. Are these numbers just important once you get your first fill or do I need to try to reach these goals now? I can't see how to get just 600 calores in on just broth...
  6. So this is weird...everytime I take a sip of my Water today, I get a really nauseous feeling. I'm 6 days post-op, so I'm taking small sips but even the smallest sip feels like its going to come back up. I can feel it going down and once it gets towards the bottom, there is some pain, I'm guessing right where the pouch is? Any ideas on what is going on? At this rate, I'll never get all my water for the day in!
  7. hfalola

    nauseous with water?

    Thanks, I'll have to look for those. Was there something else you could drink that didn't cause this?
  8. Hi everyone! Is anyone here in or around Savannah, GA? I'm having my surgery on August 29 and am just looking to meet some local people that have either already had surgery or will be having it in the future!
  9. I've learned from reading on this site that each doctor has there own guidelines for pre and post op eating. I keep reading through my handbook from my doctor and I feel like a piece of the post-op stages is missing. They totally skip the mushies stage that most other plans included. According to the book, after surgery I am on Clear liquids for 2 days, back to the pre-op liquid diet for 21 days, then straight to regular food in 4 meals a day, 2oz protien, 1oz veggies, 1oz dairy. There is no mention of a mushies stage. Does that seem odd to anyone else? I really think the 21 days on liquids is going to kill me. It's been hard getting through the 2 week pre-op, I don't know how I am going to do it for 3 more weeks. I get my Protein, take all the Vitamins, but I still can see this as being a healthy way of living. I know the stomach has to heal and needs time, but I thought that was what the mushies stage was for: giving you some additional food choices, but nothing too soild so you have time to heal...
  10. I know, I know. I'm just a parniod person by nature and have been beating myself up for slipping. I'm trying to remain confident.
  11. hfalola

    Surgery tomorrow! Anyone else?

    Me, me, me! Going in at 5am for a 7:20 surgery time. I'm so excited, but scared at the same time. just ready to get it done and start my new banded life. Good luck to you!
  12. I'm getting banded tomorrow too! Appointment time is 7:20, so I have to be there at 5:20am!!!! I'm alos paranoid about the fatty liver. I cheated once, 2 days ago and ate 3 cheeze-it crackers. I am totally freaking out that I have ruined all my work. It was stupid, I know. I've lost 17 pounds, but I'm still worried that I haven't done enough and they won't be able to do the surgery. Good luck to you and everyone else with upcoming dates!
  13. I getting banded on Friday, just 2 more days to go! Good luck to everyone and fingers crossed!
  14. hfalola

    co-morbs ?

    What is your BMI? Typically, if you have a BMI of 40 or below, they will require 1-2 co-morbidities. If it is over 40, they do not require any. Check with your insurance customer serivce, they should be able to tell you if there is a cut-off point where they don't need them.
  15. My surgery is this Friday and I am getting nervous too! I've been OK up until now, today I really started feeling anxious and just ready to get it over with. For me, alot of it is trying to manager the logistic of my personal life the day of surgery: I have to be there at 5:20am, so I need someone to come stay with my 2 year old, get her ready for school, pick her up and keep her that night. I'm luck that my parents are close by and can do it, but just trying to make sure everyone knows what needs to be done and trying to cover all the bases is making me crazy. I'm probably over thinking it, but it just another thing to keep me busy before the big day. Good luck to everyone!
  16. I'm on day 5 of my pre-op liquids only diet and I am having terrible headaches. They are lasting most of the day, starting around 9am and only getting better when I go to sleep. Any suggestions on what might be causing this and what I can do to help besides taking tylenol? Thanks!
  17. I just got my date today. I'm scheduled for August 29!
  18. I have had it! My dr. submitted everything on 6/5 and hasn't heard back yet. I called UHC to check on the status and they are telling me (again)it was approved by in April! Did I or the dr get a letter? NO! Nothing! They said the inital clenical info given in April were all that were needed, no psych eval, no nutritionist, nothing! So, this could have been scheduled and already done by now! AGGGH!!!
  19. Anyone ever hear of this? I just followed up with my HR person to find out why UHC has not contacted my surgeon with what documentation is required. She replied back that it has already been approved and a date was selected! WTF??? How can they approve and scheudle without notifying the surgeon or me? I am so confused! They schedueld it for 5/30/08, so now even if I got my psych evaluation and everything else done, I still don't have time to do the 2 week liquids!!! AGGGH!!!!
  20. hfalola

    I was approved, but didn't know!!!

    I called for my phsyc eval, but cannot do that until May 28 due to scheduling. I also have to attend 2 support groups, go to an education class, go to an exercise class and have an endoscopy (sp) study...Plus, I need to have it done one a specific date; my company shuts down for 1 week for the July 4 holiday and I need to have it done then so I can have recovery time. I'm not in a big rush, I'm just shocked that it was approved and no one knew!
  21. I am getting different information from different sources. I have UHC Select Choice insurance. I know the lap band is a covered benefit. I'm trying to determine if a 6 month diet and exercise plan is required. When I call, member services tells me the only thing required is a documented diagnosis of morbid obesity. When my surgeon's office calls, they are told a diagnosis, plus a 5 year weight history and a diet and exercise plan are needed, but did not tell them how long of a supervised diet is required. When I talk to my HR person at work, she says a 12 MONTH supervised diet is required! AHHH, I'm about to tear my hair out! What should I do now? I've asked both the surgeon's office and my HR person to call again to confirm the information, but I am getting frustrated at all these different responses.
  22. hfalola

    UHC select EPO?

    Does anyone else have UHC Select EPO coverage? I know that it is a covered benefit, and at 100% which is awesome. But I'm getting conflicting info about the pre-requirements. When I call, they say the only thing needed is a documented weight history. When the surgeons office got the pre-approval, it vaguley mentioned supervised diet, but did not give specifics of how long and how to document it. I'm totally confused now.... The surgeon's office is going to call again next week to reverify and I have contacted by HR person and am waiting to hear back. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. I really wish the insurance companies would make this process easier....
  23. That is my plan too. I am at my desk most of the day, so I am hoping I'll be able to just sit and relax for the first few days back. Good luck to you!

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