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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Digestive and gastric issues

    Well I have had as far, as I lnow, still have a stomal stricture and ulcerations in my jejunem, the portion of the small intestine the pouch is connected to. Officially diagnosed October 12, 5 weeks post- surgery but I believe it started 2-3 weeks in, they kept saying I was merely swollen, I kept saying No Something is wrong! to shut me up , we'll by golly I was right. They might have the fancy,degrees, I have lived in this body for many many years, I had inate wisdom,on the subject. Why did it happen? They told me it was an unexpected occurance, no o e I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. You see my gastroenterologist had discovered gastritis and a small stomach ulcer I had named Hector while on Omeprazole therapy, he switched me to Dexilent and Hector went peacefully to sleep. Flash forward to September 5th 2018 when 8 had my RnY surgery, what did they started me on guess what, yep Omeprazole. I told them then We gonna have problems, it may be a lovely medication but it Is Not Gastroprotective for me. Nurse Practitioner stated the medical equivalent of Shut up and let me do what I do bestm So I was a good little patient, took what they gave me , and looky what happened! I have had 6 endoscopies, twice they have attempted to stretch out that opening, first time in late October it snapped right back shut, next endoscopy it was like Dr Noria had done nothing, okay last one I had January Senior Bariatric resident Dr Noah Switzer did it, he stated I dialated you part way but enough you can eat soft solids, ha ha diddly ha , both times I have had emesis , the first time I kept it down 15 minutes after still cheing it down to the smooth applesauce pulp consistency. And yesterday was the second attempt and it went worse than the first. I was so protein anemic and malnourished I had dropped 25 pounds in 3 weeks, and had my miserable self hospitalized at OSU for 6 days to try to build me back up, yeah at high 200s it wasn't GOING to be apparent to others but I was literally starving, they were afraid my body was going to start breaking down muscle to keep me akive, and guess what muscle they were most concerned about yeah , my ❤. The second day they put a PICC line in my arm and it remains there still. NPO, everything through the feeding catheter, immediately regained 13 pounds, but I was back on my road to healthy again. Lost 3 pounds mid December to Mid January, then dropped another 6 pounds in 2 weeks, on doctors scales, don't currently own a home one. I was to be rewarded with 1 token meal a day, odd days a Protein shake, do you realize I have been at liquid diet level since August 1st when I went on my liver shrinking diet? That is a LONG LONG time. Then even days homemade soup with extra protein powder, and if there are veggies line carrots I don't have to strain, just puree it in. But the vast majority of my nutrition is via TPN, 12 hours on,12 hours off. And every day or 2 I have a smallish greenish black sticky BM due to the extra iron supplement I routinely take plus I'm still on prenatal vitamins and there is iron in there too. Before all this I was fighting constipation, the one tiny blessing of all this, no more. And foods in the past came up so often I am not hungry anymore. I only ate yesterday because I was supposed to, not from any need. Have they checked you for C Diff? That's something your symptoms call to mind , my daughter has it and has been on Flagyl for flares. Is she on it? Can't say for sure, her code name in our family is RD for Rotten Daughter, she usually calls me when she wants something otherwise she doesn't talk, she will text her little brother when she's in the mood. WHEN I told her I was having major surgery, she said "whatever" and flat out did not care. Sure I still love her, she was my first child, but I don't much like her any more, she has hurt her little brother emotionally more than a few times, and that's hard to forgive. Eat as bland an diet as possible, and I hope you get some real answers soon, don't want you in the hospital like I was, it may be a good place for somethings but it is not HOME! Let me know what happens next, I do care.
  2. Frustr8

    Scared of Manometry

    It's not fun, I was sitting upright, didn't freak me out as bad as I thought. I had done it to lesser degree for my ENT doctor, and the numbing spray does help you not gag , it remember wondering how long that durn esopagus was anyway, I was swallowing in small increments, but I didn't reflexively cry as it was done, thought I might. To me the worst was when they removed the tube, because they pulled it out ka-swoosh, felt like a giant pencil being pulled out because at that point the numbing had ceased. To me the EGJ my endoscopist Dr Noria accidently left me awake for was a lot neater and less painful, I honestly think that tube is a thinner gauge. What happened to me was they gave me too little sedation , redheads routinely need more, I didn't go into twilight or complete sedation at all. If it had to happen, I would have been the perfect pstient, I have had cuts sutured without numbing , diverse seasonings why, this I would put on a discomfort,of maybe a 1 barely close to 2, the worst was when they removed the tube it was acswoosh and then a pop as it exited my mouth. I watched it all on the monitor with her, more clear and much better content than YouTube. And since then I gave been zonked out, upset them a lot more than ME, I actually enjoyed it, very informative, it says in the Bible we are " strange and wonderfully made" and I know now it,is the truth.
  3. Frustr8

    Digestive and gastric issues

    After 1015 minutes I started to feel some better, stomack, okay okay really lower chest, I always called it " tummy" until I got educated, right subcostal Pain which Dr Noria says is my ulcerations not my liver mourning the loss of my gall bladder, gosh that g.b. went away 35 years ago this month, almost to the day. Liver should have resigned itself to the fact,it's little buddy ain't coming back. Now I thought bypass pouches emptied a lit quicker than that, I'm a Med-Geek as everyone knows, too much knowledge for an unlicensed personage, 2 things cone to mind gastroparesis,or that lying surgical resident didn't really street h my stoma opening after all or its reclosed up, okay 3 things, have pity on a poor late middle-aged lady, my multiping capabilities went years ago and now I can't add as well. Just let my TPN sustain me the rest of the night, started on baby sippy Medecine cups of fluid maybe 1.5- 2 hours later, but that was BAD while it lasted even my meds came back,up undigested, a nasty vile scene, was almost tempted to go sit in the bathtub so I wouldn't mess up the furniture. So any feedback or clairity here?
  4. Frustr8

    Digestive and gastric issues

    Yesterday I had a violent vomiting episode. I call what I usually do urping because it's on the scale of "cat with hairball " rather gently rolling out. Yesterday after eating a small amount of food, 4 and hours it came out and it actually was projectile vomiting all over my clothing and blankie, yeah I was sitting up, if I had been lyoing down I could have aspirated, and that is scary. Before it happened I did feel very very nauseated, on the level of if " if I choke to death, God ,remember I'm yours!.
  5. And once again my Evil Spell- Correct has done it, this time to Xapphirea's name. Very unusual name but rather pretty.👈🌝👉
  6. You are the proof the Irish are never vanquished, many have tried, none have succeeded. From another Celtic Maiden , albeit several generations removed. I am very very proud to know you, even through this limited media we use. Like my Dutch Bari- Pal Sapphires I too will hug you if ever we meet, the difference? I'll dance an Irish Jig with you as well.😛🍀😛🍀
  7. Frustr8

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Please do, we'll worry until we know you're okay.
  8. Frustr8

    The date has come

    It will be wonderful it will be great Big Changes but just you wait. Peacefully you'll go to sleep Happy you'll awake This commitment to your future Is the Next Choice You'll ever make God Bless and Keep You safe for your little ones.
  9. Frustr8

    Today's the day!

    Outstanding, May your whole recovery be that smooth.
  10. And instead of Stars falling on Alabama , Big Things coming in Birmingham, just about a week to go until your renovation, that's scary and thrilling at the same time. Wishing YOU oodles of Good Luck for that day.
  11. Frustr8

    Losing more than weight

    All I got was a black screen and pretty music.
  12. Frustr8


    Age takes 3rd Place, behind Confidence and Commitment in importance. If you know you can, you surely will do good. My own recovery has not been perfect, nut I would never go back to before. I have now been granted the time and opportunity to get well, I was running out of time before. If I could have looked ahead I might not chose exactly this path, but it is still a good road to travel on, daily I'm getting better, I have my hopes and dreams just like every RnY and Sleeve and the others, to live a healthier, thinner, fitter life, so what if my transit time is longer?, I will still get to victory lane. I was built after WWII when people were made of strong steel, not fiberglass or plastic, I was created in God's Image & fashioned for endurance. I am IN IT to WIN IT, I shall still claim my share of victories. Yesterday was my 5 month Surgiversity, spent it in another hospital , Mount Carmel East, having testing run on another section of my 73 year old body. How did I do? Who knows? They never tell you anything, technician said because I was so compliant he got lovely images to pass to my Cardiologist. Okaybee, I guess that is a good thing in the long run. You'll see me chug- chugging along, look for someone with a red'gold thin pixie haircut, loose sweats and rubber tubing hanging out my left upper arm, there can't be more than one of me out there! If you wave---- I'll surely wave back!
  13. Frustr8


    My thought to share this overcast morning in Ohio FOOD=the most overused Comfort Measure EXERCISE= the most under- utilized antideppresent. Just something to ponder on.
  14. Frustr8

    Anyone get a March date yet?

    And May it all go smoothly for you!
  15. And you seem to be doing pretty well from your postings. I love it when things fall into place so efficiently. May it continue,to go that way!
  16. Frustr8

    Swelling and bloating

    You'll get better soon, it's tough when you've your surgery and you still look Bip the Michelin man, by the end of 4 weeks you'll see a difference. I was lucky, my surgeon pumped the air back out so I didn't have the bloat many people do!
  17. And Boldilocks, this is your Day of Days and your Tuesday Triumph is about to happen. May Our God Bless and Keep you, you have worked so hard to achieve This Day! Prayers🙏 are with You.
  18. Frustr8

    Tea and Weight Loss

    Tealael, you are a Tea Gourmet and I'd have you no other way. Makes your journeys brighter.😛🎁🍵
  19. Frustr8

    Tea and Weight Loss

  20. Frustr8

    Today marks the new beginning

    Welcome Greg to Kangaroo Land, that's where we GB live, because we all have pouches. Live well,Heal Well and start bravely into a Brand New Beautful,Life!
  21. Actually since I was a baby, Mama's Doctor( this was the Late 40s) told her to feed me Carnation evaporated milk formula post every nursing, my parents were Depression survivors, never questioned Doctor's Advice, in those days it was believed " Fat Babies are Healthy Babies" well I grew and grew and grew, on my First Birthday I was 35 inches tall, weighed 36 pounds, that's the size the average American Toddler is at 2 and half years. BUT I HAD dimples in both sets of cheeks, knees, elbows,if ever a child was groomed to be obrse, that's ME. My little t- shirts instead of "Born to be Wild" should have read "Born to be Fat"
  22. Frustr8

    Sugar Free Tea Triggering cravings??

    Excellent Idea, Fluffy Chix, should have thought of it myself÷
  23. Frustr8

    Baby food

    I have stayed sway from baby foods, don't we as parents feed babies that so they will gain weight? And truthfully I made my own, hated feeding my 3 little ones preservatives they did not need.
  24. Frustr8

    Psych Meds

    My Wellbutrin went from 150mg bid of ER to 100mg tid of SR. That and my iron went from Ferrous Sulfate over the counter to Ferrous Fumerate ( Ferricite) prescription. Most everything stayed the same after my RnY last September 5th.
  25. Frustr8

    Surgery 2\19 Approved

    Good luck on your upcoming surgery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
