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Charity G

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Charity G

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday January 11

About Me

  • Biography
    Divorced, Christian mom of a 16-year-old son and three ferrets. Addicted to Facebook and pleasing others. Currently working on learning to say "NO" and sticking to consistent exercise.
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  1. I have been usig Celebrate Multi-Complete 36 chewable with iron vitamins since my surgery 2 years ago. Lately, It's been difficult getting them, so I'm looking into trying Bariatricpal Multivitamin One with 45 mg iron. Have any of you used either one of these. Any feedback is welcome. It does look like the Bariatricpal Multivitamin One gives you more bang for your buck. Charity
  2. Three months post-op today and I'm down 54 pounds. My A1C, which was 10.8 a month prior to surgery, is now at 5.5! Plus, I have gone from a 5x to a 2x :) Just broke the 250 mark, and can't wait to get to Onederland!

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Congrats, you're doing great!

  3. Today I am three months post gastric bypass. I've lost 54 pounds so far, and have been taking my measurements monthly. Everything is progressing as I would like, but when I took my arm measurements they went up (despite using the same methodology as past months). The day before surgery, the widest part of my arm was 21.5, at one month it was 19, at two months it was still 19, but at three months it was 20.5. Is this normal? Just FYI, I've been doing water aerobics 4x a week for an hour each time, which includes upper body strengthening.
  4. Charity G

    February bypass buddies?

    Love this NSV! You inspired me to check my steering wheel, and lo and behold, I could lower mine too!
  5.  I was supposed to have a first date today (it's been at least a year since I've went on a date), but I was stood up. :angry: I channeled my frustration into doing a new cardio and strength training video, :99_muscle: :1596_lifter_tone2: and actually made it through all 32 minutes of it!  I had sweat dripping off of me when I finished. Hopefully my efforts will be reflected when I weigh-in Wednesday morning, though finishing the workout was a non-scale victory itself!  

    1. Sosewsue61


      Good for you on the workout, great strategy too. Sorry you were ditched, probably saved yourself from a boring azzhat anyway!!!! There will be a better one for you, just keep going.

    2. Orchids&Dragons


      It's good to see that you channeled your anger into something productive! If we'd all learn to do that we probably wouldn't have weight issues. Very inspiring! and congrats on finishing the workout!

    3. SleeveinIL


      You accomplished something in the wake of a disappointment. I call that a HUGE win!!!

  6. Down another three pounds and had my one-month post-surgery follow-up (although its actually be 7 weeks tomorrow, their scheduling sucks). The nurse practitioner was pleased with my weight loss (36 pounds in 7 weeks) and told me I was cleared to go back to water aerobics and whatever else I would like to pursue exercise wise. Now to find a new pair of tennis shoes :)

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      36 pounds - that's awesome! Congrats!

  7. Charity G

    Non Scale Victories

    I had a NSV tonight that made me smile...my bath towel wrapped all the way around me without any gaps
  8. Charity G


    I didn't ask for further information when the surgeon said that he had to "pull some fat from the walls." I just assumed there was extra fat in the way of either doing the hernia repair or possibly scar tissue from previous Gastric Lap Band incision sites that needed to be removed in order to complete the RnY surgery. (FYI, had the band from 2002 to 2009...lost down to 250 from 350, then when it was removed gained up to 396).
  9. Had my surgery May 3 in St. Louis, MO
  10. Photos of me the day before surgery (5/2/18) and one month post-surgery (6/3/18). Weight day of surgery was 304, weight one month later is 277 (27 pounds lost). In one month I lost 3 inches off my bust, 3.75 inches off my waist, 5 inches off my hips, 1.75 inches off my thigh, and 2.5 inches off my arm (for a total of 16 inches lost).
  11. Charity G


    My bruising was in two areas and both looked worse than the original posters, but I did have hernia repair at the same time and my surgeon also said he had to pull some fat from my stomach walls, so I would expect bruising.
  12. Charity G

    Oh, there it is.

    I totally know what you mean. I've been in the soft food phase for a week, but next Friday I'll be cleared to start a regular diet. Its scary eating things now because I'm afraid of pain, throwing up or some other unpleasant reaction, so I've relied heavily on protein shakes, Dannon Triple Zero Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese, and soups. Tonight was actually the first time I had a clear indication that I needed to stop eating. I was having a homemade turkey and spinach meatball and maybe I was eating too fast or I didn't chew enough, but it felt like the bite I took was creeping back up my throat. I immediately said I was finished with dinner and luckily it all stayed down. Today was my one month anniversary from surgery, so to have avoided throwing up makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
  13. Charity G


    That sucks! I'm sorry that they didn't recognize or mention your visible weight loss. This has been one of my fears...that I would be working really hard and going through a difficult surgical process, only for people to not see the results.
  14. One month check-in: Down 27 pounds and 16 inches! Love that I've had to buy some new clothes already :D

  15. Charity G

    May 2018 RNY Scheduled

    So it is officially one month since I've had surgery. Here's my comparison stats: weight: 304 to 277 bust: 53.5 to 50.5 waist: 57.5 to 53.75 Hips: 65.5 to 60.5 Thigh: 30.25 to 28.5 Right Arm (batwing): 21.5 to 19 So, I've lost 27 pounds and 16 inches My surgical incision sites got infected, but I finished up the antibiotic two days ago and saw my surgeon Friday and he said they looked like they were healing nicely. I've been walking almost every day for at least 30 minutes at a time and have noticed that my speed and endurance have improved. I even spent six hours outside in 90 degree temps yesterday (at a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game) and survived (in the past there is no way I could have tolerated that much heat and standing). I'm really excited for all the new experiences I'll be able to have as my weight decreases and my health improves.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
