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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Sarahrosesb

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  1. Sarahrosesb

    Scared thinking of canceling surgery

    Just an update everyone. My surgery has been postponed due to insurance approval issues. In a way I’m glad I have more time to think of all my fears. I did more research and concluded lap band is way riskier than the sleeve so I informed my family about the complications and their coming around. Thank you everyone for your kind words they are greatly appreciated!
  2. Sarahrosesb

    Scared thinking of canceling surgery

    Thank you for your support it’s greatly appreciated. I want a new life so bad! This fear though is debilitating and I literally have four days till surgery. My family is praying for me that I make the right decision so I’m gonna leave it to God right now. Being in this body is like a prison though I have lost out on so much opportunities you would think it would be a easy decision but my fear is in control 😩. Again thank you!
  3. Sarahrosesb

    Scared thinking of canceling surgery

    Thank you for your comment. I’m so scared right now😔. I have to start my liquid diet tomorrow and I pretty much need to decide by then.
  4. Sarahrosesb

    Scared thinking of canceling surgery

    I’m very sorry to hear about your brother. You comment means a lot to me.
  5. Sarahrosesb

    Scared thinking of canceling surgery

    Thank you I needed that ❤️
  6. Hello, I have surgery scheduled for March 12 and I’m thinking of backing out. I had dinner with my family last night and their all against the surgery. I think the only reason I’m scared is going under the knife...I’m not so much worried about the recovery and such just basic surgery. I know the doctors are trained professionals I just am getting anxious as the day nears... The main reason my family is against it is their worried the sleeve is irriversable and I may have complications. They believe that it’s for morbidly obese people and they claim that I’m not but in reality my bmi is over 45 and I’ve been obese my whole adult life. I know they love me but I want this for myself but their opinion matters a lot to me. This is probably too close to surgery but they said they would feel more comfortable if I did the band. Anyone ever do the lap band? I heard the success rate wasn’t as good? I’m probably wrong. Thank you
  7. Hello, my name is Sarah and I completed all the steps that are required to get bariatric surgery(psych evaluation, classes, nutritionists) and my surgery is scheduled for March 12, 2018. One problem... I’m having some major second thoughts and fears... I’ve been overweight my whole life and have been 300+pounds my whole adult life. As of right now my family is against it but they don’t know how it feels to feel trapped in this body. I think the overall fear I’m having is just going under the knife that’s my biggest fear. As of right now I’ve been hitting the gym 5 to 6 nights a week since January of this year and lost 15 pounds but I’ve tried pretty much every diet out there with no significant results. My doctor who is doing the surgery said I have a possible 2% chance of losing weight the conventional way and keeping it off. My insurance is good but a possible career change very soon may mean this is my only chance to do this surgery. I just need advice I’m just scared about surgery....

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