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About Francess

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  1. All the vitamins and supplements I take are dissolve (barimelts) or chewable ( flintstone complete). I am 14 months PO and have had good results from blood work so I am afraid to switch but...these are all so sweet to me that I have to really force myself to take them and the barimelts are pretty expensive. Can I ever take regular vitamins with same results ? suggestions?
  2. Congrats on your weight loss and improved health. I know exactly how you feel. I’m at 14 months post surgery and down 170 pounds...but still want to lose at least 30 more. So many compliments from friends but I always respond, please pray for me cause I still have a ways to go...and it is much harder and slower now. I still feel like I’m the fattest one in the room, so it’s hard to celebrate even though I know I’m doing so much better. I actually stopped coming to this site because I would see the success of people that had half the weight to lose as me...so many started at my 100 pound loss weight. It was depressing. I know we all have our own journeys. You are not alone...just keep going!
  3. Francess


    Having been through several stalls...it’s frustrating! Sometimes changing things up a bit helps. Watch your carbs...keep under 50 grams. Try liquid diet a couple days. After awhile the loss does slow down. As long as I keep going down when it does move, that’s what I have to focus on.
  4. Francess

    March Gastric Bypass Group

    6 month check up 90 pounds lost since surgery (117 since first visit) 75 pounds to go to my personal goal , so I am a bit behind projection schedule for 1 year. I was low on A and Zinc so adding extra supplements (but don’t need iron or D). No longer taking meds for cholesterol and diabetes ( this was major goal!) Usually drinking 75+ oz. water daily I no longer have foot, ankle, knee pain and can walk over 10,000 steps daily without problems. I was doing 1 hour water aerobics but need to replace now that pool is closed. Clothes falling off but getting lots from my sister and friends so I’ve only had to buy a couple items. No problems with eating except that I have to use more self control because I do have cravings....and can eat pretty much anything ( not eating rice, potatoes, pasta ...trying to keep under 50 carbs.). I have eaten some bread, crackers, pretzels. Mostly eating yogurt, eggs, shakes, meat, cheese and occasionally some salad and a bite or two of veggies or fruit. I really don’t feel deprived. I get lots of compliments and support but feel I still have a long way to go!
  5. Well, I am at my 6 month point and there have been many ups and downs but overall I am happy with results so far even though I was hoping to be further along by now. I had my surgery 6 months ago but I feel my journey started with my first Dr. visit last November and starting my diet with the nutritionalust. Since that date I have lost 111 pound, 85 of that since my surgery. I am still 81 pounds away from my original goal. I have only had couple of dumping issues where I ate too quickly or too much. Unfortunately I have not had problems eating most food and I am able to eat more than I thought I would be able to so I really have to work on self control at this point. I just got back from a cruise where I did not make the best choices, but I didn’t gain any weight, probably because of all the walking I did. I felt I wasted a lot of food on vacation, but that’s just the way it is now. Sometimes my husband would finish food for me but he really needs to cut back too. I found myself missing usual vacation splurges like enjoying wine, ice cream, coffee drinks, and cocktails. I did have some splurge sips and bites of foods I don’t eat now. I need to start a new exercise routine now that our pool is closed. I was doing an hour of water aerobics everyday which I loved. I will be doing a lot of traveling in the next 2 months and plan in November to join our local rec Center that has a pool, track, and weight room. Till then I will walk, do an aerobics video, or go to our condo workout room that has stationary bikes and a treadmill. I am experiencing benefits of my weight loss that were part of my decision to have the surgery: I no longer need pills for high cholesterol and diabetes! I was able to fly without an extender, I fit into all the seats on my trip (I am still uncomfortable with trying booths, but fit fine in ones I did sit in), I no longer have foot, ankle, or knee pain even when walking well over 10,000 steps daily on my vacation, I am able to get up and down easier, plus I have gotten a lot of positive feedback on my weight loss too. I am hopeful that I will reach my goal but I know it will be more effort on my part vs surgery because I still have cravings and I am able to eat what I want. I also know I will have to push myself to be more active. I eat a bite or two of what I want. I am getting better at not worrying if I’m wasting food when we eat out. I have experienced discouragement when I was eating less than my pre surgery diet and losing less. I have also had stalls in weight loss that are very hard mentally but I keep going down slowly. Vitamins and supplements are expensive, so hoping lab work shows that they are working (my 6 month Dr. visit is next week). I have had some hair loss but I’ve always had some problems with thin hair and loss so I have not noticed too much difference. My sister has given me a lot of cute clothes that actually fit me and I’ve also been able to buy clothes in smaller sizes and that’s fun. Sizes vary depending on brands but it’s nice to fit into a regular size and I have donated a lot of my old clothes making way for smaller sizes. I have lots of support from my husband, family and friends and that really helps. Best wishes to all those on this journey to better health and a better life!
  6. Francess

    April Bypass Updates?!

    Surgery 4/13. Start weight 391, surgery weight 360, current weight 312. It seems like ages ago...weird. Had a major stall and weight loss has slowed...a bit depressing. So many friends have positive comments about progress but I feel like I’m going to let everyone and myself down. I’m now losing slower and even tho I’m eating less than presurgery. In the last month I have had difficulty with water, which is so strange for me cause I was easily drinking on average 100oz. daily pre and post op. Water now often hurts my stomach. Really trying to control myself but I have had no food issues, which is scary. I feel I could probably eat anything. Worst is a small bite of a cannoli yesterday Daily routine is premier protein shake, yogurt, baked or grilled chicken/beef jerky/or other meat...craving crunchy and salty, so either have a handful of nuts or pretzels or pb cheese crackers (figuring this is problem). Will have small amounts of salad/veggies/fruit but not daily. I need to get more exercise ...doing an hour of water aerobics 3-4 x a week and some walking. We are flying on vacation in September...so feeling anxiety about being comfortable on plane and dining chairs with arms. Maybe I had unreasonable expectations of losing faster? I am better off today than 8 months ago but a looooong way to go. I’m going down instead of up!
  7. Francess

    March Gastric Bypass Group

    It’s encouraging to see great results. I have been struggling with trying to stay positive. It seems like I started at a much heavier weight than most here, so while I’m losing weight I feel there is so far to go. My friends are so encouraging and always complimenting me but I know I am nowhere near what I would consider normal or even my first goal. It kinda makes me feel embarrassed and unworthy of their compliments. Since November when I started I’ve lost 70 pounds, (44 of that since my March 13 surgery)...but I’m still over 300 pounds. So while 70 pounds sounds like a lot, still so far from my goal. Is there anyone else that started close to 400 pounds that can relate to my frustration?
  8. Francess

    Water intake

    Funny (not funny), I was doing great with water till about week 7 and now struggling. Now that I am eating more solid food, I feel so full, especially in the morning I struggle to eat or drink.
  9. Francess

    March-April Rny-ers

    Great results! It’s goid you're walking. I'm almost 2 months and looking back it goes fast but I know at the time it’s hard. Sometimes I am actually nostalgic about the simplicity of all liquids. Maybe you can find some sugar free watermelon flavored drink? Cause my new post bariatric brain’s first thought was, oh, you can’t have watermelon...too much sugar🙄. I still don’t really eat fruit and not many veggies. It’s all about the protein. Premier has some fruity protein drinks that are sweet and may give you some satisfaction for cravings😊
  10. Francess

    Post Op snack suggestions!?

    I’m at 6 1/2 weeks and tried jerky yesterday, great 10 protein snack! I did fine, really chewed. It’s only 1oz. per portion. I have really been enjoying shrimp. I keep a bag of cooked shrimp frozen and take out 3 for a 11 protein snack or 6 for 22 protein dinner. I made my own sauce with low sugar ketchup and horseradish.
  11. Francess

    so confused about food...

    Great...you wanna share what your nutritionist added for you? Also, great job getting to gym👍🏼 I find easy fast protein to be yogurt, cheese, shrimp (keep frozen and take a couple out, thaws in water quickly), hard boiled eggs, deli meat, and I made mini egg casseroles in mini muffin pans, froze and microwave 2 for quick snack. I haven’t gotten sick...I really chew, wait between bites, and time myself to make sure I’m eating slowly.
  12. Francess

    April 12th 2018 & Random Thoughts

    I’m one month ahead of you (surgery 3/13). The first few nights I got up around 1am and slept in a chair. It was more comfortable that laying on my back in bed. Suggestions, get off pain meds and switch to Tylenol, walk, drink your water, take daily Benifiber to stay regular, and take your vitamins😊 Sounds like you’re off to a good start👍🏼 Best of luck😊
  13. I can’t have salad, raw veggies till 2 months out. But enjoying the food I can have...chicken, shrimp, meatballs, chili, chicken crust pizza, yogurt, eggs, cheese, and lunch meats. I also had 1/4 piece of thin sliced rye bread toasted and 2 crackers. Still not getting any fruits and hardly any veggies cause I’m trying to get protein in and that pretty much fills me up. Today at a tea event, I had 1 Mrs. Thinster coconut cookie thin (serving is 5, but I had 1= 30cal. , 2 sugar, 2 fat, 3 carbs). Is this bad? Anyone else tried?
  14. Francess

    High Protein Snack Foods

    thanks...cause they do sound yum. Salty, crunchy is always a craving and if I can get protein with it great.
  15. Francess

    Need meal ideas

    I do the chicken crust pizza but no egg...1 pound ground chicken, 1/2c Parmesan cheese, 1 cup mozzarella cheese, oregano, garlic, roll thin, bake 20min. on parchment paper at 450, add sauce ( I use canned Contadina pizza sauce) & toppings bake another 10 min. This is great! Out to lunch with friends, got cup of chili and brought 1/2 home for later.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
