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LAP-BAND Patients
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About EricaLyn

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 02/09/1971
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday EricaLyn!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday EricaLyn!

  3. Get moving


    Get up and get going. If you feel lousy, it will make you feel much better, and if you already feel good, it will make you feel great.

    You know all those things you've been meaning to get done for the past six months? Pick one right now and make it happen today.

    Life is much more rewarding when you actively participate in it. This very moment there are good times in your life just waiting to be created.

    Do you feel the need to be more positive about life and about the world in which you live? Then get moving and get yourself positively engaged in it all.

    The moment you take positive action, your outlook begins to change. When you're making a difference, the world is suddenly a much better place.

    Get hot, get cold, get tired, get informed, get out of your comfort zone and get involved in this magnificent life. Drink in the delightful richness of a life fully lived.

    -- Ralph Marston

  4. EricaLyn

    Need a break from LBT

    I never said I didn't have an addiction. Don't assume I don't have an addiction.
  5. EricaLyn

    Need a break from LBT

    I was just banded May 13th of this year. I'm not even filled yet. It hasn't been a long time and I've forgotten nothing.
  6. What's with the F bombs and "bullshit"? What's with the swearing? Let's bring it out of the gutter folks or is that where liberals are used to fighting? They're so good at slinging mud.
  7. EricaLyn

    Need a break from LBT

    Excuse me all to hell but this is the Rant / Off Topic Area, correct? Am I not entitled to have my say? I'm not responding to anyone in particular, I'm just posting my feelings. Good grief.
  8. EricaLyn

    Need a break from LBT

    I just have to say that I'm pretty sick and tired of the complainers on here. I'm frustrated that so many don't know what to expect once they have their band. Didn't they attend a weight loss surgery seminar? Didn't they meet with their doctor, nutritionist, do the psych evaluation and do some type of pre-op diet? I'm confused as to why there are so many posts of, "I've been banded for three days! When can I gulp Water?!" or "I'm so hungry! I can't do this liquid diet. I went to McDonald's today! Have I damaged my band?" SERIOUSLY, folks?! I researched the hell out of lapband for three years prior to surgery. I researched numerous weight loss surgery doctors in my area, went to two different seminars and met with my doctor three times, nutritionist four times, counselor twice and my PCP about a million times. I spoke to my insurance provider so many times I lost count, I went to the store and stocked up on SF foods, Crystal Light, Soups and bought the damn blender. I posted the pre and post op diet on my frig as a reminder to myself and to my husband. My doctor actually gave me three copies of these diets - I was overloaded with information!! I find it incredibly hard to believe that people go all the way to get banded and then come on here and ask, "When can I eat real food" or "When can I exercise?" or "It hurts. Waaaa." I'm just sick of it all. I think I'm better off staying away from this site. There is so much that is negative and the same things are talked about time and time again. Maybe I don't have the patience for those who are clueless and who seem to take a stance of ignorance when it comes to their health and well-being. Do some of you just go to your doctor with ear plugs in? They give you all the information you'll ever need - and then some! My pre-op diet was hard, but I did it! I lost 17 pounds before surgery. I had an excellent surgery and spent one night in the hospital. I had no pain medications once I got home. Was it tough - kinda - but I did it. I followed the program - full liquids to blended to mushies to regular food. I'm not filled yet and is it hard? YES! No whining though. Before I went into this program I knew I'd be hungry. I didn't believe I'd stay full 24/7 and always feel satisfied. Not until I'm filled at least. These posts of, "I'm not filled yet and I'm so hungry! I thought this band was supposed to make me feel full!!" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I KNOW your doctor told you that you wouldn't feel restriction until you were filled. So why come on here and fein ignorance? I swear people whine for the sake of whining. This isn't rocket science. Do the pre-op diet, get your head straight, your facts straight, prepare, exercise, do the post-op diet, go to your appointments, continue to exercise and live it. Own it. Don't look for reasons to fail. Walk into this with your eyes and ears wide open. Don't look for reasons to eat. You've obviously tried to diet before and you're overweight now. Do what it takes to get better. Now I know what Nike meant when they said, "Just do it!" Ugh. I need a break from this site.
  9. Oh I see. Fox News is THE ONLY biased news organization. Oh okay. Isn't it ironic that liberals can have their voice, but a conservative better shut the hell up. Why is that? I thought liberals were all for freedom of speech. Does that right only apply to them? Conservatives aren't allowed to have a voice? Nope. We have to just keep our opinions to ourselves because how dare we voice an opinion!! The liberal media is everywhere - ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Headline News and yes, gasp, even Fox (there is a Colmes to the Hannity side). So there is a news network, Fox, that leans to the right. SO FRIGGIN' WHAT?! In my opinion, liberals rants about Fox so much because they can't STAND the fact that people are listening to Fox News. It's not enough that there is a plethora of liberal news reporting agencies, ohhhh noooo, Fox must be destroyed! Keith Olbermann spends most of his air time ranting against Fox. It's hysterical. He practically foams at the mouth with rantings against Fox. Hey, here's a thought. If Fox is so wrong, if they're so lacking in integrity and spewing lies out of the pit of hell, then WHO CARES? Doesn't that make them irrelevant? They shouldn't be a concern to the liberals, now should they? It's the liberal media that gives Fox News its biggest voice! DUH! I know. I know. You're going to say that Fox News lies, etc. Blah blah blah. I forgot - CNN, MSNBC, Headline News - they're all purveyors of truth. Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews and all the rest - they're not biased. They don't lean one way or the other. They are the epitome of fair reporting. Always seeing both sides. Equally hard on the liberals and conservatives. Right?! Right?! Not. Yeah, I didn't think so. You can continue being delusional. I'm not going to even bother arguing this point any longer. As my Grandpa always said, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."
  10. I use Splenda in my hot tea and I eat SF Snacks - Jell-O, pudding, popsicles. The fake sugar doesn't make me overeat or give me cravings. I think we can convince ourselves of something and then we run with it. I don't get the rant on fake sweeteners. If it works for you, great. If not, try something else. Everyone is different.
  11. EricaLyn

    My mum has shocked me!

    Hi Suzi - I'm sorry that you don't feel support from your husband or your Mom. I know it has to be a very difficult road for you right now. I'm not in your shoes, but if I may, here's what I would do (two options): 1. Continue to keep it to yourself. This is your personal choice and your life. Continue on the path you're on, exercising and eating right and let the nay-sayers and critics blather on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are to yours. Just keep living your life and as hard as it may be at times, just keep your eye on the prize (your health!) and ignore them. 2. Fess up. Tell your Mom about your lap band surgery. "Mom, I have something important to tell you. I need your support. If you feel you can't support me in my decision, then please keep it to yourself. I won't stand for ridicule or anger, I won't tolerate judgement or anything less than love and support. If you feel you can't support me in this, that's fine, but please don't destroy the hope that I have in the lap band. I want to live a long, healthy life and your support would be wonderful, but it's not necessary. Your choice, Mom." Sometimes we have to just be bold in sticking up for ourselves. If that's option 1 or 2, then fine. Whatever works best FOR YOU. Congratulations on your courage, your determination and will power. Keep the faith!
  12. Where did my post refer to the Weekly World News? I didn't quote the Weekly World News. My post referenced the World Net Daily and Arcadeathome.com. Funny how some only hear and read what they want to, LaraD.
  13. 400 calories a day is ridiculous. Who can do that? If you're on Survivor maybe. Ever since I started eating more soft foods - getting some chicken and salad in me - I've steadily been losing weight. This starving ourselves routine is for the birds. I'm still staying away from simple carbs and the weight is coming off. I haven't had Cereal, bread, Pasta or rice in about six weeks. The exercise I'm doing every day is really helping too. It's all just common sense.
  14. My TO DO list once at goal: 1. Respond to a hostess/host, "A booth will be fine, thank you." 2. Not be the biggest person in the room. 3. Regular sizes have so many options. I just want to wander the Misses department at a store for a few hours. 4. Middle airplane seat? No problem. I'll sit there! 5. Wear regular jeans. 6. Banish elastic pants from my wardrobe forever. 7. No more double chin. Sigh. 8. Be okay with my picture being taken. 9. Not hide in the last row when pictures are being taken. 10. Not put my hand up in front of my face when pictures are being taken. 11. Tuck my blouse in. 12. Wear a belt. 13. Wear those pretty bra's, not the industrial strength ones. So ugly. 14. Ride amusement park rides and not hype out about the safetly bar fitting (you know that moment of - oh god, will it or won't it lock?!) 15. Wear a tank top on a hot summer day. I'm so tired of covering up. 16. Be my husband's hot wife.
  15. First of all, am I the only one who finds it ironic how the dems and liberals, oh and let's not forget the media, have turned on the precious Clinton's? I remember during Clinton's reign how they were the fair-haired, chosen ones. What the hell happened? Now they're being ripped a new one every time I turn around. I find it hysterical. I guess it's true that liberals and dems really do eat their own. As for your comment, Green, about "Don't you Americans want to see yourself as a people in your President - someone who is young, caring, hip, hardworking, very smart, neither white nor black but both and goodlooking as a bonus." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THOSE are the qualifications that we want in a President? Young? Good looking? Hip? I'm laughing so hard here I can't really type. Obama's hippness factor is certainly not factoring in on my decision for president. I'm still laughing at that post. :biggrin:

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