My name is Becky and I live in Fla. Had my lapband surgery in Mexico and do my fills in Moultrie, Ga. I have had two fills and one fill taken out as I was not keeping anything down. They explained to me that a recent trip I took probably tensed me and made the surrounding areas swollen, which tightened my band. After having some taken out i did fine, but had noticed I was starting to gain so went back Sat. (Dec 13) to get another fill. She put in 1cc and everything was fine. I left the Dr.s office and had lunch an hour later ( egg drop soup) sipped mostly the broth. Had some more broth when i got home. It is a 3 hour trip. Had to be at a xmas party where I knew there would be lots of food so I drank some broth. I felt it go down a lot and lots of air bubble coming up. Was a little concerned, but went on to the party. I had a small amount of warm apple cider and it began to hurt going down and also more of the bubbles and burping. A couple of times had reflux. Came home feeling just sore and decided to have some cream of chicken soup made with lots of broth so very thin. Was miserable the rest of the night. Could hardly drink a 1/4 of a cup and then I felt like major heartburn. After about 2 hours and not being able to sleep(some of it coming up and choking me) I took a mylanta and got some relief and went to sleep. I tried to have coffee, but decided on tea. That still did not go down well. I can drink it,but pain as I feel it going through the band. I hope this will pass, but I have only 48 hours to decide if I need to go back or will have to pay to have the fill reduced. Don't have that kind of money. Has anyone else had problems with being to stressed and the band tightning on you all the time. Will it loosen up or do I need to call my girl who does my fills?:tongue2: