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Posts posted by Keywestgirl

  1. How are you doing? I am one of the slowest losers ever, but I am not killing myself and I am certainly not depriving myself. I always choose to hang out with my son over going to the gym any day. But if you would have told me that I could lose 30 pounds without spending hours in a gym, I would have thought you were crazy. I just eat half of what I used to. Now that I have hovered over the same number on the scale for a few weeks now, I will definitely have to step it up. Enjoy Christmas and everything it has to offer. Come Jan 2nd, put your game face on and get moving. That is my plan anyway. Just an FYI, Oprah has the first 2 weeks of her "Live your Best Life" shows starting Jan 5th I think. Where she comes to terms with weight, body image etc. Looks very motivating.

    Talk about motivating..........Have you looked at your before and after pic? You are amazing!!! Good Luck.

  2. You look amazing Bel. What an inspiration you are. Thank you. I have seasonal depression. My mother passed away on the 3rd of Jan, when I was a teen. The holidays just aren't the same. It is hard not to hate this time of year. But I pray that your mum beats the cancer. I am sure you give her unbelieveable strength. Again, thank you for the motivation.

  3. Perhaps just what LOVE said. You may not be his soul mate, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love or adore you. I used to be in love with mine (bf) but now there are his kids and my own. Five years later, we are family. If I break up with him I will be affecting my son all over again. I did that once when his father (my husband) separated. He cheated and I don't tolerate that. Now I feel like he is just a room mate that owes me a lot of money (business related) hence the feeling of being stuck.

  4. It sounds like my relationship. I am settling. I am stuck in a relationship that I am not happy in. Kinda scary though, when I think what it would be like dating all over again. I have serious trust issues. I pray to God this isn't what the dh meant.

  5. Dr Wagner is courteous, reserved and has a very good bedside manner. The fee I believe isn't covered by insurance. I was self pay so I paid for it anyway. Being self pay it was 17,500 with lifetime fills. It was $1,000 dollars cheaper if I had it at the outpatient surgery center in Webster. The center is very nice, clean and awesome staff. If I would go to the hospital, they said I would have to have an endoscopy, so I was like "that's okay". Surgery center is just fine. It was totally uneventful. He gave postop anti nausea meds and a patch. Never threw up, which I had nausea to previous surgeries related to anes. Had a nasal narcotic spray for pain, and held a pillow to the abs if you have to cough. Back to work 3rd day postop. I had my first fill and Dr. Wagner did it personally which made me at ease. Piece of cake, no pain. And he used a long needle. He is awesome. Good Luck.....

  6. Plain, I copied this from a previous post of yours.

    "There are a lot of militants on OH, though. I still don't really get it." Not to be ignorant, but what is OH?

    And Wasa, you spent $12,000 just on a removal? I am totally self pay also. Is that what it costs, or you spoke of a revision. (meaning just a removal)? It is just good to know these things. Also I am in awe of you and your success. You truely stand out on this forum. If you don't mind a few questions since I am a newbie, did the band cause you physical problems? I remember reading that you had to go to a liquid diet mostly. Are you okay? Knowing what you know- would you do the Band all over again? Is it worth the money you invested? I spent $17,500 which does include lifetime fills and doc visits. I just think it is the motivation and kick in the ass that I needed.

    If I am getting too personal, please PM me. You are just an awesome mentor. Thank you for your time.

  7. Take a vacation for a while Brandy. We all need a break from things sometimes (esp significant others, but that is a whole other thread LOL) especially if those things are toxic to our success. If you need strength we are here. My prayers go out to you and your daughter. I have thought about putting down the laptop myself, I should be moving around more instead of sitting here typing. I can get lost for hours on here sometime. Best Wishes Brandy.

  8. Hey Brandy,

    Boy you created a monster of a thread. LOL Afterall this is what we are here for. To vent. There is no better catharsis. Get it off your chest. If you need motivation girl, let us know. We all want you to succeed. Honestly Brandy, if people didn't give a darn whatsoever, they wouldn't take even a minute of their precious time to even reply to your post. Sometimes it seems like reverse psychology. If someone yells at you and tells you just to give up and get rid of your band, what they are really doing is trying to get you mad and enraged within, so you can tell yourself that you CAN do it. Just take the critique and try to apply better behaviors throughout your day. We are here for you Brandy. I don't care what it is that bothers you, like you said, it does no good to keep it bottled inside.

  9. Hello everyone. How is everyone doing with their bugg?

    As for me. I've been having an average daily deficit of 4600 calories and have only lost 1-2 pounds in the past two weeks. This week will be even larger since I just had a fill this past Thursday. What do you suspect it could be? My intake is an average of 1600 these past two weeks, but this week it's about 1000 because of the fill.

    Thanks in advance for the insight.

    That's crazy. Are you in your week window for that lovely time of the month? Two days before mine, I gained like 4 pounds. I knew it was that. Is your sodium intake kinda high? Are you perhaps gaining more muscle, since you are obviously moving around more(exercising). Someone on this thread said that it is so easy to under report. The product may say xyz calories for a certain portion. But who is to say that portion is correct unless we physically weigh it. There are so many variables. I wouldn't worry to much, after all it has us moving more than we used to.

    I know you want more. But a loss is a loss and that is something to be quite proud of.

  10. Hey Brandy what's up.

    I wasn't trying to scare you with that melting mama link. I know you know the risks. Shoot we take risks daily just walking out the front door. It was actually directed to the other poster who was considering it. I, like Kat, have met people with good and bad results. The purpose of these posts is to bring to light all aspects of WLS. I'm not a hater....LOL, please don't think that. I want everybody to succeed at this weight loss battle. By the way, how is your daughter?

    I'm sorry if I come off as biased or that I know more than anyone else. I don't. I am so new to this. What I am not new to, is feeling like a failure. This time, for me, Failure is not an option. I have to succeed at this. I have used my weight to dictate my life for far too long. The post you made about self- acceptance struck a chord. I think to succeed I have to love myself regardless first. Even if I don't like what's staring back at me in the mirror. Your words are powerful Brandy. Thanks

  11. I was here on LBT when a super moderator recommended a young woman to watch this videoblog of another young woman who had gastric bypass. melting mama: Do I regret my gastric bypass? However the woman looks absolutely amazing now, she suffers from a lot of nasty side effects, seizures, etc. She goes in great detail in her daily blogs and her you tube videos. After reading her blog, it sounds like almost all sugar for her is a big no-no. Kind of a harsh trade off. What exactly is normalcy? Obesity? Reconstructed intestines? Side effects?

    But as stated by the person above this, any diet or weightloss surgery still takes dedication and hard work. I have an acquaintance who has had bypass, and she lost quite a bit at first, but gained quite a bit back. She also traded one addiction for another. She drinks more because the bypass allows her to get intoxicated faster. She smokes more now that she goes to more bars. I don't think she has addressed the reason why she turned to food for comfort in the first place. Bands and bypasses do not fix the problems and traumas which we suffer, unfortunately.

    Having been an obese child into my teen years, to adult, I can identify with feelings of desperation to do anything to get this weight off, no matter what the cost. Whatever it is we choose, I just wish nothing but success and happiness for all of us. I am tired of passing up opportunities and declining invitations because of my weight. I just want to start living. Good Luck everyone.

  12. Don't pay anything until after your free months are over. Just go to Apex and become a member. Apex.com is the site where you will upload your daily bugg results to. To input your calories consumed, if it isn't on the list of their database, you can freeform enter the calories, fat, sodium, carbs etc from the box or I use the dailyplate.com which has extensive calorie info for food.< /p>

    And if you happen to win the free bugg and want to sell it, go to ebay or craig's list. A lot of people from this thread have purchased one from those sites. That's my life story too. Always a day late and a dollar short it seems. It's amazing just to see how much you really burn throughout the day, and when you really have to get moving.

    I also got the wii fit for my 10 yr old. Going to get on it when everyone is sleeping. It creates a character based on your height and stats. I am gonna be a short fat round little mii character with the age of 50 I'm sure. LOL, I am only 32. I have watched them play, it is cute.

    For your coaching, they will contact you and want you to wear it a few weeks before your actual appointment, then see if you have any questions.

  13. That is awesome Indiogirl!!!!! I remember 150 pounds, right before I left for NAVY bootcamp. I looked hot at 150. I bet you feel amazing. I just joined 24 hour fitness, so I have no excuse that the gym isn't open. LOL

    I just purchased the bodybugg from there to monitor my calorie intake and expenditure. And I have 11 sessions with a personal trainer. Did you like your trainer? I told her that I hope she isn't as hard core like Jillian on the biggest loser.

    You are a wonderful inspiration for all of us banded. I am so excited for you. I am sure nothing tastes as good as the sense of accomplishment you feel. God Bless.

  14. Edie and Salsa........WOWWWWWW Props to the both of you. OMG what an inspiration you are to all of us newly banded.

    Edieparks.....125???? What is that? I think I was 125 for a minute when I was 12 years old.

    You both are amazing, and I know it did not come easy- a lot of time, sweat and tears I am sure.

    I just got a bodybugg off 24 hr fitness.com (what the biggest losers wear. I log daily what I eat ( I use the dailyplate.com to find calories of certain foods) and the bugg downloads my calories burned thru the whole day. It just forces me to be more active. If it is 9 pm and it tells me I still have to burn 200 more calories until I hit my daily goal, then I turn on the ipod and just move about the house or run around the block til I meet my set number. Keeping count of calories consumed is important because we do tend to underestimate what we take in. Especially when I was doing WW, come to find out that my favorite salad was over a week's worth of flex points. A salad? ?? I was mortified.

    I know for banded people, 1200-1400 calories can be a LOT to consume in one day. (esp after a fill I am sure) but I notice just with myself, that if I intake too few calories in a day, my body goes into starvation mode and doesn't want to give up any weight. I am sure it slowers my metabolism too. Need to add fuel to the fire to keep it burning.

    Just to let you know, a good motivating show to watch would be Oprah on Monday June 2nd. It will have a lot of people who has lost weight. One woman was 500+. Should be good.

  15. Hey renewed Hope, glad u have your bugg back. Did you just have to replace the battery? It sounds funny saying that. Normally we are saying the opposite, trying to get rid of a bug.

    Georgia girl, those are fantastic numbers. You got me kinda motivated.:w00t:

    I actually wore mine to work. Someone asked if I had tennis elbow. I just laughed and kinda explained what it was. I am a pharmacy tech and it was nice to see that I hit my target by 10pm that night. I didn't even go work out that day. I am not posting any numbers at the moment. I have no restriction, my post 6 week and first fill is the second week in June. Had to delay it a bit because of my work schedule. Since the holiday I have been eating around the band (obviously). And then yesterday my monthly friend comes and adds like 4 pounds overnight. I was like OMG. Good thing my Dr appointment isn't this week.

    I ordered a treadmill that should be here in a week or so. Very excited since it is like 85 degrees. Uuughhh. I also ordered the Ab Coaster off an infomercial. Looks kinda cool. You do a reverse sit up while in a kneeling position. In only 10 minutes a day...... hehe we will see. So when the guy on the phone says it is only 4 payments of 99.00 something (ballpark not for sure). I said, WHAT??????? and laughed. I said no wonder you don't put the price in the infomercial. No one will ever call you. LOL

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  16. Renewed, what happened? Did you call the bodybugg company, email apex, or 24 hr fitness? What did they say? That's crazy.

    I love my digital watch display. It really tells you to keep movin without having to get on the computer. I get online sometimes and get easily sidetracked, then an hour later I am thinking darn, I could've burned a lot of calories in the time I sat in front of the computer.

    I was kinda bad diet wise over the Holiday, gotta get back on track.:smile2:

  17. Darby, I think I remember reading a post where they said they bought a used one off of Ebay, Craig's list, whatever, that it did cost $199 to activate it. If it is purchased new, and the serial number was never activated on Apex.com, then it should be the prices above. $99 for a year. after the 3 month free subscription.

    If anyone can, try to buy it at the 24 hour fitness club, no shipping and immediate gratification. You do not have to be a member, just walk in. They probably will ask if u wanna join, then tell them what you want.

  18. Wow how cool you have something to really drive you. 2 sizes smaller NO pressure there. I have no doubt in my mind that you can do it. With or without a fill you know what you have to do. The dieting part is not easy, but it can happen. It is the minute we quit doing W/W or Jenny Craig or Atkins whatever your diet of choice may be and when we aren't gung ho working out and going to the gym, that is when the beauty of the band will come into play. Because it is after all that hard work and determination, the weight creeps back on soooooooo fast and easy. that's not fair it doesn't fall off that easy. I am learning from my body bugg (the one's the biggest losers wear) that to lose weight, you have to burn a heck of a lot more than you consume. I have to create a defecit of over 1,000 calories a day just to lose 2 pounds a week. I currently am 4 weeks postop with my appetite back with a vengence. Am I starving myself........no. I take in 1200-1400 cals a day. Do I endulge in something I have a taste for.......yes. Do I feel guilty.....no, I just don't eat half a pizza anymore, or half a bag of Snacks or a whole entree and an appetizer. Its uncanny how I only eat about 1/4 of what I used to. It feels wonderful. My weightloss has stalled for now (not a surprise) now it is just time to get moving. I am so proud of you. You have some of the most wonderful years ahead of you. I loved the 20's. I would have loved them more at an ideal weight of myself at 130 instead of 170-180. I was so stupid to pass things up because I thought I was too fat or ugly. My only regret in life is to not get my weight under control back then. You're awesome...........Good Luck!!!!!!!!!

  19. Report her first. Try to secretly record her so you have proof. Go hi tec, wear a wire. LOL Tell her she is a sad miserable Bi**h and you can't believe she is a Christian. Tell her she better get off your A** oe she will be sorry. That would really be frustrating to walk outside after a long hard day of work to find you have 4 flat tires. FYI, just get someone else to do the flattening. She might get the hint. Don't let her know u did it. Karma is a beautiful thing. :wink2: I'll go off on her for you. what's her email? LOL. Hang in there.

  20. Wow WCFG I am so sorry for your losses. I can honestly say I feel your pain that way. I moved in and took of my father for the last 2-3 years. Through cancer, stroke then Alzheimers until he was taken by a massive heart attack right on the kitchen floor in front of me and my 10 year old son at the end of last year. Which was a blessing in disguise that he went so quick. But no matter how much you may pray for God to take that loved one out of pain, you are never ready for that moment when they take their last breath. It took all I had not to do CPR, I felt so helpless. The minutes never went by so slowly. And my mother was also sick when I was in highschool. She was just in her 5 yr remission with breast cancer when it came back as ovarian cancer and *poof* she was gone in months. I have yet to recover from that. Time does not heal some things. I also held the hand of a young man who died of AIDS. I was there for his last breath. He was a patient of mine on and off while I did my clinicals at the hospital. It was so sad. Not one person was with him when he passed except myself. I called the nurse as the number of breaths whittled down.

    My heart really does go out to you. Your right, some people will never even fathom what you have seen or experienced. All we can do is go on and draw strength from the memories of our loved ones. Kind of live each day as healthy as we can in their honor. You deserve happiness and love, we all do. So if you have a not so good day, brush it off and do your best the next. Life is so precious, we should not be sitting around wondering if we are failures but give it our best to enjoy each day we are given. You are my inspiration today WCFG, to go out and knock out my walk that I was getting ready to say forget it, because I am already tired. Thank you.:biggrin2:

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