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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Calcium Citrate

    Almost be cheaper to send a medical courier to fetch them and bring them back to Oz, wouldn't it? There has to be a chemist company down under that makes such a thing. Aussies are a very bright enterprising people aren't they? I'm a redheaded well more ginger rabble rouser. Start with your local, then state and then,petition Canberra if that does,not work. Appeal to national pride if ought else works! My paternal grandmother, may she rest in peace, had a saying "The Good Lord never made an itch he didn't make a scratcher to fit it!" means there is an answer if you look hard enough. And I suspect,i get more like her every day! My. late,mum would be so disappointed, they loathed each other. I was told as a eee girl,you should not use the terms hate or loathe, it means you dislike someone to the point of wishing them dead. Yep, I said to the adult telling me this, that about sums it up!😛 I'll have a beautiful day and you have a peaceful evening because you're 12 hours ahead of me.Couldn't find an Aussie flag so you'll have to do with the Union Jack you are still part of the Commonwealth🇬🇧 !
  2. Frustr8


    I second Taoz's suggestion, get yourself to the nearest Emergency facility! Let THEM call your doctor, they have ways of getting through whereas we common folk do not and they can speak medical-else so they WILL get thrir,point across. You are posr-surgical and this qualifies as😷 an emergent situation, if you do not have transportation call your local rescue squad. Let them take you in! 😝
  3. Frustr8

    Any MAY sleevers???

    PS Kyphosis not hyypnosis, doggone this electronic Secretary smartphone. It is not as smart as it thinks it is👎
  4. Frustr8

    Any MAY sleevers???

    @HopefullXOXOXO Yes it is true they nomally tilt your head back for the endo-t tube but as long as it is stable inside and secured outside as well I would see no reason your neck would have to be kept hyperextended. Now this is my semi-educated guess but they may also,place,a sandbag on each side of your,heaf to keep things stable. Your anesthesiologist and surgeon are your bestest, to quote my 5 year cousins favorite word, friends in that operating theatre. Neither of them will imperil your health for they want a positive outcome to your surgery eqaully with you. I am 72, have a history of scolious, lordosis and hypnosis and have,lost 3,inches in height from my youthful high,of 5ft11in. If you want to hear more of my story go to my posting in the Calcium section, so I won't repeat it here . But this a concern I will mention to my own anesthesiologist for my surgery. Remember your friends at Bariatric Pal will be wrapping you in a warm blanket of love on Surgery Day. Those of us who are believers will be praying for you, those who are not will still be wishing you a smooth healing. Come along with me, my generation sister, for the best is yet to be! Sending love and a hug. 😛 Karen aka Frust8
  5. Yeah it sure does, I'm still going with RnY for HERDs among other things but it is good to have this other option..😛
  6. Frustr8

    Surgery Day [emoji4]

    @Tasia it is TIME, tuck your worries away with all your valuables....AND SHINE BABY SHINE!😛 Let us know how everything,went as soon as you feel like it.
  7. @BisW0902 please update us when your surgery is complete. Also anyone why,i might have missed like@mmh23 and @magpie26. Take care and heal!😛❤
  8. Frustr8

    Calcium Citrate

    Yes they sound a very tasty option. FYI I lost 3 inches in height from then until now. Menopause partially but spine crunching down, I don't have osteoporosis, technically that means bone porousness but osteopenia which boils down to bone-lack, means I will lack a normal level of calcium the rest of my life. And the weirdest fact, the last long bone fracture I had was not a clean break but greenstick, that's the variety children get. Like snapping a twig in half instead of the adult sraight across fracture. I take a mega dose of Vitamin D on the first day of every month along with calcium all along, that's how I could speak of the difference between Citracal and Caltrate. And when I have my RnY with its inherent malabsorption, I will go to a dosage of Vitamin D chugging along with Mr Ca the chemical symbol for Calcium. And i may have to switch to chewable if I'm not able to swallow pills. Ah, ain't life just grand!😳 Old carnival barker's proverb " You Pay YOUR money, you take YOUR choice" and that is the truth.. Still beats being dead all hollow!😛
  9. Okay tomorrow is YOUR day. is everybody ready,or are you still tying,up loose ends before you go to the hospital? I,know that's what,i would say because I have an. pessimist mindset. I'm just so weary of people and the.hoops. we all have to jump thtu all,the the time.
  10. Frustr8

    Where are all the single cat ladies?

    Any other cat lovers out there?🐱🐺🐯😛
  11. Frustr8

    Calcium Citrate

    And let me weigh in here. Would anyone like to hear what tetany is like? Too bad, because I'm going to tell you anyway. I was nursing baby #2, a very allergic child in 1976-77, had a casein intolerance so no cows milk. He could accept my milk because the main protein in human milk is lactalbumin , not casein,the primary protein in cows milk. Upon,the recommendation of baby's pediatrician I had also removed many potentially allergic items from my diet including cows milk. Do you see where I'm leading? No, well then I shall continue. Nobody reminded me to continue my prenatal vitamins or take suplemental Calcium. So I woke up,and day with a case of tetany. The muscles all cramp at once in your arms and legs, it is extremely,painful . On a pain scale somewhere between acute pancreatitis and passing a kidney,stone, yeah just THAT painful. We were living in Columbus on the outer edge. Luckily,we had a touch tone phone, I called the Sharon Township Emergecy Sqaud in Worthington by using my nose👃. Sounds crazy but honey it worked, what else could I do? All 4 limbs were in spasm. Luckly they were able to come in because the front door was unlocked. Yes Columbus is a big city but I still,was small town enough to mot always lock my,doors. They had to roll me onto their stretcher because I wasn't able skoot over myself, start a calcium-containing containing IV and transport me to Riverside Methodist Hospital where I spent the next few hours getting pumped full,of lovely electrolytes and Calcium. After. I got stabilized I had to start on big horse pill sized calcium pills, and get a script for extra strength penatal vitamins and,have them until he was weaned many,months later,when we found a toddler formula that was soy-based that he could tolerate. When baby #3 came along 3 years later there was no quibbling, back to calcium and prenatal vitamins for the duration, And that is my tetany story by someone who,knows TAKE YOUR CALCIUM!!! Okay?😛
  12. Frustr8

    Post RNY (April 12)

    How are you feeling Raven Moonsong? What a pretty name you have chosen, is it your real name also? Its now almost a week since your surgery and you had what I'm planning. So I'm hoping to hear more about your surgery and recovery☕😛
  13. Frustr8

    Pre op diet

    Good to know, I will file Protein 2'- o in my memory bank for later. Thank You😛
  14. Sound as though you are both wise and budget conscience. What a Good Idea!👍😛
  15. Frustr8

    Anyone getting bypassed in May?

    You are not too old to,lose weight, if you are I'm really sunk. I'm 72 hoping to join you in May. We will be in bypassville where we all are kangaroos --for we will have pouches.💚😛💙
  16. Frustr8

    Turning Point

    Any more weight lost? I can hardly wait for the next one, for you're looking so good Logicwand!👍😛
  17. Frustr8

    Easter candy!

    Don't want it Don't need it Better off without it. Thus endeth my sermon👸🙏
  18. Frustr8

    Wls body shamers smh

    Toodlerue*** are you ready for the only compliment I ever got from my,late father-in-law ? Told me I don't waste too much of the potato when I peel them. 👎👴
  19. @Jumanna have you heard anything about your insurance approval yet?😗 Thought maybe you would have good news for us😛
  20. Frustr8


    No Daisy Dukes but in your case Darren Dukes for you! And remember you are going to be a Daddy soon, let him👶 wear the onesies, you need more dignity Mr F😇👨
  21. Frustr8

    Intimacy / mental health / pre-op thoughts

    And when you do well at this, it just might inspire him to seek it too. Sending smiles and a hug to you both😭
  22. Frustr8

    Beginning to Regret

    Yes dathvick you do look very fine, I'd be proud to be seen with you out in the real world. And my standards are pretty high😭
  23. Love your euphemisms😛. As long as you don't feel like a rabbi in a mosque or a mouse at a kittycat convention we just might make it through okay. And maybe there is a Buzzmate just bout there somewhere looking for you. Wonder if there are senior level Bariatrics at the next Bariatric Convention, we over 50s get lonely too.👵👨
  24. @Marissa37, I perhaps can answer your question. The lower left incision , if you are a VSG is where they pulled,out your excised stomach portion. If you are a RnY, and possibly,all bypass varieties is where they put in the biggest gauge operating tools. Tends to be the biggest incision, the soredt incision and the one that takes the longest to heal. Sometimes they put extra stitching in there for reinforcement,one OP posted she felt something pop, pancked until her surgeon told her that's all it was. Sometimes all the gyrations that our gastrointestinal system has to go through makes you very tender inside. Give it a little time unless it gets rapidly worse, if it does either call your doctor or go to the E.R. 😛I hope this helps.
  25. And I was really a basketball star, yeah I was, even on the district traveling team. In my day (there I go again) there were 2 varieties of basketball, girl ruled and boy rules. As soon as the PE teacher turned her,back me and my team buddies would go to boy style. Faster paced and a whole lot more fun, this was about the timebteams went,from zone to man-to-man and Oh God howvweloved that! None of my boy cousins would play. b')ball with me, cause, I could beat their scurvy,little tushies into the ground at Horse. Now I have 2 knee replacements, mostly from weight, but basketball and the fact my position in softball (and baseball with boy cousins) was catcher. Shoot,they had to let me play, I was pretty good at that position and I was the only one except the pitcher that had a strong enough arm to get the ball where it needed to go. Orchids and Dragons **got a gun story for you. My daddy got me my own gun, why? Because I was an only child, I wanted one and Daddy didn't have a son. Okay , took it to our friend Ken Eyster who was a gunsmith and had it custom-painted ,pink camo 22. Mostly we went squirrel hunting, I can make a mean Brunswick, Stew also. Years passed,, I got married and having boasted,I was a fair shot we went deer hunting, him with his big fancy,rifle and with my G.D. Candystick, his words, not mine. After 4 hours I uttered those words no man wants to hear "when are we going home?" He hands me his big burly macho rifle and says Shoot Something, why don't you? 15 minutes later who should show up,but Mr 10 and half point deer? Aimed and dropped him,with a heart shot. Big Precious proceeds to turn the air blue with cursing. The printable portion of the conversation, "We've been here all day , nothing. I give you my gun and you shoot the D Fool Deer!" I said "Shut up and help me field dress him,and I'll let people think you shot him". I still have a picture of me holding the deer.. Never ever took me hunting again, and best he ever shot in his whole lifetime was an 8 point. And that's my,hunting story!,😛👸👍

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
