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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Frostie1975

  1. Frostie1975

    July 16th 2018

    I haven't really had any hair loss either. I'm only 5 months post-op but I've been told this is when it usually happens. Maybe it's because I have thin hair already and my body doesn't want to traumatize me any more on that front 😅🤣. I've hit a plateau but its my own fault because with the stress of the holidays and my family schedule, I haven't been in the gym nearly as much as I should be. I plan on remedying that soon.
  2. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Thanks for those words cmackpmp. I am still too hard on myself. Everyone else sees my weight loss except me. I would definitely rather my skin had more time to tighten up. I feel better. Thanks for making my Friday better 😍
  3. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Good for you! I feel like a loser now only losing about 60 lbs so far and I had my surgery the day before you lol. Owell, everyone is different. Whatever you're doing, keep it up! Just don't forget to eat
  4. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    I had that between 5-7 weeks I think. I don't have it now and I am just short of 4 months post-op RNY. 75 lbs!! That's awesome, good for you! I'm stalled right now. I don't think I'm eating enough, and I need to up my gym-game.
  5. I'm just short of being 3-months post-op and the last week I have been getting extremely constipated. Anyone else have this problem? Or have had this? Is 3 months to soon to eat things like Cheerios? I am trying to figure out what is causing it. For the most part I don't think I even exceed 600 calories a day and its mostly still soft foods. And I seem to have become intolerant to eggs, yay me.
  6. Frostie1975

    July surgery

    I believe the weight comes off as safely as it can. It was never about the weight going away for me, it was the Diabetes going away, and I'm still working on that one. I'm only down 45 lbs since surgery so we are almost the same. Keep on truckin'!!
  7. Frostie1975

    Finding foods is hard

    Thanks everyone for the helpful info. Since posting this I have added Weight Control, Low Sugar Oatmeal to my breakfast regimen and it's keeping me cleaned out YAY! Still working on trying other foods, protein moreso. Had a horrible experience with a blockage 3 weeks ago and thought I was dying so I have become very leery of eating too much of ANYTHING. I go back for my 3-month check up next week so we shall see what they say.
  8. Frostie1975

    4-Weeks Post-Op

    How do I start this? I feel great?? Haven't had anything bad happen. No nausea, no dumping, or any of the other things they warn you about. What DOES bother me is that I am tired as hek ALL the time. I went back to work 2-weeks post-op but half days (like 4 hours/day). I am now pulling 6-hour days starting very early in the morning when I have the most energy. But when that 1:00/2:00 pm hour rolls around I HIT a brick wall. Anyone else like this? People lecture me about it, and how this kind of major surgery could take a year to get back to normal, whatever normal is at this point. My surgeon warned me about hitting a plateau around 3-4 week post-op, and it is depressing a bit. But I am excited to get back to weight training and high cardio soon (). I REALLY need to start getting a meal plan down for myself so I am having regular meal times again. Protein shakes, cottage cheese, baby meats, sugar free pudding, popsicles, G0 Powerade, decaf coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer - that's my diet . I'm not drinking enough lately, I know this cause my pee is nasty colors of yellow and even a little green? . The highlight of my week so far is being able to take my pills again without crushing them. Low point of the week - still seeing that I may have Diabetes still. All blood sugars are under 150 but then again, I'm not eating much. Hoping that it goes away soon since that was my #1 reason for having the GB done. Would love to hear how y'alls weight loss is going or how your health is. Cheers!
  9. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    I was never a big caffeine drinker per-se. It wasn't hard to switch to decaf in the morning, but what I miss is my Diet Snapple with peach. I dilute EVERYTHING I drink, before surgery and after. I just want a little lick lol
  10. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    I most definitely need to start incorporating fiber for sure. But my dietitian has told me to stay away from tea, or anything with caffeine. But then she contradicted herself by saying, "but if you are one of those people that needs caffeine in the morning to get up and go, you can have it". So, is tea bad for you or not? I mean, all tea has caffeine in it. I also pour some powdered stool softener in my decaf coffee in the mornings to see if it helps.
  11. Frostie1975

    July surgery

    Bellasoo, I don't see my progress. I'm down almost 50 lbs and I still see the old me, before surgery. Yeah I can wear different clothes, but it doesn't quite sink in. My friends think they have to put me in therapy lol.
  12. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Hi there cmackpmp. I stalled right around 7 weeks I think, and it last just a little over a week. I really don't think about food and that was probably my problem before. I eat when I think I'm hungry. I do love my protein shakes (wal-mart brand of Premier rocks) and I love baby meats. I find that some Progresso soups do good as well. I'm struggling finding meals I can cook for the whole family that I can eat. Until I do I will cook separate things for everyone. I'm almost down 50 lbs but I need to up my gym game that's for sure. I use my Fitbit Versa to watch my resting heart rate more than anything. Dealing with constipation now and not sure what its coming from lol.
  13. Frostie1975

    July 16th Bypass People

    I had my GB on July 17th...would love to connect.
  14. Frostie1975

    July 16th 2018

    Had my gastric bypass surgery on July 17th, how are you doing?
  15. Frostie1975

    July surgery

    Had my GB on July 17th, how are you doing?
  16. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Had my gastric bypass July 17th... How are you doing?
  17. Wondering if anyone would care to share how long it took before simple water stopped feeling like a ton of bricks when you drink it. Cold water, lukewarm water, hot water, it's all the same effect. UGH!
  18. Frostie1975

    Depression Meds post op

    I am on an SSRI, and was on liquid post-op until last week when I was told I could start taking my pills again. THANK GAWD! I would be absolutely terrified to just stop cold-turkey with my pills. Anything I've read online suggests weaning myself at a very slow rate, should I decide to try it, but NOT WITHOUT a doctor's consult and checks. If I were you, I'd start it back up. Of course, by now you probably already have an answer to your first post. I decided, for myself, that I would be staying on my SSRI for at least my surgery because of all the posts I've seen about depression. Thankfully (PRAISE TO GOD) I have not struggled at all. And since I am NO spring chicken and probably also experiencing pre-menopause, I might as well make it my candy for life
  19. Frostie1975

    4-Weeks Post-Op

    @GreenTealael Vitamins are all like clockwork every day. Water intake needs to be better so I'm attributing the weird pee to that. I sleep better at night now then I have in 5 years!
  20. So, I did have a friend back in my home state of Michigan who had her surgery in April and I've been supporting her as much as possible up until about 2 months ago. I stopped hearing from her and when my surgery rolled around - CRICKETS - . I don't NEED support because I seriously have the best family in the world and my husband is literally a superhero but it WOULD be nice to have someone to bounce things off (idea's, not balls or sharp objects) about how I'm feeling daily, new foods, etc. If anyone is in the Virginia area, hit me up please!!
  21. Frostie1975

    Eggdrop Soup, better than broth.

    Would anyone be willing to share their Egg Drop soup recipe's??
  22. Frostie1975

    July Gastric Bypass?

    I had surgery last week, July 17th.
  23. So, had my GP on the 17th, surgery went fine, but complications afterward (while in the hospital) made it very hard for me and they kept me a bit longer than expected. I had projectile vomiting and uncontrollable dry-heaving. Luckily it didn't last beyond a day. I haven't used any pain killers since being home but have been struggling with one thing - this god-awful multi-vitamin. The first liquid bottle we got literally looked, smelled, and tasted like horse diarrhea (don't ask me how I know that) and I couldn't stomach it. We took it back and got a powder version with a hint of lemon which took the edge off but I am still gagging with it, which makes my stomach hurt. Not sure how to move forward with this one thing. Does anyone have experience with the multi-vitamin patches? My dietitian said they don't work good but I am at my wits end at this point. The rest of the things seem to be going ok, a couple shots in the belly a day of things to prevent gallstones, ulcers, my mutant powers from kicking in, etc. I'm no stranger to multiple medications for seemingly my whole life. Had horrible diarrhea yesterday and was more concerned with making sure I drank plenty of H20. Anyone have advice on something else I could use for a multi-vitamin? I have been pushing the other stuff but my stomach starts rejecting it as soon as it goes past my tongue. I actually haven't had any in the last day. Any insight, advice, experiences, substitutes, etc., would be most greatly appreciated. I'm not hungry, just sore. Not miserable either.
  24. Frostie1975

    6 days Post-Op Gastric Bypass

    Toodlerue, do the patches work good? My dietitian says they don't work but I'm pretty desperate. Has your labs been good for not being vitamin deficient?
  25. Good morning folks, This is my first time posting and right now, I only have some minor questions (I believe). I am in month 3 of my physician monitored 6-month ordeal (waiting period). I'm getting all my tests and procedures wrapped up WAY ahead of time so that there is nothing pending and everything can get sent to the insurance after my 6-month appointment. I am a little nervous about whether I will be approved or not but my surgeon says I am a prime candidate for the Gastric Bypass because I have Diabetes Type 2, Gastroparesis, Macular Degeneration, severe neuropathy throughout my body, and I'm overweight. I am having trouble wrapping my head around the fluid ounces required per day. So, as an example, post-surgery I can have protein shakes and if I had a protein shake today, I would drink around 8-9 ounces and be done. My dietician said I can sip my protein shake over a course of two hours and be ok. Butttttt, my question is, how many ounces am I drinking over that course of two hours? The full 8-9 ounces as usual or less? I know this is probably confusing the way I am presenting it. I understand the whole "sipping an ounce every 10 minutes" thing but does that go for protein shakes as well? My other question is, when I'm in the gym working out now, if I'm hot or need a drink, I can easily chug some water. Post-surgery, how will I do that? I mean, obviously I can't chug a full bottle of water. Just wondering what is safe..... I am sure I will have more questions along this journey of mine, but these are the ones that are nagging me constantly. I appreciate all of you folks here who have been through this ordeal, and are preparing to go through it. I don't know anyone in my personal life that has had the procedure so I am hoping to make some friends here who I can nag all the time...lol! Just kidding.... Thanks y'all!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
