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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frustr8

  1. Ooh crying in front of her wasn't good maneuver- now she can write "Emotionally Upstable". You should have made a list of these points so you could refute each step she used. High Calorie count? Show the steps you are taking to solve this. What you tapering down, what you have stopped. Not Ready?- then tell me what steps I need to take to achieve This Goal. We are not people dealing in gradients, we do not accept shades of grey as much as definate black versus white. Check how long your already passed specialist consults are valid for? I had to repeat all mine for program # 1 twice because I had let over a year elapse between leaving and re- entering the program ; hate for that to happen to you- then I was denied because apparently I did not make him feel " Warm and Fuzzy" denied because of feelings instead of any logic,Well I am well rid of HIM , second program was more what. I needed anyway and I am GLAD I went there. Perhaps a bariatric consoulerto help you work through the steps, you have done so much toward this to be stopped. Maybe your family needs to attend a bariatric meeting or 2, that way they will see commitment and Right purpose on YOUR part, not a passing whim but something you are trying to earn the right to. You couldn't have called November 1st because it is only the middle of September, did you possibly mean September 1st? Go ahead and do your Sleep Study, might turn out you'll think better after wearing a C-Pap, and there is a chance maybe you won't require one. Of so, at least you'll know. But THAT might be a valid point to bring up with the surgical office, that YOU are trying. for surgery to cure or at least diminish breathing and sleeping difficulties- maybe they will give you CREDIT for attempting change. Make a list of positive ways you are going to lower down your calorie count to an level they will okay- maybe work with a dietician that understands Bariatrics and preparation for it- NOT all DO. Can you work with a Bariatric friendly person to help re- prepare you? Just a few observations and suggestions, I myself have started going to a Bariatric Support Group meeting in my town, my own Surgical Center had only evening meetings and I really felt welcomed and hi gained new approaches even at this post- surgical state and a few more people going through with this challenge in Life. But Vent if you like, this IS A PROFOUND CHANGE TO ACHEIVE- not easy, sometimes not quick but if You Can Stick It Out- So So Worth it All!
  2. Frustr8

    Post RNY acid reflux

    And it's almost time for my Dexilent refill, have been on it straight since December 2017 except for the attemptive 5 weeks. of Omeprazole post my RNY, yeah You All Remember What HAPPENED There, stomal stricture, ulcers in the pouch and multiple ulceration marching down my jejunem. I TOLD THEM, FOR ME, OMEPRAZOLE IS NOT GASTROPROTECTIVE ! Did they actually listen? Nope! Who ended up ulcerated and miserable? ME! They Thought THEY were so smart with degrees and stated experience in Their Side- Ha Ha- a person also has knowledge of their own for your body has wisdom itself. I had lived in mine for over 70 years, I Was Not Stupid, I could tell there WAS SOMETHING VERY WRONG! Going on 13 months, am I right now? Nope, probably never will be, had an endoscopy from another doctor, a gastroenterologist this time, my jejunem is patent which means open, but there is visable and viewable scarring- This is a Game they never should have forced me to play! Is the GERD ALL GONE? Nope, anything containing coconut including CocoMilk, I'm" off to the races again"! So if I want dairy- free smoothies- it's almond or cashew for this gal. Funny I always thought Cashew would be my bugaboo- it's in the same family as some other allergens- but it turned out okay. And I suspect I will be on Decilent, my PPI , until those "cows come home"- Just the way things went for ME. Would I go back to the Way I was before surgery? No No, a million times No- I just wish they had given my observations a little more credence- they did not miss a minute of sleep- they never had pain- they never ended up with a PICC line because of malnourishment and protein anemia, they didn't have the still- frequent emesis I still suffer from- Nope just went on their Merry Way, Blithering and Babbling as They Go- can only hope someday Karma does to them what they did to me! And, honestly, I never had vindictive thoughts before All This Happened! If Anything I was a Mild- Mannered Meek Marshmallow of a person, put up with so much s**t in my life It Is A Blessed WONDER I don't still smell of it. n
  3. Frustr8

    Bad Taste / How to drink Liquids

    How about Cepacol- I seem to remember it as Cinnamon although I haven't tried any recently.
  4. Frustr8


    And I just get Your Slender Little Self has a great big. 😜 on her face! A Size 7- Wow a pretty impressive thing- Now Baby----' Rock It Smooth and SWEET!
  5. Frustr8

    Stinky Pee

    One of my daughter's friends claimed to have THAT but she ( RD) ALWAYS had weird strange friends. Suspect that might only happen in Romance novels as a marketing tool. Those only seem a ploy, currently have been reading Recency Romances from Stephanie Lauren, instead of "Bra Burner" heroines , she has "Bodice Rippers", interesting to see how many different words used to same gendre of Action. But they are interesting, entertaining, sometimes I say " Hmm, maybe IT COULD happen THAT way" but I doubt F.E. exists! Of course I ALSO said Bariatric Surgery wasn't going to help, IT never was going to work for ME- and my Surgeon was more right than my pre- conceived notions. It WOULD be done because it CAN be done, pretty good results from a class of people whose T- Shirts READ-----OPERATIONS ARE GOOD FOR PEOPLE, isn't it?
  6. And @ Panda333, I'm very proud you beat them at their own warped game-- after Fighting and Struggling through the Swamp of Insurance I am SO proud you now are swimming strongly towards Surgery. Keep us updated, and We Will Celebrate With You when it FINALLY HAPPENS!
  7. Frustr8

    * HELP HOW many days in hospital???

    I had my SURGERY- an RNY- early on a Wednesday Morning, went home at 4pm. on Friday afternoon, nottoomuch different from you guys 1/3. or1/2 my age, which at that time was 72. So keep yourself as ready and as healthy as possible before and you'll leave at the perfect time for you. And I live approximately 50 miles from Columbus, Ohio where my Surgeon is located. Hopefully this helps a little, so don't worry, these days it's a pretty easy breezy operation, in most cases it's classified as MAJOR because of. where they are Monkey- Doodling, all abdominal surgeries are called " MAJOR" but honestly I have had " MINOR" ones that caused me more grief and pain!
  8. Watching for your next chapter @ cajunredpanda. Please continue with your updates and know you do matter! And may your journey be peaceful and successful.
  9. Frustr8

    Favorite bras?

    I knew I should be going to Tanger Outlet in Delaware County. Many people say it's in Sunbury, really isn't, it's actually in Berkshire, a small widening- in- the- road type village, I can prove it because it's located right next to the Berkshire Cemetery. I suspect there are more people buried there than ever lived in Berkshire at any one time! Now to find a relative who's still driving and wants to brave it as bad as I do. Most of my First cousins ( no siblings) are either dead or given up Driver's Licenses because of poor vision or age. And I barely know any of their kids or grandkids, one side of my family stopped having reunions in the 90s and the other, my maternal side, when the last first line uncle died, we had always met on his land because he had a lovely pond and picnic tables. A pretty good carpenter, he built his own. Getting Old sucks Big Time! Supposed to be better than Being Dead but sometimes I JUST WONDER?
  10. I am having somewhat similar sensations but my,Opthamologist. says mine is due to Poor Focus of my eyes and should repair itself once I have my remaining cataract removed October 3rd.
  11. Frustr8


    You know I was just lyi,g in bed and thinking. If after a leg amputation you can have Phantom Leg pain, after GallBladder removal can you have Phantom GallBladder,or Liver,pain? Just speculating a little
  12. Frustr8

    Wish I done surgery sooner

    Seems to be a pretty universal thought; it changes so much for the BETTER, you wonder why you waited!
  13. Jeggings are now my best friend, merely overweight also, get mine at WallyWorld and what a Joy to have left Lan Bryant in the dust AND I AM FINALLY A JUNIOR AGAIN- okay okay a 17-19 but it's Still Junior Sizing after all! Probably last was This Size at 17 or 18 and that has been 56 years ago. Tomkitten's Late Daddy never even saw me at This Size, we didn't get together until 2- 3 years later.
  14. Frustr8

    Bad taste in mouth

    Would think Iron would be the Worst offender, but Vitamins 3rd, Ketosis Second.
  15. Frustr8

    Ankles Swelling

    Maybe the Extra fluid they pumped in You for your Surgery has descended there and just needs to work itself out In the meantime elevate your feet and legs and see if gravity will help you out. This should Pass and Pass out of You soon, maybe something got minimally crimped while you were on the Operating Table? This does bear a little thought!👈😜👉
  16. AMEN AND AMEN! Always thought Bill Maher was a Smart- mouthed little twerp- Late Lamented my 7 years dead Husband never missed one of his shows, doesn't it just figure? Not to revile the Dead but sometimes I felt the. last Bright Thing he did was Marry Me. But he was a Better Father than Husband, and I no longer accept the blame for THAT!
  17. Well Well it's update time. On August 27th Dr Doolittle, my ortho , removed a Ganglion Cyst from my Left wrist. Now I have been allergic to Hibiclez for several years so had to prep with my alternative, Golden liquid Dial, got the directions down pay and I NEVER GET any inflammation. Well I don't know what they painted my arm with pre- surgically but I suffered the Torture of the Damned- shortly after returning home I was unwrapping their fine gauze handiwork, wrong shade for Betadine, but it made me swell and blister. It was Ambulatory SURGERY but I still went to LaLaLand, knew I probably would , I hadn't slept well the Night BEFORE and although it can often done with a Local DrD joked. He DIDN'T need comments from The Peanut Gallery as he did His Magic. Really wasn't all that painful, have me a script for Tramadol, still have most of them left. Okay , You All know wierd things happen to Me and if course I do talk about them. Well I also have an adhesive sensitivity, might go with my latex/rubber allergy. so about the only bandages I can routinely use are Nextcare. So I put on a large bandage dressing, went to remove it at the Doctors Office, since I was having stitches removed. I have been sutured/ stapled so often at my age it truly is NBT. aWell the one side, the one over the top of my wrist, the bandage ripped up my skin, looked like it was down to the subcutaneous layer, hurt so so much and it was oozing blood badly. Wonder if it is going to leave scarring. So every day I change the dressings, every day it bleeds once again so I finally bought some Telfa 3by3 pads that wouldn't stick to the wound, no more bandages except gauze for a while, I Think it is starting heal some but still looks wicked bad. Wonder if he did my cyst removal minimal invasive, only the top one of 3 slits was sutured, the other 2 maybe trocar/camera placement? Okay that's Chapter One of my Update. I have suddenly started producing lipomas, maybe they always was there, just weren't apparent until my arms got slender/gaunt. Had an consulting appointment with my General surgeon, thought she might remove both the ones that were prominent, she will remove the one September 24th but won't remove the one lying in the antecubital fold, said she is nervous about getting too close to the nerves et cetera lying just under it. Orthopaedics wouldn't do it, although he has Operated on other area of both upper limbs, Dermotologist refused to do it, told me to consult General Surgeon, she refused, so where do I go next? Could a neurologist do something? IDK but maybe a trip to OSU where they aren't scared of their own shadow, have to see my PCP the 23rd, local hospital demands a physical within 30 days before surgery. Maybe he will have some bright ideas and can help me figure where I go next. That's Chapter number 2! . Okay now to the Third Chapter. About 11 weeks ago a Surgery Day was set up for October 3rd so 2 procedures in 10 days, Me Oh My! And having had the Right One. done in December of 2016, I do know what it us like. This is one I DO WISH I could sleep through, not so painful as nerve- racking. 4emember lying there with my poor little eye propped open. Really doesn't 5ake a long time but right at the point I was ready to tell the Opthamologist "I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANY MORE", Dr Reeder said "We're All Done!" Now this one will be done by Dr Koehler, her partner, she had no open Time and Dr Koehler, he did although booking way out because I think all the other people in Knox County had cataracts ripening at the Same Time! And do you think That Could be enough? Nope, no Way, now my Left shoulder has gone bone on bone, due to my arthritis more than Rotator Cuff Complete Failure, although he will fix them also, it's called a Reverse Shoulder Replacement, and most likely before the End of the Year, because it WON'T GET BETTER until then. My Birthday is December 26th, maybe if he isn't going ski- ing or leaving town for Christmas, that Would Be a Lovely Birthday present for Yours Truly, My Birthday does fall on His Regular Surgery Day! And since nobody's planning to shoot me and put me out of My Misery, guess I should have consulted a Veterinarian, they do help their patients become Angels when their Quality of Life fades down. So I will Keep on Keeping on, one of these surgeons ought to give me a Big Basket of Fruit for Christmas because I am sure fattening their wallets single- handily !👈😣👉
  18. Frustr8

    Tomorrow it happens

    Excited for YOU- been following your story so I'm anxious to see how the Next Chapters unfold!
  19. Can't have chocolate due to allergy, but evenAtkins Strawberryis Passing Fair. Just watch out for the coffee - containing Atkins, accidently bought some , caffeine level is as Corn in Kansas in August and Precious Pouch who is better than I at Remembering Spanish said " Hola- No Mas" and proceeded to empty herself out! A Very Bad Memory I still retain!
  20. Frustr8

    is it just me?

    A Lot of Bari- pals Crave Savory and Salty, maybe because post surgery even water has a Sweet Taste. I like now Lemonade, not sugar- sweetened but Stevia containing and before Surgery it was okay but scarcely refreshing. Now that sugar,desserts, fast food, cookies ,pies, soda. and coffee are all gone , a Girl has to find Joy where She Can!
  21. Dear Spell- correct. Correct words from Above Bully & Extension of Him- Not true any way or form- I am Me, upright, red-headed, if I do make mistakes they are mine and mine alone. And I am accountable for My Own Sins and No one elses, so I will no longer accept blame for the World's situation and I no longer will humble myself in the forlorn hope. that Someone will love me better that way. As Martin Luther once said--- "Here I Stand- I Can Do Aught Else!"
  22. And May things continue to go forward, May You have no sorrowful Days and May you someday reach your goals. I am close to the one I set out for me but If the last 8-9 don't disappear, I'm still good because as the layers melted away I found and regained my Self-Worth, after years of being told I was worthless, Obese and disgusting, that no one really loved me as much as they pitied me. I was actually told by That Billy of a Late Husband that nobody liked me, nobody wanted to be in the same room because I was A colorless detention of Him. And Ugly so Ugly because I was OBESE. Why is Fall- Shaming not designated. as what it is--- socially Acceptable Bullying. I've. now found the essential coolness Nobody ever credited me with and I will rock this life that my RNY helped regain, you See , my friends----- Frustr8 means fun, fantastic, fabulous and forever Cool. Took me into my 70s to finally get emotionally strong and to Rely on Me. I'm nobody's shadow, I do not exist as an accessory to anyone else, I am a Wonderful person in My Own Right and Holy Hannah IT FEELS SO VERY GOOD!
  23. If I isn't Paying Rent, kick it Out! Of course right in the middle of Mass is not a Good Thing, but better to let it loose that STRAIN than to Hold it back and bear the PAIN.
  24. Frustr8

    Bad taste in mouth

    Maybe Keto Breath rearing its Ugly Little Head, may have it for a while until Your Rapid Fat- Burning slows a LITTLE, keep washing out with Mouthwash and PLEASE believe me, You have the Taste but it's doubtful anyone else can smell ANYTHING. Just a small price to pay for all the things that are wonderful coming true in your LIFE.
  25. Frustr8

    Tell me something good :)

    Yeah Panda I started OSU with a 50+ BMI, nice weight for a nice thick Redwood tree but a mite heavy for an Obese Woman. And my half- off, I started at 365+ , just weighed myself this AM, after eons of wanting to chuck weight scales out the nearest window or in a Dumpster, actually did the latter once, one of those sarcastic electronic voices " Do You Realize Your Weight Today is...? Yep, smart-Aleck scale, marched out to the Dumpster and threw it as hard as I could to the rear- that way it would LIE NO MORE! Well my current one, weighs you , then sends an elecronic gentle zap up through your bare feet, never felt a thing, then It calcuates BMI, % fat, % water, and how many calories to maintain, that one I don't pay attention to because I am still in Losing Mode. But it is digital instead of a dial whirring and speaking out loud. And I weigh this morning 181,7 pounds of Happy Happy Camper so over 180 less! And I am going to do my durnest to make it down to 175, loss is slowing BUT not stopped yet! Go over to the NSV thread current and see what else I am boasting about.😜And a Peaceful Sunday to All!

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