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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Bariatric surgery was a big mistake

    You can go back into the past by using your Magnifying glass up on the right side banner. Type in MarieMarie and see if it doesn't sound familiar. That's how I find past things, I believe Fluffy Chix calls it "Necroposting".
  2. Frustr8

    June 2019 sleevers

    Happy Surgery Day @Karebear714, was thinking of you this AM, you certainly are in my prayers🙏and I trust God will direct your surgeon's hands to be steady and sure on this Day of Days. Please update us when you feel good enough!
  3. Depends on how rumpled and dirty you feel after surgery. Me, I could certainly wait until I got home, but everybody differs. Some surgeon's say don't get your incisions set but others feel it is fine. Certainly no tub baths or swimming, too much chance of impure water leading to infections, but showers, just clean water flowing over, washing everything clean. Hospital pillows, mfft, I think they may be 1st cousins to the sandbags used to position you so you don't roll off onto the floor. Yeah maybe they could do their business on a Flat surface, but surgeons are very protective of their own backs getting out of alignment. We only have one surgery but they do many in a day!
  4. Frustr8

    Dumb Insecurity

    The first time you'll eat one more bite than your pouch can comfortably hold, the message will come home to you. And you'll find out that you do have restriction.
  5. Me Too and now the rest of my life will be the best of my life. That's my commitment and I'm sticking to it!
  6. Frustr8

    stay committed

    When you make a commitment you build hope When you keep your commitment you build trust And when your plans start to work and you sense a change in yourself It is a wonderful wonderful thing!
  7. Frustr8


    I drink Something every day that is calorie free, sugar free , fat free ,carbohydrate free, gluten free and cholesterol free. Its called ICE WATER.😝🍶
  8. Frustr8

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    Danke Leibling, I enjoy your posts as well. May you fly straight and true towards your Surgery and beyond!
  9. Frustr8

    Ulcer question

    I think someday when they do my autopsy they will find out my spine is now a stack of Sucralfate pills, one on top of another. I'm sure I have taken enough since October 12th and they had to end up SOMEWHERE!👈👼👉
  10. Frustr8

    best decision

    Yeah, nothing beats these tools to help you lose. I know without mine I would not have lost 105 pounds in 9 months. I never could have done this with diet alone, and I tried them ALL, the premise behind some, as I look back, were silly. Stand up while you eat, that way the calories flow out the soles of your feet. Then there was the boiled cabbage, the Grapefruit, it's son the All Citrus Diet. This one is especially,bad when,you already have GERD. The last thing you need is more acid. Aunt-in-law was into the Vinegar diet, and she was enough of a sourpuss without it! I'm healthier, thinner, more optimistic now. I would say cuter, but I always had that, just nobody much noticed. Don't wait until you're 72 like me, you waste so much of life that way. Do have it, this might be the PERFECT TIME for YOU!❤
  11. Frustr8

    patch vitamins

    And if they work for you, I see nothing wrong with patches. Your future blood labs will show if you're able to take your vitamins and minerals in that manner. Many,people on here have had great success with them.Remember to get a good strong variety, the ones Bariatric Pal Store sells are among the BEST!
  12. Frustr8

    weird question

    Well, that is part of it all, you learn from your mistakes not to repeat them. We have all had those moments ourselves, we are only human. You resolve not to repeat these things and you move on, don't look behind, keep moving ahead. Follow your diet, get your exercise, acknowledge this is not the easiest thing you have ever done, but we who went before you realized that the rewards outweigh the things you have removed from your life. Stay strong and I believe you will have excellent results.
  13. Frustr8

    Mobile app

    I used to see postings on my Google plus, now all I seem to get are ones from Alex and the Bariatric Pal Store. Nice to know,there are Sales going on, but still÷ And if anybody PM me, I won't know unless I scroll back there .
  14. Frustr8

    NSV's Spring 2019 Edition

    Did the same thing this morning, my local Goodwill,will just love me. Their stock of 3x-4x-5x is about to be replenished, may some chick who's the Size I used to be have joy with them all!
  15. That I did, that I did!😝❤😝
  16. Me also, I worry about being low or deficient in Protein, especially since my Pouch refuses to consider a lot of the Easy Ones. My new one to try is Butter Pecan Glucerna, I'm told that Abbot Laboratories also .makes Ensure in that taste but the only place I ever saw that was LTF facilities. Do you suppose Amazon or Wal-Mart might have it online?
  17. Wow --'That is a Bargain hard to Refuse!
  18. Frustr8

    ❤ MAY 2019 CHALLENGE❤

    And Seaforest, I can't help but believe "We ain't seen nothing yet!. Every day when I wake up,i am grateful for the changes in my life, like a child full wonderment, I want to hang around for the conclusion of this all!!😝🌼🌈And a NlessedMemorial Day for You All. 📍🇺🇸📍
  19. Frustr8

    Mental Evaluation

    Something I should take to heart myself: EMBRACE THE BEST; LEARN TO IGNORE THE REST! Was on my motivational app this AM.😝
  20. A Trophy for you AZ hiker, well stated, well said!
  21. Frustr8

    Not telling anyone

    That may be simple worry that it may imperil your health or, if they are like my paternal side of the family, they are control freaks and WANT to run everything and Their Way is the Only Way!
  22. Frustr8

    Mammogram Required?

    Got to agree with you there! Of course, when you get to be my age, almost every test has some sort of "caboose" to it; but I prefer finding these things out before I get to a High risk state. As an example: Chest MRI to check my aorta- Renal cysts Neck Cat Scan- thyroid nodules Multiple endoscopies- Bowing of Vocal Cords Repeated blood labs while PICC line in place- low blood iron- Iron INFUSION DEXA scan- yearly INFUSION to stave off osteoporosis worsening Mammogram- only one they found Nothing Else- what a relief! And all of these since January 2019. Trust the bailing wire I'm fastened up with lasts! LOL😝
  23. Frustr8

    Nausea and vomiting

    And I miss, when I wake up,the ability to drink enough to make this dry sensation to disappear. Maybe someday it will solve itself?
  24. I wonder if this is the way it will be from now on? Will you always have this tender sensation as a reminder? Perhaps someone more experienced will have some input.
  25. Congratulations on All 3, it is great to meet each and feel better, isn't it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
