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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    Life Update. I am currently holding things together with one weak safety pin. When it lets loose, I disavow all knowledge of what has happened.👈👸👉
  2. Frustr8

    Weight-loss funnies

    That's why, my peeps, it is difficult to lose weight at my advanced age. My body and fat have had a long-term relationship for years, they are not happy I am trying to break them up.
  3. Frustr8


    I can give you three right now without any straining, while I lay in my bed this fine March Morming! #4 A Happy Ch8ldhood memory would have to be sitting on my Daddy's shoulders at parades.It seems like my little town had parades often, Easter, Memorial Dayn 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, a Thanksgiving/Christmas plus anytime,a Local son or Daughter did anything noteworthy. I felt like I was an Empress, or at least Princess of the World up high when I could watch everything. It gets boring looking at adults rest ends all the time. #5-A friend who really knows me. That would be my friend Robin. When I finally got up the courage to tell someone I was diagnosed as high functioning Autistic ( Aspergers). After years of feeling and being told You aren't right, or defective, it was both scary and liberating to get an official diagnosis. And Robin was the second person I admitted/ came out to. First one said " Funny , You don't look that retarded!" And it is not at all the same thing. Robin smiled sweetly and said " I have known for years, I just figured You didn't want t9 talk about it but that someday you would!" I cried a little, she hugged me,because at that moment I knew somebody knew me as I was and loved me any way! And what a Beautiful Gift that was for me. And lastly what would I tell the 2018 Frustr8? Hang tough, stay striving towards your target. That seminar you attended on March 9th 2018 will bear you something wonderful . O.S.U. will want and accept you as a Bariatric Candidate. And everyone on every level will be kind and welcoming. I know you are impatient and worried you will never receive your surgery, after all you have been trying since August 2015, put that Evil Former Program and the heartaches it caused you behind you, you may even grow to Forgive the Rotten Ex-Surgeon that turned you down after going through his program not once but twice. Oh you may never totally forget but you'll forgive him enough for closure. And as you finish up requirements this one requested you still will feel wanted and incrediblely like you've "come,home "after a l9ng journey away, maybe similar to the Prodigal Son in the Bible. And in due time you will meet your new surgeon, Bradley J Needleman MD, even his name sounds impressive and this is a Cookie who does know his stuff, he wouldn't have become Chief of Bariatric Medicine and Metabolic Weight Loss without it. He will not find you undeserving, will believe you have the commitment to see it through and best of all He Will Not Find You Too Old. And on September 5th at 7 AM you will receive the surgery you are seeking. And he will not leave huge wounds on you, you will even peek when you wake up to make sure you had surgery after all, because until that moment you still will fear somehow the surgery will be aborted. And your recovery will start out good, but when trials come you will prevail over them. Oh it will be an odd type recovery but as the saying goes YOU HAVE TO BE AN ODD NUMBER TO BE NUMBER ONE! And you didn't start this undertaking to be run- of - the mill but rather outstanding. And you will lose the weight Cabbage Water, diets and all the diet pill interventions. could not do for you. And You are worthy of love for you are incredibly strong. I will be waiting in 2019 until you rejoin me and we display an United front to the outside world! So up on your pony Cowgirl, this is a race you can win!😜👍🌈
  4. I am on Dexilent, works very well for ME. FYI All of my ulcers developed while I was on Omeprazole therapy, every last one, it is NOT GASTROPROTECTIVE for ME!
  5. Frustr8

    Any regrets with RNY?

    How could she regain? Only thing that comes to mind, Constant grazing with higher calorie foods, because as a 7 monther, almost, there just Isn't That much room in a Pouch that is the size of an egg, and we don't mean a "Turkey" One, Precious Pouch only accepts 2 oz, I have not made it past 4oz without catastrophic conclusions, and I sure don't enjoy upchucking, not that I ever truly did! 😖
  6. Frustr8

    April surgeries?

    May it go well for you and all the rest!
  7. Frustr8

    Yup. I regret this.

    Yeah, I know what you mean, told my PCP if steroids were so good why didn't he take it for ME? Was in a feisty mood that day!
  8. Frustr8

    No More CPAP For Me!

    Yeah, but since mine has a heredity basis, they were think8ng of giving my late Daddy Pickwickian Syndome, Uncle Snuffly and I are still steady- dating. I considered trying to ditching him but I do sleep better with him, I wake up multiple times(stop breathing?) a night without him. Besides the look may be the closest I'll ever come to being a Jet Pilot!✈
  9. Frustr8


    Look for someone that makes you mess up your lipstick instead of your mascara.
  10. Hope to be joining you soon, made it foward from 26-28W to 22-24 and found a clearance sweater in 20 that didn't look like I was poured in and overflowing. And I figure then I can go into Jr's 19, that's their size L at Wally World. See for an Ample Sample I am truly built like an Oversized Jr, not as busty(C) as the average Miss size,most of my sisters- in- weight are D,DD and above.
  11. This does not sound good, my guess and I'm only a Co-traveler on this road is gastritis, and perhaps some ulcerations, but this is one time I hope I'm wrong, I have had, and still not over the latter, not what I would wish for someone else. Please let us know what happens with your Medical Consult please.
  12. Frustr8

    WV Unicare Health Plan

    Like I told someone else, worry is like a rocking chair, it's something to do but gets you nowhere.
  13. Sounds like you and your body are settling into a Nice rhythm, may it continue!
  14. Frustr8


    I had Medicare, secondary Ohio Medicaid- things went smooth as silk, a lot better than when I tried with United Healthcare, a lot of hoops and requirements with them.
  15. And Mikeyy is correct, a ball park figure is 3-4 hours, could be,less, robotic are among the best and quickest but you surgeon will take just as long as it takes to get it done rights My RnY surgery was at 7AM , I was done, awake, and in my own room by 10:15. I was 72, if anyone was gonna have problems, by logic, it should have been ME! You youngins should have it "Made in the Shade!" God Bless you all and Happy and Smooth Surgeries!
  16. Frustr8

    reasons for insurance to deny?

    @karenbb, worry is just l8je a rocking chair, it does give you something to do but gets you nowhere!
  17. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    ❤I respect the Woman I am becoming for I know where I once was,and I have the strength and conviction to Make it all the way to my Victory Goal.❤
  18. Many bariatric surgeon's are also general surgeon's or gastroenterologists, good place also is a State university or Land Grant college, they tend to be also teaching hospitals and usually more likely to accept Medicaid patients. I believe your searchs are going find you some-- one very good! I had my surgery with Medicare primaty, Medicaid secondary, remarkedly few hoops to jump through. Don't give up, you're all ⭐Texans and you've got grit!😜👍
  19. Frustr8

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Looks as though April showers are bringing a crop of beautiful Newbees, Welcome to all of you and I wish you only the best of surgeries! Any questions any fears we can help with, please ask. We have all been where you are and we understand!
  20. Frustr8

    Yeast Infection Help!

    I would think you're correct Silly Kitty, fits the scenario better!
  21. Frustr8

    Sleeping after VSG?

    Make your own little pillow cave, you have been a princess going through a major surgery challenge, you do deserve your creature comforts. Do what works for YOU!❤👍😜
  22. Well, I had absolutely no surgery complications at 72, no gas, no tummy pain, really felt on top of the world, as the 60-70s song goes, my slide downhill wasn't until after 2 weeks later, when my stricture reared its nasty little self and no one believed me. They had the licenses and degrees, but I had been living in this body a long long time. Trust me, sometimes you have to be the squeaky wheel, advocate for yourself, without wheel grease you will lock up and freeze in place. Really would have preferred them to be right, but I was correct. Still riding the "tornado's tail "but will be resolved and all better soon. And through all the bumps, hairpin curves and foggy doldrums, I would NEVER EVER RETURN to the way I was sans my surgery. It is and was a miracle in my life , now weigh over 130 pounds+ less my highest weight, 75+ since my surgery, even with all the twists and interventions, don't know where I would be with a blameless recovery, but you know what, this still is my own trek, I'm a fighter, I will make it to goal and victory! I do respect the new woman. I am becoming for I know all I have encountered along the way ! And no previous diet ever did what my surgery did for me, a better future to come!🌈😜👍
  23. Frustr8

    Pumping Stomach full of air?

    Except for the few " Open" and although they are few and far between, most are laproscopic these days, and we all , like Grady Cat said, have been there. I was one of the few not to complain about mine, my facility expels as much as feasable at the close of surgeries, so I did not have this problem but I have had others and the friendly consul on here helped me get through them all. "Shrink" your liver if you get the opportunity, it makes your healing go so much more smoothly. I had a fatty liver in July, a month of liver shrink and my surgeon said it was smooth, healthy and pliable and no trouble for him at all. My surgery was quick, smooth and easy for us both! And may yours be the same, April!
  24. Frustr8

    Quotes & Inspiration

    And it will and it does, my Happy Scale Victory ---High weight 365+ October 2017--- my Weight today 3/24/2019 238.9, and I'm not done yet. Pretty soon this far shell will finish cracking and the world will see the Pretty Wise and Wonderful person I alway knew I was!
  25. Frustr8

    Need Help!!

    Take as your watchword tomorrow " Greater is He that is within us than He that is in the World." You're God's child, and he will not let you come to harm. ❤Your Friend Frustr8

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